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Everything posted by Overdriven

  1. DUBSTEP ZELDA!!! I have been waiting for a long time for dubstep ReMix on here, and I'm getting a lot more than I bargained for with this mix. Simply epic.
  2. Read Yellow - Read Yellow Heh.
  3. Soleil - Read Yellow I actually had a relative in this band. First cousin, to be exact. They're not half bad. But I swear, their stuff is going to drag me head-first into death-metal, and I'm going to end up a cynical, mindless metalhead like my friend, which I have been avoiding for the past year and a half.........
  4. Waiting For The End - Linkin Park Going through a sort of recursion phase, not sure if I've posted some of this stuff already, but it's still just as awesome. =D
  5. Birdland - Buddy Rich Big Band
  6. Bubble Junkie - Ben Briggs This whole album is awesome, I love it!
  7. The Sound of Speed - OA, Scaredsim
  8. Solar Sailer (Remixed by Pretty Lights) - Daft Punk - TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D This track is the shit..
  9. Derezzed (The Glitch Mob Remix) - Daft Punk TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D FTW!!!!! !
  10. Rockin' The Suburbs (Over The Hedge Version) - Ben Folds feat. William Shatner This is a surprising awesome song. d-_-b lml
  11. WOW. AMAZING. MOAR. Love the percussion and the piano and just about everything. Keep it up.
  12. Ben Briggs' Attention Deficit album - Benji Needs A Lawyer
  13. Knight of the Wind - Crush 40 SATBK FTW
  14. Hey, just dropping by to say that I think Attention Deficit is really good. My personal favorite track is Benji Needs A Lawyer. Nice work.

  15. Well said, I do agree on this. I've been gradually learning theory for electronic, and I've had people asking me "Why the hell do you need theory? Can't you just pull some awesome beat from midair and base it off that?" For what I want to do? No, I can't. Also a good point, unfortunately. This sort of music seems to permeate the music industry at the moment, my main irks being the Black Eyed Peas (especially will.i.am and his many questionable methods of making music) and people like Justin Bieber (Who can apparently sing well and grab the occasional guest and make records with shit music). On the flip side, there are many musicians who are unsung, and should garner more attention from their work.
  16. The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin
  17. Valentine's Day - Linkin Park One of the more depressing songs I've listened to, but it' still a good song. It's just very depressing.
  18. Open Your Heart (Crush 40 vs. Bently Jones Remix) - Crush 40 & Bently Jones LeeBro's got some sick style, I gotta hand it to the guy. Throw Crush 40 in the mix, and OMG.............
  19. Because that song is awesome. But not as awesome as: TRON:Legacy (End Titles) - Daft Punk
  20. I love this track. Nice little upbeat Mix to listen to whenever. Not much else to say.
  21. Wretches and Kings - Linkin Park
  22. In The End - Linkin Park
  23. I DO NOT LIKE SONY. AT ALL. They ruined Sonic Heroes. >( Their headphones are good, but I'm soon replacing those ANYWAY with better ones. And Sony has always been annoying and controlling with how they've done stuff. Just look at RE:3 and RE: Code Veronica. Those were title swaps because they essentially blackmailed Capcom into keeping the RE series on their console. Capcom fought back later by going to the Gamecube the next game. They ALSO forced SEGA to reprogram Sonic Heroes IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DEVELOPMENT for a console it was NEVER DESIGNED FOR, thus ruining the game. I do not like Sony. Never have, never will, until they wake the hell up and realize they can't control everything.
  24. I Will Not Bow -Breaking Benjamin
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