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Everything posted by Overdriven

  1. Dearly Beloved - KH OST
  2. TM usage is somewhat helpful, but I'm not too fond of the whole "I WANT POWER but I'm going to be cool and smart about it" vibe from Cheren, who is also a bit.....condescending. They did great with N as the bad guy though. And aren't those two in the same evolutionary family? So you won't need to trade for them.........unless I'm getting names confused. Anyway, I love the stuff they've done with this generation. While the starters look dumb (with the exception of Snivy) they all evolve into pretty cool forms later on. Same with a lot of other Pokemon, but some of them are pretty cool and it's not enough to actually kill the game. The music is nice, but I do still hope there's more to be heard, stuff tends to sound the same after a bit. Oh, and Victini is friggin' powerful, so if you can, grab it. FC: 4598 8790 3763 Version: Black
  3. I actually like this track. Don't know why, but I do. Maybe that's my Pokemon fanaticism, but then again it is a very nicely done ReMix.
  4. You're kidding me. I had no clue until I listened to it after you brought that up, but now I'm recognizing some of the instruments. Nice job then. But I do have a much older version of Garageband, and I have been saving for Logic. Oops, looks like I'm unveiling secrets already. Silly me. But in all honesty, there's enough material within the games to create multiple albums, this shouldn't simply stop here if this is what we get. It's too epic for that.
  5. I love that band. They are HILARIOUS. Anyway, On The Origin Of Species (Evolution) - ProtoDome Can't get this track out of my head.........
  6. WANT. I really hope another Pokemon album starts up, because once I get my equipment for better ReMixing (Since I'm essentially stuck with GarageBand right now and can't make anything sounding remotely professional) I am TOTALLY jumping on the bandwagon. Awesome tracks. I love what was done with some themes (Jigglypuff Choir was too funny for its own good, and ProtoDome being able to take the short Evolution theme and making it a 1:35 long track is very impressive.), while others are simply amazing. Great variety within the tracks, the ReMixers have all outdone themselves, and the span over the four generations is a great thing to see (hear?). Again, I really hope we get to see another Pokemon album sometime later on, because if this is the result, then a second album would be an amazing opportunity for more great music from amazing sources. Personal favorites so far are: Rain Prayer - ProtoDome Nice, mellow, relaxing. Not much else to be said. Blue Haze - Rozovian, WillRock Again, relaxing, but with a more far off feel, giving the idea of some nice place somewhere down the road. On The Origin Of Species - ProtoDome The Evolution theme. ReMixed. And it's 1:35 long, good, and STILL CATCHY. Props. Although it's hard to get this out of my head..... Bullet For My Piloswine - WillRock, halc, ProtoDome LOL. Best intro EVER. XD The mix is great, plain and simple. Divine Olivine - Chrono, DragonAvenger For some reason, certain parts of this remind me of Robo's theme in CT. Odd...... But anyway, the tune is nice, happy, light, and the vocals overtop are great. Interesting use of percussion as well. I am going to be listening to this album for a LONG time. Definitely something to recommend to friends.
  7. Wow, this has to be one of THE BEST OCR albums I've listened to so far. This song is one of four songs I am now constantly listening to. The track reminds me of something like.....well, I don't know what it reminds me of, except for the themes that were ReMixed. Props to all three of you guys, you did great!
  8. Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park
  9. Some remixed version of The Catalyst by Linkin Park. Barely seems like a remix though........
  10. Solar Sailer - Daft Punk
  11. Waiting For The End - Linkin Park This really helps you relax.....
  12. The Catalyst - Linkin Park Between this and Waiting For The End I am never going to get LP out of my head........
  13. Cracks (Flux Pavillion Remix) - Freestylers feat. Belle Humble
  14. It is a good mix. I've listened to it a lot over the past few days..... But........ Innocence - Nero
  15. In an ironic contrast, I am in fact listening to dubstep. Broken String - Tek-One
  16. Kyur4 Th Ich - Linkin Park
  17. Session - Linkin Park
  18. Around The World - Daft Punk
  19. Good, that means I did a good job. Enjoy!

  20. Stockholm Syndrome - Muse
  21. Aquatic Base ~Level 2~ - Sonic 2006 OST. All you (secret) Base are belong to us! >: )
  22. Dreams Of An Absolution [LB vs JS Remix] - Lee Brotherton & Jun Senoue
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