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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. Here it is, the moment I've been waiting for ALL YEAR! Everything the trailers promised it would be, and everything I'd hoped for! I don't care if they release Balance and Ruin before the end of this month, I'll probably be listening to this album (along with all my other favorites) for as long as they're still on the net!

    If the powers that be let us download freewared music and set it to the background in Smash 4, I'll even add some Double the Trouble tracks!

  2. After getting to the non-level themes in the GBA discs, I've also heard Party's Over There, another of my favorite non-level themes. The imagery I get is a block party at 20:00 in an affluent community with food being served on tables in huge rectangular tins kept warm with portable stoves.

    Funky's Tricks reminds me of an upscale spa party high up in the mountains or along a coast, in the early evening hours.

    Cranky's Mojo is so easy to get lost in; 4 minutes blow away in 2, and of course, the Far East sections are the best part!

  3. I've waited all year for this day! Today, I've been listening to the SNES non-level themes ("Level themes" include Stilt Village, Enchanted Riverbank, Water World, and Nuts & Bolts, and I'm starting with everything else.)

    What I've heard so far is everything I'd hoped for. Jason Covenant's vocals in Banana Revolution: Live in Kongcert were surprisingly talented by the standards of whatever technology he used.

    When I heard there was a song called "Bash the Bastards!", I expected either rock N roll or a zany track. But the African-themed melody that was teased, and of course the whole song, was just as great.

    I'm SO glad I didn't have to wait 'till '013, let alone '019, for this!

  4. To The Oinkness: What is shown in the previews of Let It Beat is a far cry from your original WIP. It's not as edgy, but it has a more simple charm to it.

    Effective immediately, I've pulled ocremix off my Favorites bar so I don't click it absent-mindedly or otherwise in error like I did several times over the past 10 days. That way I can wait more gracefully for the window of my final prediction as to when Double The Trouble will drop: Between February 15 and March 25. I should've taken O-Clocked off my favorites a long time ago. From now on, I will only visit O-Clocked on the first day of every month by googling OverClocked Remix manually until this project is out. I also just remembered that ocremix.org Version 6 will go up within the next 6-8 months.

  5. If you've ever been around OC ReMix for any of the previous album releases, you'll know they usually release a trailer a week or two in advance of the album release.

    Then I'll start by revisiting O-Clocked on Veteran's Day to see if the trailer is posted by then. I'm not saying I necessarily think it likely, but if I only visit O-Clocked 2-3 times a month through March 2013, I won't be bogged down quite as badly with anticipation. I'll be back to being routinely logged in once Double the Trouble drops. But until then, I'm trimming my visits down to no more than thrice a month!

  6. The web release was scheduled for mid-December. Gotta say web first on this one.

    I also believe that each album, based on number of discs, must be allowed a certain number of days in O-Clocked's spotlight. Is there a minimum amount of days a 5 disc OverClocked Remix Arrangement album must be released apart from (before/after) two adjacent OCRA's?

  7. Because of how deep in the shadow of the Original Trilogy it was, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones was #5 on the Bottom 40 Films of 2002. How much worse could an Episode 7 or an Episode Negative 2 be?

    Well, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith had 57, 67, and 80 percent approval ratings respectively. Had they stood alone, they might've been regarded as some of the best films of their respective years. In the case of Revenge of the Sith, all time. This proves that putting the Star Wars name on the Prequel Trilogy did more to harm than help. If Disney makes another Trilogy, I imagine that none of them will achieve more than 45% approval rating, and they'll average about 30%... and then it won't be a matter of if they receive RAZZIE nominations, but how many!

  8. They might as well just port it over to online. One of these days, not just the gaming community, but indeed all of America's commoners will see the internet as the probable future of entertainment, and television as a relic of the past to fall back on should the internet be somehow mysteriously obliterated.

    But most importantly, why didn't X-Play put more effort into their show?

  9. Guys, he's trolling.

    I wasn't motivated by attention. I really wasn't convinced [mu]Torrent was safe before. Anorax is right, it was a rant of paranoia until I was disarmed. I should've told the community years ago that I have a long history of over-worrying, anxiety, and fearing things that are harmless. I may be prone to irrational fear, but I can assure you I am not an attention whore.

