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Everything posted by Overdriven

  1. That actually sounds like an amazingly fun little idea.............. And yes, region hopping is what we all have been wanting since Gen III.
  2. Took me what, eight tries to beat him? On easy? As for Coded, I think the best section was the Coliseum's take on turn-based action. But wow, a May-July release? Seriously? Wow, that gives me something to entertain myself with while waiting for the next Pokemon release set.....Plus a fun new game for down time during my various summer programs......
  3. I think that system would work amazingly well. That, plus the ability to go to other (previous) regions. If they did that like they did in Gen II, then the games would last SO MUCH LONGER and be that much more epic.
  4. That's my general approach as well....Although I do try to obtain the other starters later on from friends for Pokedex completion......
  5. I have a feeling that's gonna happen rather easily. But that said, what about those that have all level 100 pokemon? That'd make the game too easy. Probably a bit of both; you get some guys from your game and some you have to re-catch or whatever.
  6. See, I brought that up elsewhere and was called out as insane. But I still think that would be a really cool idea. And I thin they will start you out as a new character, just possibly in a different region or town after the events of Black and White.
  7. That's gonna take a while to code all of that for a world that big........... That said, They've got a jump start using the Pokedex 3D, so maybe it will happen that way. But if it does go full 3D then I want to be able to control the actual Pokemon in battle.....But I'm not sure how big the world would be..... Again, THAT being said, Ocarina crammed its whole expanse into a 3DS game card, so making a large, open Pokemon world would not be impossible, so we'll see........
  8. Cel-shaded-style Pokemon? In 3D? Yes please. Want. that said, who knows what the Pokemon Company's next project is going to be? Personally, I want one where the fights are more Chrono-Trigger-like, that'd be a fun twist......
  9. Two words: HELL. YES. I can't wait for these to show up, how come I gotta wait until fall?? :[
  10. So, things so far: Ralts is no longer a Ralts. Ralts is now Kirlia. Combusken kicks ass. Aron! w00t! Two gym badges. Trying to ready myself for Wattson. Grinding Aron's levels until he learns some better ground-type moves...... No deaths yet. YET. I'm praying to God after that last battle against May..........Nearly lost half my team........
  11. Sounds like an idea. I'll start doing that. It's already level 9 and started kicking ass, but yeah, I am NOT losing that one. Too useful later on.
  12. I would disagree. Days was VERY fun. Except for That One Boss, the one in the graveyard in Halloween Town, it was a great game. Re: Coded wasn't bad either. It was unorthodox, but fun. I have hopes for KH:3D. Just sucks that I have to wait forever for it to get here to the US......
  13. They did, but by doing so without Samus speaking much at all outside of Metroid Fusion, it's easy to miss......
  14. I have one right now and personally I love it. Two Rare Candies, an Ultra Ball, and a PP Up and I havent even beat Roxanne yet. Still find it insane that I actually have a Ralts though. I blame my friend. He jinxed it.
  15. Other M was a disaster. They completely went against the established character of the protagonist. This is ESPECIALLY true if you read the manga that precedes Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission. That actually gives Samus a surprising amount of depth in her character, considering the fact that she's mostly a silent protagonist. Although, personally, I think Square Enix is getting better at making good, tasteful female characters these days (and I have two in mind: Lightning and Xion from FFXIII/FFXIII-2 and the Kingdom Hearts series, respectively.) Lightning looks attractive, but isn't overtly sexualized much at all and has a backstory for her character that gives her actual depth (she still is given the ass-kicking archetype, but in this case she's ex-military and has multiple reasons for acting the way she does, instead of just being the one who beats everyone to a pulp because she can like so many female characters do these days). Xion was a great character, good fighter, humorous at some times, serious at others, and really made you like her even in the end of the game not so much because of anything involving her gender in particular, but because of the way her character was built. Hell, her gender only really matters because they're playing off of Sora's memories with her as the plot device to do so (she IS supposed to embody his memories of Kairi, after all.)
  16. Yeah, I almost lost my starter to one earlier today.........VERY lucky it survived....
  17. So I heard about the Pokemon Nuzlocke challenge and I'm giving it a go on my Pokemon Ruby Version. Wondering if anyone has tried it before and has any tips or anything for it.
  18. Good track, but this guy is already on my bad side saying all the 3D games are bad (especially Generations, I love that game). Music-wise, though, it's pretty cool dubstep. Well done, for the most part.
  19. Thanks! I don't usually see myself as the best, but I like to think I can hold my own. 8)

  20. Cascade (Cutline Remix) - The Prototypes
  21. Fire Woman - Crush 40
  22. My thoughts exactly. Although he does house and trance as well. So maybe the next deadmau5 as well as the next Skrillex? Speaking of the mau5: Ghosts 'n' Stuff (ft. Rob Swire) - deadmau5
  23. Quite the track. I prefer Bagarang myself, but the Kyoto is next on the list. However, I am currently listening to THIS:
  24. L.A.X. - Big D and the Kids Table Ska FTW.
  25. .....there's a Skrillex song called Bangarang? I certainly haven't heard of it...... But speaking of Skrillex, I'm listening to his Levels remix, and it is AWESOME.
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