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Everything posted by Syndicated.Corpse

  1. Oh very cool This stuff makes my head spin. I've been reading the manual, Abit. And like....I got the Reaper program dl'ed Now I just need to find like sounds, synths, hardward and all that jazz to get me started. And learn ho to work them
  2. You've successfuly confused me. Thats complicated @_@
  3. Lol! Thanks for that Dyne. I am all up on the Reaper Tutorial by DeathbySpoon. I'm all excited. Though, curiously, all music programs use a DAW system?
  4. Thanks guys!!! Now, .dll plugins are the sounds and instruments right? And btw, when I try to dl the manual, it will pop up a new screen and freeze or w/e and not dl. Confused @_@
  5. Is there like a manual/book that teaches the user all the in's and outs of using Reaper? I fiddle yes, but I am more of a analytical person when learning something new. So I like to have a book that I can reference often. Is there such a book? Thanks guys and gals.
  6. True enough, but I'm lazy. and You guys know so yah. Win win. Ah thanks very much! I am dl'ing it now. DAW what is that? Heh that's digital audio workup right @_@ Sorry I know I'm slowing killing you all with my dumbness xD
  7. Newfeg question. What is VST? @_@
  8. Adding for the luls!

  9. XD.

    Random, reminds of me the crab people on South Park :D

    We ...are...teh....crab..people xD

  10. Oh. Derp me. Why didn't I think of that @_@. Golly, anyways, Thanks for a bunch of the help!
  11. Thanks guys!! Anyone know where I can find a full version of FL7 or above? I mean I am sure there are better programs then that. I have a crack version that sucks.
  12. Okay, I don't know where exactly to put this so hopefully I don't get in trouble. I'm a newb when it comes to making music, I know the basics of making music with FL7. But I'm looking for someone who has the time to teach me about the in and outs of music making programs, devices, apparatuses, etc. A turor of sorts. Eep! Don't flame me. Lol. P.S The reason why I ask is because my friend who use to make music with me up and quit. So now it's about me making the music from scratch.
  13. Lul!

    Crabs are tasty! :D

  14. Lol vacation.

    I will try to stay out of the "V-spot"

    Thanks for the heads up.

  15. dear god. I'm glad someone caught that!
  16. xD. I only posted this as a one answer needed question. Then you silly gooses kept on posting. So I did I lurk lots. I think the internet is for one thing. PORN! Lol
  17. True....I've yet to find one that is appropriate for me right now. Ohsnap! I just got told! xD Nah but seriously. No whining here. Just figure it'd be sweet to be able to upload your own avatar. But having a overlord of some sort to cast opinion on peoples choice in avatar choices seems a bit like a Dictator move. EEP! Don't kill me! I'm just opinionated and harmless @_@ -hides-
  18. All up on your page.

    Delivering the webspiders.

  19. Is this Will? :o

    If it is hiya!

  20. But who are you to judge what's stupid or not? You aren't.
  21. Hahah! That was hilarous!
  22. Thank you much for the welcome :D

  23. Can I get this as a Avatar?
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