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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Star Tropics

    Second one would be easier to get into nowadays, but the first one is the better game in all respects. It's ridiculously hard, as most NES games are. Word of warning: You will need to go to GameFAQs at least once during the game.

    Holy smokes! I never even tried the second one...but the first was my first RPG-ish victory.

  2. This also is in my favorites collection. An OCR classic, I'd say. I'm not familiar with the source material, but I like the use of the chiptune. And the composition is layered with nuancet though it makes me think more of The City of Lost Children than Amelie.

    The tone is just - not bizarre, nor arcane, but eccentric. The tone takes me back to childhood playing NES games I never quite understood but was fascinated with nonetheless.

  3. I really dig the smooth vibe, here. Music of this style is my favorite. I don't mean to disrespect the source material here, but it makes me think of PilotWings (SNES).

    Anyway, thought you'd like to know I used this in a presentation on day 2 of my orientation/training with the AICPA. We were told to whip up a quick PowerPoint on one of the member discounts. I asked if music was allowed. 'Twas verily, so a quick hit to the site, download, import - it turned out to be the most enjoyed presentation of the group; with no small thanks to the music. :)

  4. I'm not sure what it is... It's not outright dissonance - but something doesn't seem quite right. The main melody and the march melody seem to be off-key or something.

    I think the idea of the mash-up is a great one. They're two great themes that could make wonderful musical babies - it just seems this version needs a little more time gestating.

  5. Heh, I agree with Spakku in that I keep waiting for the Bond guitar to kick in during the intro. However, my opinion diverges from there...

    The guitar's pretty balls-out awesome - but the little off-timings and such need to be tightened up. The solo in the middle is cool, and then from the ending on I really dig it. I'd advise to just work on that first section after the intro.

  6. Bumblebee confirmed to sacrifice himself by flying into said big cloud.

    Because we all know Camaros can fly. And its Transformers.

    Well, if I recall correctly, in the original cartoon all the Transformers could fly when they were in robot form.

    And is it just me or does the architecture of Cybertron look somewhat similar to Bombman's stage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ16d-qpBEE&feature=fvw

  7. That's a really good interview.

    And even though the action is different, the pacing still seems to be about the same. There are parts in Super Metroid where you're exploring along then happen across an action area. Move on, explore more, heavy action again. Though maybe that fits better in the Prime games - and maybe I'm just talking out of my rear here, as I've only beaten Prime 1, got halfway through Prime 2 (the alternate worlds, combined with going through Twilight Princess concurrently, were just getting to be annoying), then through the first couple areas of Prime 3.

    All that to say, this might convince me to buy the game and borrow a friend's console for a Metroid Wiikend.

  8. They were providing cover fire? Thing's so fast I could hardly keep track. But in the screen where they appear for the first time, it looks like she locks onto them with her targeting computer. Of course, that could just be how she avoids hitting them if they are friendly...

  9. Bionic Commando: Rearmed - PC

    The Orange Box - PC (But I've only played Portal)

    Braid - PC

    DDR Maxx2 - PS2

    If you count emulators then I have bunches more for the NES, SNES, and Genesis.

    Oh! Just remembered - the Sega Smash Pack for PC, too.

    Used to be a console gamer, but going back to school has severely crunched the time. I still dig the scene (or at the very least, the idea of it) which is why I keep up with OCR (and the wonderfully free music) and Joystiq and other sites.

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