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Everything posted by GTAHater836

  1. Took long enough for more Sound of Speed tracks. Now all we need is Shifting Islands, Clockwork Criminal, and Hogtied. By the way, Jewbei, how are you on that Boomerang Flash track for ARMed and DANGerous?
  2. I DID have the right idea. This IS the idyllic ReMix for a snowstorm! I can imagine this track being well-suited to a desolate mountain road that's been closed due to extremely heavy snow. I still think this is Prophecy's best work.
  3. Before I forget, not only is this the first great Dubstep track on O-Clocked, this is also the first great Zelda 1 Underworld track here.
  4. This must be the only dubstep I've ever approved of. I'd shoot it out in River Styx Condominiums to this. Honestly, someone should make a first person shooter map out of River Styx Condos in Hell and make this the theme.
  5. Is there something you want from me, Level 99? I just had to thank Emunator, because though I don't have the next two years planned around these albums, they will still be very important.
  6. To Emunator: I was SO happy to hear that I should expect this album before New Year's Eve. That means your forecast is a paltry 0.7 years away! Now I can plan for everything else better! Because there's less than 10 tracks now that need WAVs, here are my Top 10 Most Anticipated tracks: X. Corn-Fed Kong IX. The Paper Chase VIII. The Submap Emissary VII. Shenanigans Bananigans VI. Unfinished Business V. Intoxica IV. Blast Beatdown III. Heart of the Cave II. Enchanted I. Epic Bananas
  7. Out of those 80 tracks, is anyone here predicting that about 70 of them will get WAVS before August ends? To JaDE: It's probably better that I don't know about your next project until it releases, for two reasons: 1) I could never appreciate the source as much as Wild ARMs, my favorite PSX game in all its history. 2) In the off-chance that I did, I wouldn't want to see the project at its slowest. Not related to you, but almost every project is destined to run into standstills every now and then.
  8. I've heard at least 40 people allege that I could've competed on American Idol. But skill at singing isn't enough. I envy those who have the creativity, technical know-how, and of course, time management skills to create remixes like these. Many people have tried, few have gotten recognition at O-Clocked. Often times, I pre-conceive of how a song should be ReMixed, only for those ideas to be surpassed when someone actually does it. These remixers know their stuff. I have some appreciation of ongaku, but it's not enough; such is why I could never be an esteemed ReMixer. A good balance of conservative and liberal has kept O-Clocked going because it honors the music of the most misunderstood medium while providing creative takes so it doesn't sound too much the same. End confession.
  9. I remember ZykO made 3 tracks for Serious Monkey Business: "Token Up", "The Apes of Wrath", and "Backwards Room". Now for this, he's made "Corn-Fed Kong" and "Nuts in the Head". I take it that while Nuts was crafted with exceptional skill, Corn-Fed utilized the collaborative power of 3 artists. Nuts and Corn-Fed could make short work of Token Up. They can beat Backwards if they don't suffer any technical problems, but I'll be impressed if they can beat Apes of Wrath.
  10. Emunator, I trust very much you know what you're doing. I truly doubt you'd be this enthusiastic about the music if you didn't. [wistful]I wish more people were here to see this.
  11. Even if it's just to see how far these franchises can go, I'm interested in the Sixth Nintendo Console, but I have to wait for Smash 4 or a price drop, whichever comes first. Unless Nintendo can meet certain circumstances, I'll have to wait for both. I'm confident that Nintendo will make their own games good, for when have they not? I'm also confident that Nintendo will have its 3rd party support back. My favorite 3rd-party Nintendo games were for the N64, so the challenge is surpassing that.
  12. I hope I'm not the only one who agrees with this. I admit I was wrong to hope it would be out before Half Year's Day (July 1). I admit I was even more wrong for getting violent with all of you. Even if this took until this autumn to be released, this project would still truly amaze me. I can't remember when Kong in Concert was established, but Serious Monkey Business took from November 2007 to March 2010 (2.3 years). It's only been 1.4 years since Double the Trouble (abbrev 2xtT) started recruiting remixers. So it's at least been ~40% shorter to get this far (52 tracks and ~8 bonus!) I commend your instincts, Emunator: You knew that by not being a big hard*** for deadlines, that this project wouldn't get watered down. And the quality? There's only TWO projects that would give this a run for its money (ARMed and DANGerous but mostly Maverick Rising). Until now, Emunator, I didn't realize how lucky I was to have you as director of the DKC3 album. And one more thing that amazes me: I've heard people rip into DKC3 plenty of times before, and for us to create some of the best music OCRemix has ever made from a game that controversial is a testament to our power!
  13. This is indeed much better than Hedgehog Heaven... but I still like Project Chaos equally as much! RDX, I believe that if they do another Sonic 2 album, which I find highly unlikely because of demand for more games that have no representation by this community, it would be more consistent than Hedgehog Heaven. Most of Heaven was worked on in 2003 to 2004, if I'm not mistaken. Though I like Under Construction the least of anyone here, this is another album that gets my seal of approval. I can't decide which of these is my favorite: Clockwork Criminal, Hogtied, and Final Progression.
  14. *Screeches* Don't even mention tearing hair out! You'll make me tear mine out! It's bad enough ARMed and DANGerous and Lime of the Season are stalled too! I can't bear this wait either!

  15. Right, AkumajoBelmont. Why didn't you get Enchanted out of the way before you took up that bulky VROOM project?! And if Enchanted gets cut, Emunator and Belmont, I'll murder you both!
  16. ScrewAttack gave Sonic CD the #1 Best on the Best/Worst Sonic Games. If you released one, they'd be happy. I wouldn't mind a Sonic CD album, but it wouldn't be my next choice for an album. I can't decide if that honor would go to Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart DS, F-ZERO, StarFox, or either of the first two Super Smash Bros games.
  17. Regarding source materials, I doubt Super Dodge Ball is more obscure than both Radical Dreamers and Teen Agent. I don't know about Xenogears or Armored Core.
  18. I was JUST thinking this. You took the words out of my mouth! I'm also dismayed that we have to rework another track! Hopefully this cycle of reworking doesn't hit us like Super Dodge Ball Around the World last year. I can't wait to hear such tracks as Enchanted (602), Blast Beatdown (604), and Epic Bananas (610), and Intoxica (613).
  19. Sonic Adventure is everything compared to the 3D Sonic game with the theme of "What if Sonic were real?" It's a muddy shame that the HIS WORLD theme got into Brawl! Pfft!
  20. Call it instinct, but I knew this would be next. Back in 2006, Vurez made 4 Mega Man VI remixes, but this is the first one by someone else. I hope either Dust Crusher or Power Stone is next after this. I hope the other 3 robot masters for MM VI get a track soon.
  21. One more mix! I think it's coming this year! I've always wanted a Mega Man album that focused on 1 game in the main series! *Smash Bros style chant* Back in Blue! Back in Blue! Back in Blue! ...
  22. No, Level 99, I was talking about Bahamut's deployment to boot camp.
  23. The worst sequels I've ever played, if you ask me, are Mario Parties 4-6. The worst one I can think of immediately is Perfect Dark Zero (technically a prequel)... but you can't get much worse than... Bomberman: Act Zero!
  24. Has Fishy come up with a name for this album, before I forget to ask?
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