  10. Visiting a website like ocremix and downloading mp3s from it and/or its mirror sites wouldn't be any more safe than using the torrent files, afaik. The internet is a dangerous place.

    Maybe the mirror sites, but I doubt a website dedicated to a niche interest such as remixing video game soundtracks would be an effective way to lure massive crowds into a disease pit. And if you thought that perhaps O-Clocked was some pathogenic science lab full of diseases, why would you join the community with such a degree of distrust? Besides, if I want to find a ReMix, I'll go to the YouTube page for it instead (no point having the YouTube channel otherwise). And you're all forgetting it's nothing related to O-Clocked I'm targeting; It's ONLY [mu]torrent, *** ****it! If you think [mu]torrent is diseased, tell it to Neblix, the one who directed me to that software. YOUR CLAIM IS FULL OF HOLES!!!

  11. How I wish to download this in 15 minutes u.u

    Anyway, GTAHater (funny name), if you are paranoid about viruses and stuff, shouldn't you have an antivirus to protect you against the harmless OCRemix torrents?

    I DO have an antivirus, but something tells me there's a loophole; If a virus comes enclosed in a diseased download (in this case, I fear [mu]torrent, not O-Clocked), that it would slip through the cracks and cripple my computer. If it's not that bad, it shows how little I know about cybervirology.

    Besides, I also have memory to worry about. I have to weigh the bytage of the downloads with my remaining memory and how much memory I may need in the future. The only solution to that is to set the priority to "Low" and delete these torrents to make room if it comes down to that, so I suppose storage is a moot point.

    But back to my previous question: Do diseased files have loopholes to penetrate antivirus software?

  12. 1. Install uTorrent.

    2. Run Torrent file.

    3. Choose destination folder.

    4. Hit OK.

    5. Wait for like 15 minutes.

    I checked the page. I forgot to mention that even though O-Clocked means well, I'm a bit paranoid about computer viri and diseased files. (The [mu]Torrent Plus costs 25 Daura to protect from diseased torrents). Not to mention how many Gigabytes the torrents might take up. My gut is telling me this new torrent is not for everyone.

  13. Whenever this gets released (I don't know if a release date has been announced), I'm expecting critics to widely pan it. There's a difference between borrowing elements from Smash Bros and making more than a few mistakes, and Sony made a LOT of them, with the Super Moves being the biggest one.

  14. The overgrown media companies hypothesis makes some of the most sense I've seen in this topic. And so does the idea that the few remaining talented musicians left in the industry deserve better than the limited exposure (at least in hypothesis; I don't know about in practice).

    I'll never forget Sharon's attitude in Episode 1507 (You're Getting Old) or Cartman's first line in 1605 (Butterballs). You know today's music and music videos scrape the bottom of the barrel when Cartman doesn't eat it up; even with tastes as lowly as his, even he has limits to how bad music can go before he gets put off!

    "You haven't heard it? It's terrible! It's hardly even music; it just sounds like crap!"

    "Stop pretending to like the kids' music, Randy! It's pathetic! You know damn well it sounds like crap to you too!"

    "Nonono, I'm tellin' you guys, music videos have devolved to nothing but pretty girls wearing skin-tight clothes, and singin' songs about their v*******s. Used to be chicks sang about their relaionships; now it's all "my v******* this, my v******* that." But clearly that's what sells. Think about it. When was the last time you turned on a music video and didn't see some chick strumming a guitar singing about her v*******? See? You can't remember."

    Many people I know can't imagine a world where dubstep and autotune become the new staples of weddings, family functions etc. "Or maybe I just don't want to." (The Shawshank Redemption)

  15. And all I'm thinking is "Fudge Nintendo Land! It's all about the long-awaited 3rd season of Pikmin!"

    If you wanted to play Call of Duty, why not just play it on a gaming-quality PC? Then again, they need to put the Call of Duty series on the cooling plate after more than 7 consecutive years with a new installment.

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