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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. Voice chat? I don't care how little use voice chat gets. It's better for PC gaming anyway. Anyone complaining about the lack of voice chat should come back when better technology for console voice chat is put out. People can get really loud in voice chat anyway.

  2. This track came out of left field for me - the first I saw of it was it in its completed state. Josh did a solid job as usual though.

    I should mention that there are more than that to be posted from the project :) . I wish some of the other contributing artists subbed their tracks, there's some good stuff there.

    *Looks at Protricity* Congregation of the Fallen is WAAAY undercredited!

  3. Cliffside Clamber is unfortunately unlikely eligible. I should mention that the KS mentions that FF6 is being targeted for December 18th. Infer what you will from that *shrug* .

    Three possible schedules arise if djpretzel's claim of a Q4 2012 release for Double the Trouble is to be believed:

    *If Balance and Ruin releases on schedule, plus or minus a week, Double the Trouble will have to release either this month or November to get enough exposure for some 70 tracks.

    *If Balance and Ruin gets ahead of schedule and releases in November, Double the Trouble will probably release in December, about a month later than Balance and Ruin, so that Balance may get adequate exposure.

    *If Balance and Ruin gets behind schedule and releases after New Year's, then Double the Trouble will most likely release in November or December.

    To zircon: Will Balance & Ruin get an OCRA catalog number as an official O-Clocked album?

    To djpretzel: In the off chance that you see this message, what are the odds that your prediction of a Q4 2012 release is wrong?

    To Emunator: I seem to recall you saying once that the release date would be announced shortly in advance of the release. Are you still planning to announce a release date 3 or 4 weeks before it happens? (This particular question does not imply any specific point in time)

  4. To Strader: I worded that last comment too vaguely. I wasn't taking solely about December. I was talking about the entire 80-90 day interval between OCR02500 and Christmas. But now that you mention it, November sounds the most likely for Double the Trouble. I DID hear them say Q4 after all.

    To all else: Is there any chance Epic Bananas, Cliffside Clamber, or Blast Beatdown will be posted any time after Double the Trouble releases, either immediately or months/years afterward?

  5. I estimated myself as being 1 in 4 O-Clocked fans who liked this one. I didn't see this coming. Just 2 more until we have 20 Maverick Rising singles. One of those two will probably be "Dusty Dune Devil", the Overdrive Ostrich remix. The other will probably be "I Am The One Who Designed and Built Mega Man X". I also wanted to clarify... is the first half of "STING" Blast Hornet and the ending Neon Tiger?

  6. On October's Day, I went darn near euphoric when I heard that this would be out by the end of December; That means we don't have to wait longer than the holiday season for it!

    Listening to the "Past Previews All in One" and "Final Preview", I contemplated something. "Party's Over There" and "Funky's Tricks" kind of take me back to my childhood. In a city north of the college I attend, two of my parents' friends lived in a high-end affluent neighborhood/district. That also happened to be when DKC3 was released. That's when I knew that "Party's Over There" and "Funky's Tricks" were the songs to... take home to my family, because those two songs remind me of that particular neighborhood. In other words, if I was to present any of your work to my family, I'd send 'em links to those two tracks. Note that that's only based on the previews, I haven't heard them in their entirety yet.

  7. The technology for making ReMixes evolved relatively fast. While not without their merits, Deep Damp Sandcastle and Strip Mine are perfect examples of those rare types of ReMixes from more than 1,000 catalogue numbers ago that haven't stood the test of time. As always, that's the exception, not the norm with ReMixes between 2003 and 2005. The consistency of O-Clocked's music hiked in 2006, a year and a half after this track was posted.

  8. Look, it'll be worth buying eventually, and no system should be judged so heavily for its launch lineup.

    Now why is it that gamers always idolize XBOX systems and worship PlayStation hardware, but wince like they've smelt a rotting corpse when they talk about Nintendo products?

