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Everything posted by Overdriven

  1. So Much More... - Bentley Jones (AKA LeeBro) Song is actually really good. I like a lot of his stuff.
  2. Prospekt's March - Coldplay
  3. Thanks. As you can probably already tell, I like Daft Punk. A lot. Closing Time - Semisonic
  4. The Chosen One form the ShadowTH game.
  5. Colorblind - Counting Crows
  6. That can be said for all sonic games (the music part, not the level of greatness of the game itself.) Sonic is one of the few franchises that has a soundtrack that you can listen to outside of the game and enjoy for a prolonged period of time. Best VGM in the VGM kingdom, other than TRON: Evolution in a few select cases. Anyway: Endless Possibilities from Sonic Unleashed
  7. Rinzler - Daft Punk (Again). Best Villain/Badass/Anti-hero theme EVER. Kicks all ass.
  8. Castor - Daft Punk Odd since it's on shuffle on my 360 and THIS of all things shows up during a multiplayer match on TRON: Evolution. Never expected this to be as fitting as it is...... TRON: Evolution FTW, BTW.
  9. Whatever. You go do that. I'm going to go back to the Legacy OST since it is that epic. Rinzler - Daft Punk
  10. Then he should type the entire title, TRON 2.0, that's what. And the TRON: Legacy OST is way more popular. Sabotage - Beastie Boys
  11. A) It's not TRON2, or TR2N, it's TRON: Legacy, and We/I know that. I posted half the album on here. Glad someone here shares my tastes in music, that usually doesn't happen...... Oh yeah: Endless Possibilities - Jaret Reddick Yes, that's the Sonic Unleashed theme song. In case I got the artist wrong somehow, which with these is somewhat likely....
  12. Escape Into the Twilight - Skrypnyk I do so love NiGHTS, even though I played only a small portion. Once I get enough money I'll see if I can get it on WiiWare if they have it......
  13. "Teach Me How To Bungie" - Team Headkick Look it up on Youtube, freakin' hilarious XD
  14. But I bought that album! Anyway: Reach for The Stars - Cash Cash
  15. Daft Punk? Odd. I'm an avid fan of theirs and I've never heard of that track.... Anyway, the new Darkesword ReMix of FFV, "Little Black Book." Great mix.
  16. Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins
  17. Back 2 Skala - ambient and Skrypnyk
  18. Nightingale - Norah Jones Finally got off of the TRON ...for now! XD
  19. I have been contemplating trying a few Mystery Dungeon tracks, maybe I can throw this in there as well, but it won't show up for a long time (I both work slow and am not too good at this. yet.)
  20. I can't really help you. Too obviously obsessed with TRON at the moment to listen to anything else. Oh, and: Flynn Lives- Daft Punk
  21. The Son of Flynn - Daft Punk
  22. Rinzler - Daft Punk Wow, I'm like, every three posts today? Geez, I'm bored.......
  23. You got that right. Amazing stuff. And its Daft Punk. BTW: Derezzed - Daft Punk. Knowing me I'm going to end up posting the whole album on here
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