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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. Well, like Quinn said, it was his first stab at guitar. Guitar isn't his weapon of choice. At first I really didn't like them either, but they really have grown on me.
  2. No. That's why the fret noises are kinda loud. I mentioned that to Quinn a while ago. But I think, all in all they add something cool to the mix.
  3. I've heard this since its initial concept stages and I have to say the end result is one of Quinn's best works. Great guitar work, and awesome strings. I love the huge reverb, it particularly lends itself well to piece. One has the feeling of being underwater. Very interesting ambiance. Great work. One of the best Final Fantasy VI mixes I've heard.
  4. Starts of with amazing piano work by MC, my favorite pianist in either OC/Vgmix. Then quickly moves to a more electronic flavor, with strings and groovy drum work. I love the melodic and harmonic expantion in this. That's saying a lot given how great the original is. SGX then adds vocal effects and phrases from the game in this, and all are handled very smoothly. No complaints at all. This is one of my favorites and one of the best game mixes I've heard. Smashing work!
  5. Very, very nice. This has definitely stood up to the test of time. Everything else everyone has said is true. On the other hand I think, this is very much dependent on the excellent source material (Joanne Hogg's voice from the xenogears soundtrack). Anything with her voice is bound to be good. I still prefer the original much more, but this is still a very high quality mix. Excellent work given the difficult source material.
  6. Unlike anything else out there. Ethereal.
  7. This is one of my favorite game tracks from my childhood. Not Israfel's best my any means, but still pretty darn amazing. My single complaint is that I'd like the melody (strings) to be much louder. The samples are like Israfel's other mixes, top notch and he knows how to use them. The arranging is very creative. The new additions included are so seamless that most probably could not detect all the new things added. My favorite part comes past halfway when the meat of the mix emerges. Sweet genre blending too. It's surprising this hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Chalk up another great one to Israfel.
  8. What is that buzzing instrument? I really did not like that. I found it distracting. That flaw aside, this really, really great work! The reverb is perfect. It makes it much more atmospheric. More mixes from this game please (preferably from you). Also your Triton is sweet with a capital S.
  9. I can't say I enjoyed this too much. This genre doesn't really appeal to me, and I think the melody is too buried in the mix. But I will say DJ Crono has an ear for music. The sequencing done on this mix is very good work. OT: DJ Crono, I know you've been promoting your original work here and there. I did check them out, and while I think the vocals could be better. The music you make for your intended genre is spot on. I do really like your keyboard 'backing' parts. I also find your originals to be mesmerizing. You don't have subliminal messages in there, do you? Like I said, although your style is not really my thing, I can definitely see your creative abilities. Good work.
  10. I'm guessing this is the same one as was posted on vgmix almost a year ago? Possibly the best work by either of the mixers involved. Nice work!
  11. As everyone has said, this is top notch. The reverb size is perfect too. Well done.
  12. Wow, this brings back memories. I pretty much echo what everyone else has said. My favorite parts in this mix are the gorgeous piano intro and pizz usage. They really make the piece as far as I'm concerened. The samples on the whole, are excellent. Perfect reverb too. This is my favorite piece in the game, and you've certainly done it justice. Beautiful work!
  13. It's nice to see a mix of this genre and style go up. The whole vibe of this mix is just lovely. I'm a sucker for nice, slow, chill songs. Great work.
  14. Nice work. My main problem with this is that it's too short. It is hard to beat the original, but that is not the fault of the mixer. Seriously, make more from this series. If you've never heard music from this series, then you have no alternative but to get this. Overall, cool. Looking forward to hearing more from VotF.
  15. I would like to second that. More Ninja Gaiden mixes! Jose where are you, get on 'it' please. ^_~
  16. Being very familiar with this mix, and both mixers who produced this - I have to admit this isn't my favorite mix in Kwix's repertoire, as this is an earlier work. I think his newer work is a bit more daring and distinctly different in genre compared to originals. However with that being said, Kwix did a very good job on this, and certainly a solid OC debut. As DJP noted Israfel did the recording and a few touch ups, and it does show. The production is of high quality like Israfel's other works. In all, if you're looking for epic orchestral mixes, you'll have a hard time finding one at this level. Very good, epic and quality work.
  17. Quinn couples his synthlike ambience with a jazzy touch. The synths and pads are all perfect, with drums that ooze flavor. The recording and mixing is also a notch above quinn's normal releases. I've had this for some months now and I've yet to tire of it. I have nothing to really complain about. This is what Quinn mixes are all about. If you're unfortunate enough not to have heard of QF, I highly recommend grabbing this and mamabrain. Smashing work by any standard.
  18. If you want something fun to listen to this is definitely one to check out. This is a lot like Jose's Golden Axe and Magician Lord mix. Jose's personal style is one that's pretty unique in our community. Cool.
  19. Cool. This is just one of those chill songs, dreamy even. I'd like to see quinn do more of this kind of style.
  20. I thought this was pretty enjoyable. I'd like to see more from this artist, that's for certain. As someone suggested about more Skies of Arcadia music, I don't know about that, since the original is pretty perfect. Hard to top the original, perhaps impossible. Good work though.
  21. I've had this for a while now, but prior to getting this I was of the thinking that no one should dare mix this amazing song. However, SuperGreenX has taken a fantastic ethnic piece kept some of it in spirit and added some electronic stylings. The execution is top notch, as are the samples. In the end a mix is judged by how enjoyable it is, and this ranks highly. I look forward to your future works, which I trust will be from this series? Fantastic work SGX.
  22. I'm pleasantly surprised this finally made it to OC and got positive comments all around from the judges, given their high standards. Thanks as well to those who took time to review this one, it is very much appreciated.
  23. I'm surprised the judges were divided on this, especially given that this is absolutely stunning in every respect, get it now. I don't really have much to say, because the level of work this remixer constantly produces is nothing short of amazing. Israfel/MD is arguably the most underated remixer in our little community. If you haven't heard anything from this mixer, check this and Tears for a Moonlit Knight.
  24. This is the best mix of this theme that I've heard. I've had this mix for some months now thanks to VGmix, and I still have yet to tire from it. The drums in this are so fun, catchy and cool. They make the mix as far as I'm concerned. I disagree with some of the criticisms that have been leveled against this mix - mono sounding and drums having too heavy a reverb. I do listen by headphones, so even relatively big reverbs sound crisp and clear. Personally, I like the one reverb approach, it's a more realistic soundscape. A great mix, that ranks second to Mamabrain (in terms of what Quinn has on OC. He has better ones from a while back on vgmix that I expect will be making it to OC in the next few weeks/months). Super work and highly enjoyable.
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