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Everything posted by Epicenter

  1. Well I can see how it could easily be buried in all those pretzels.
  2. I ended up being camera guy and ... um, official OCR water boy? (Curses!) Where'd that video end up, Brush?
  3. Maybe if you didn't type by putting your cat on a keyboard sprinkled with treats, you wouldn't enter your password incorrectly so often. Hah!
  4. This just in! The all-new OCAD Bumper Competition is on! Best contribution wins the Super Mega Hyper Secret Mystery Box of Unknown Contents. Shaking of mystery box prior to judging is NOT permitted. Example bumper, from OCAD's lovable mascot, Microsoft Ryan: http://lemonsinseries.com/ocad/bumpers/ryan_says_hi.mp3 edit: HEY I said no shaking
  5. Howdy :) Have you had the time to make a sig picture for me, of the OCAD variety? :) Thanks!

  6. As for the MAGcast, I'm sure it's nothing some clever editing can't fix. For the first half, I'd recommend using the video with subtitles where necessary, and for the 2nd half when the video cuts out and the audio is still there, roll some of Brian's footage from his Burger King 720p camcorder. Or some stock footage from Ed Wood movies.
  7. Had an AWESOME time at MAGfest this year-- a shoutout to Brushfire for graciously hosting so many of us OCR folks, and let's all hope his wife doesn't kill him so he can show up for MAGfest 9. It was awesome meeting all of you! I'm looking forward to seeing photos/videos from the event and am currently dumping all the photos from me and Brian's cameras; expect HD goodness from Brushfire soon too. Our live OCAD recording session went better than expected despite multiple equipment failures, poor placement and near-nonexistant lighting, and numerous scheduling snafus, we managed to attract a crowd of about 30 total viewers/contributors. We recorded video and audio and this is looking to be one of our best podcasts yet if not THE best, can't wait to share it with you!
  8. Giving a coupla photos to Level 99 -- thanks! :)

  9. Updated OCAD site with the new linkage. Thanks for teh hostorzizing. This episode is dedicated to our fallen hero. Godspeed, Bill.
  10. Recording all over! Slug Bonus 40,000 You're great! I'm laughing so hard from this recording session that my everything hurts. Might not be available for Part 2 of Ep7 due to a prior obligation, but we'll see. Hasta banana duders.
  11. k give me your desired usernames and I'll give you temp passwords. Contact me on my phone at lemons.in.series@gmail.com Also let me know for sure when we're recording tomorrow. Ideally 9, I won't be home til 8 or so. Thanks.
  12. At least I have ONE fan. Next time I won't be a six pack deep and stumbling through the podcast. Stevo-- we getting SGX on this week? That'd be orshum. Hope you guys like the site. I personally think it's horrendous. But it works
  13. gentlemen! BEHOLD! The OCADy Awards 1999 Prototype Award! EDIT: now with 100% more image!
  14. That was my assumption, yes. We need to invite this guy on the show.
  15. The planets aligned and made tonight's podcast recording session a complete and utter disasterpiece. Thanks to Brushfire's complete lack of event cooridination talent and the tragic onset of Hurricane Katrina 2, we suffered a disastrous guest interview, a dead microphone, and Microsoft Sam. We're gonna try this again tomorrow. Lighting candles and sacrificing a medium-sized goat in preparation.
  16. I have been risen from my grave in New Jersey by radiation from a NASA probe returning from Venus. I am replacing my headset with a better one, and downgraded to cell phone internet. Huzzah! Nachos all around!
  17. I am offended by pretty much everything Brushfire says. Replace all of it with contemporary jazz. Also, yes, I badly need a new mic.
  18. I'll be there-- I also have a friend or two who will be tagging along/carpooling with me. I'll be out of Joisey and coming up from Atlanta at that point. Also expect me at the LAN party at Brushfire's place.
  19. I am intrigued by this "arcade" prospect. I haven't been to a quality arcade since Japan and Brush, I doubt you have been either. Btw still offering to make beef barayaki for everybody provided youse guys can get some top round beefs and freeze it and I can bring all the other essentials in de car. (Brush insisted)
  20. I'll be there if I'm welcome! Thanks for the invite, Brushfire. For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Epicenter, a long-time OCR-goer but first time poster. Some of you probably know me from OatmealCon-- er Otakon 09 and the listening party. Thanks for giving me a good excuse to get the hell out of Jersey for a weekend. Shall I bring the vintage games? I picked up such a ridiculous assortment of retro Japanese games/systems when I was stationed there, I may as well share. Also willing to bring food. I can cook just about whatever anybody wants, so ideas are welcome.
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