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Everything posted by GTAHater836

  1. For a month and a half, this project has sat in eerie silence. Production looks like it's been stagnant now for 2 months (progress list should be updated to prove otherwise). That preview is so tantalizing... I sincerely hope this gets released in October.
  2. I see a lot of piiiink off in the distance!
  3. 20 tracks completed. A whopping 6 away from JaDE's goal. I've always wondered how some people manage to claim a track and submit a final WAV in a couple days while others take months. Strader, I've read many passages describing such arguments, but in most of the cases, beer and whiskey caused it.
  4. I'm not shooting at you. Piano renditions are much calmer and simpler in nature than rock, acoustic, electronic, etc. "Less going on" means there's generally just the piano to listen to; usually there aren't multiple instruments.
  5. I already told JaDE that I supported ARMed and DANGerous for the title. Out of everything, it sounds very... How can I describe this?... To the point. Gun LOLsters, despite the pun on Gun Holsters, sounds too comical, if you ask me.
  6. I can't decide which of these tracks I like best. In the Skull Dungeon track, I noticed an oriental instrument I can't figure out the name of. This music is just so intense. (With exceptions like Zorlaxseven's and The Eluryahn's tracks), there's just so much going on. Waiting for Essence of Lime was tough, but now that one's out, waiting however long for Oracle of Seasons should be much easier (I'd be hard-pressed to find reason to complain about the latter half of next year). The important thing is that, official or not, OC Remix has spawned a Legend of Zelda themed album, and one of the most unlikely ones as well!
  7. Three further comments/questions:

    1) I glanced through the K-NGI forums and read somewhere that you and bLiNd were considering ARMed and DANGerous for the Wild ARMs album title. That's just the title I was hoping for! *Prays for you to decide "yes" on it*

    2) Are you going to edit out some scrapped WIPs from the preview track?

    3) How upset are you with those people who've had only 1/4-finished WIPs since before Thanksgiving 2009?

  8. diotrans performing for "The Earth Gals Did Their Best, Huh" is the best claim she's made here (if you ask me). This'll probably even be better than Us Monkeys Together. How could I ask for more (regarding Earth Gals)?

  9. I've learned the hard way from watching it happen: those last few final WAVs on every album are the toughest to get turned in. Post-production (work performed after the last WAV) is even worse. Of course, if you don't mind me asking: Halc, do you expect an average time period for post-production on The Sound of Speed?
  10. I still remember when you said you wanted to incorporate screams in several different voices for your "The Sky Is Being Torn Apart" track. How did the scream-gathering go?

  11. Did I mention how pleased I was with the line-up of new ReMixers on ARMed and DANGerous? Something tells me that when this album succeeds (It's not a matter of "if"!), you'll meet with really good fortune for directing this project and launching these new mixers' stays at OC ReMix...scratch that word "stays". Once an OverClocked ReMixer, always an OverClocked ReMixer!

  12. Bravo, Hitori! I knew you could do it!

  13. Next, unless the schedule is restricted, would you mind updating it on the project forums? I know you haven't carved out a release date, so I'll be satisfied if it lists everything else. I'd very much appreciate that, and I know you haven't listed any schedules in over 3 months...

  14. I've come up with four more questions:

    1) July 10 will mark two months since the previous wav was turned in. Say, for example, that day came, and you still didn't have the last wav. Do you have a plan of action for that scenario? (I'd be ill-prepared if I were director!)

    2) Are the track names confined to the Restricted section of the Essence of Lime forums? (I won't complain if they are)

    3) Do you have your plans laid out yet for Oracle of Seasons? (Tell me if you have the plans, but don't tell me what the plans are if you don't want to)

    4) If I bump the Essence of Lime topic in the Workshop, will I get busted? (It's 1 1/2 months since the last post)

  15. 1) I haven't seen much of the art. Is it in the restricted section?

    2) Are you sending him messages for it every few days like you said you would?

    3) Yet again, I'm surprised I haven't flown off the handle trying to wait for it!

    4) Let me guess: He tried to create another track, but couldn't make something he liked better than the old "Tombstone Factory"...right?

  16. Four questions:

    1) I noticed you had a new Essence of Lime banner themed after the Flames of Sorrow, Destruction, and Despair. Is it for Boss Month?

    2) How is Hitori's Fairies' Woods track coming along?

    3) I read somewhere that you planned a celebrational orchestra-type song for one of the ending themes (I want to say Veran Defeated). Is that still the case?

    4) I also heard TheKrow had to redo the Spirit's Grave track. Will it make more use of the source material?

  17. Is there, by any chance, any way I can sign up for automatic updates on certain ReMixers, projects, etc?
  18. Can I expect Essence of Lime to be released before June 30?

  19. What can you tell us about your Fairie's Woods track?

  20. The wait for Essence of Lime is killing me! Just one more track! [tone=wistful]...and then there's post-production, isn't there?[/tone]

  21. If you release a Portrait of a Plumber EP, will the team go back, finish the album, and give it a full official release?
  22. GTAHater: *Gaaaaaaasp!* ......KYLE!!!! KyleJCRB: Say something, Mr. Hankey! Why would it take that long, after all the measures taken to make 2010 "the year for Super Dodge Ball"?
  23. When I read "The Sound of Speed", I instantly knew it derived from "The Speed of Sound". The Sound was the music, and Speed was Sonic. I wish I'd come up with such a clever title... :envy:
  24. What? Is reggae the most popular genre on this project?
  25. Different from what I expected, but it has to be when you have a soundtrack this popular!
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