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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. I have visited beautiful Commodore, PA along Route 286. And the highway that stretches between Arizona and North Carolina is Route 64. I will buy California Games on C64 the first day it comes out on the VC, which is more than I can say for Earthbound.
  2. I've been on the fence for months to head over to the video game store one town over and pick up Yobo's newest console that plays NES, SNES, and Genesis carts (it's called the FC3 Plus, for anyone interested in Googling it). Your concerns about compatibility issues are exactly what's been keeping me from getting one. Not only that, but I've taken care of my systems over the years, and they all still work pretty well, even my old toaster NES. On the other hand, I have an NES, an original SNES, a Genesis 3, an N64, and a Dreamcast all hooked up to one outlet in addition to an A/V switcher and two TV sets (one for gaming, one for cable), and I swear to God this place will go up in flames soon. I also keep hearing that with each new console and revision, Yobo keeps getting closer and closer to original NES perfection. I'm also told that SNES and Genesis emulation on this system is flawless. For me, it's an issue between convenience and performance. I'd love to save both space and electrical power, but I also want to play my games how I remember them. EDIT: alright, I found a great review of this system over at the Digital Press forums, and I've pretty much made up my mind to not get this thing. The pros don't outweigh the cons, and it's not like I have every single system thats plugged in on at the same time or anything.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j1bMU0tlIw I love love love LOVE the storyboard animation for this remix. I can't listen to Knuckleduster without imagining it.
  4. I believe the holiday was named for the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, in which six members of Bugs Moran's gang were gunned down by men who were most likely (but never proven) members of Al Capone's gang on February 14, 1929. Or it was named after some old priest. One or the other. @Maco: I'm not saying that your opinion is wrong. I agree with it, just not as strongly.
  5. You know what's weird? I don't agree with the holiday either, yet I really, really hate this sentiment. Granted, I have personal reasons for disliking today other than that generic "blah blah blah i'm always single bawwwwwwwww my life sucks" bullshit. But this really seems like a discussion that's better for PPR, and I don't dare post there, lest I get torn apart.
  6. 'Mega Man 2003' by Gecko Yamori 'Green Hill Zone (Euroclub '95 Mix)' by Rayza
  7. http://info.sonicretro.org/2xSaI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_art_scaling_algorithms The gist of it is that it's an algorithm that "cleans up" pixelated graphics for modern displays.
  8. If someone's doing a Crusin' USA mix, I swear to God I'll record myself saying the arcade opening in a deep announcer voice. "COMING SOON TO YOUR HOME IN 1995! ONLY ON NINTENDO ULTRA 64!" I'll even sing the goddamn intro music.
  9. *coughpittsburghisn'ttoofarawayfrompunxsycough*
  10. ...and here come the lonely guys, haha. *coughditchhalcyonandgetwiththemurmelicough*
  11. I'm sorry to say that I only one one vinyl record, that being The Dethalbum by Dethklok. I had to special order that one at the record store one town over from here, and it sounds awesome in my Philco vinyl/cassette/cd player.
  12. I just dug around and found the box. It also had Epic and Paperboy 2. I also want to mention Jetpack, a real favorite puzzle game/platformer of mine. I've heard rumors from the creator about a sequel in the works right now for this one.
  13. Obvious troll is obvious. But since you're such a ghetto nigger rap star: answer me this. I read this article you posted, but now it only raises more questions. What in the blue Hell does "stop my shine" mean? Are people trying to keep Solluljula Dude from collecting enough shine to fight Bowser? Edit: I also love how he never directly answered the "Superman dat ho" rumor. He only just passed it off as the song being old, so it's not relevant anymore, just like his career.
  14. And now we've come full circle. Edit: that LEGO video's the first time I've actually heard Soulja Boi's song. What in the blue Hell does "Superman that ho" mean?
  15. Let me guess, those three games came in a compilation with RoboCop 3D, a Might & Magic game, and some version of Chessmaster?
  16. I've been excited for this one for a while, too. I read the wiki link, and I had no clue that this was based on some Japanese TV show about classic video games. That's cool.
  17. Anyone who thinks LEGOs are lame must've had an awful childhood.
  18. I've had Splash Woman on loop for a couple days now, it's fantastic. The Bailout and Run N Gun are great, but I like the flow on Get Equipped the most. A great second album, no doubt.
  19. Oh, nice find. I've seen a bunch of these posted here and there on 4chan, but I wasn't aware they were all coming from one website.
  20. Christopher L. Keevar post in this thread
  21. LuketheXjessie post in this thread
  22. I wish you'd stop procrastinating for, like, 4 or 5 years and get this album done. Christ.
  23. So yeah, I pretty much mirror what other people have said: the game is awesome, but it's pretty damn hard. I can't get a single medal on anything. The 8bit covers are awesome (in fact, I had downloaded SnoBro's Sweet Child O' Mine NES rom just last month before I'd even heard of this game), but what's up with the a-Ha track? Maybe I'm not such a big fan of that band, but that's a pretty obscure song to go with. I could understand not wanting to use Take On Me, but how about The Living Daylights? I like that one. But yeah, I sure hope they get on board and make Dpad Hero II even more awesome.
  24. Holy Hell, yes. One of my favorite recent soundtracks with an awesome list of artists (GeckoYamori, Danimal, Darke, CHM, AND Mazedude on the same project? *EXPLODES*). I'm absolutely excited as hell for this one. Good luck!
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