  9. It'll be out before Final Fantasy 15

    In other words, half past never! That's what I implied! I'll believe The Fabled Warriors Volume 2 is in the works when I see it on the front page under "Latest Albums" or something. It's not a matter of blatant impatience, I'm just saying I'm not going to believe it's not canned until I see overwhelming and totally doubtless evidence that it's in the works, or gets released. The issue I'm taking is not a matter of when, but a matter of if.

  10. I've virtually given up hope that the next volume is even in production. Now it's an "I have to hear it to believe it". It's quite a shame, because I still wanted ReMixes of Big Bridge Battle and Boss Battle (Sole Signal did great with his ReMix of the previous Final Fantasy game's boss theme.) Just knowing who'll be involved in Volume 2 and what tracks it'll ReMix will at least give me comfort in knowing this project isn't canned.

  11. To Modus Operandi and Count Bleck: The late 3rd of 2010 had some solidly criticized games, but none more so than Epic Mickey from September of O-Ten! Even Epic YARN and Goldeneye 007 [remake] were better!

    To Meteo Xavier and anyone his comment might concern: Look, I know I'm quite young, but I still think Super Mario 64 was better than either handheld installment in the New Super Mario Bros. series. As a child, I was only given really old game systems made by Nintendo, many years after they'd launched. Except for the Wii because we were better off in February 2007. I'd only bought one SONY game because my much older brother had all the first 3 PlayStation consoles, and that one game was the cult classic that later got represented with O-Clocked's Arrangement Album #31. Lo and behold, my older brother (or "oniisan") doesn't see much in the PS3 either. The only games he's played a lot of in the past >2 years have been PC MMOs.

    Unlike many of my classmates whose favorite franchises are mostly FPSs, I like the long-running Nintendo franchises, mostly The Legend of Zelda (I'm for, not against Skyward Sword). I just have accepted my opinion that Nintendo's product quality has dipped in recent years, and now I have to play things safe myself (the industry already plays a lot of stuff safe) and wait until they're on sale or used!

  12. Those Bayonetta fanboys sound like a suicide cult; how are they any better than Blainetologists (Episode 504, The Super Best Friends)?

    One more thing I gotta **t** about Nintendo on: Ever since the beginning of 2005, they've released stand-out games on a feast-or-famine basis. More than half of the high-end Wii games were made in the 2007-2008 school year or 2010, with the biggest exceptions being both Wii Zeldas. I just think it would be nice if things were spread more evenly.

  13. Episode 44 of ScrewAttack Top Ten was released on 9-09-009, and was the Top 10 Sega DreamCast Games, in celebration of the DreamCast's decadial anniversary. The list is as follows.

    #10. Crazy Taxi //Could've been higher if it didn't introduce in-game advertising to video games

    #9. Either House of the Dead or Typing of the Dead //Typing of the Dead inspired Texting of the Bread

    #8. Skies of Arcadia

    #7. Jet Grind Radio

    #6. Soul Calibur

    #5. Sonic Adventure 2 //Because it didn't have Big the Cat

    #4. Resident Evil: Code Veronica

    #3. Phantasy Star Online

    #2. Shenmue

    #1. Whichever one of these five each viewer liked the best: Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Plasma Sword, or either of the Power Stone games

    As long as I live, I'll probably never forget Episode 402, The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000, when CSKK had to hide teeth under pillows, trick the parents into replacing them with money, and siphon the money before anyone ever found out. Their goal was to save up hundreds of $ and buy a SEEEGA DREAMCAAAAAST!!!

  14. If she were among less than 5% of the girls in her class not to be spoiled and stupid or embrace shallow lewdness, I'd admire you because then gamers would have that much of a better image. If she ever finds out about the Dash clan or the creature from Jersey that wants "Smush Smush" (Episode 1409, "It's a Jersey Thing"), I hope everyone around you can convince her not to act like them! Ever since 2000, raising a girl has been so tough, in particular due to today's TV and music trends. At the beginning of Episode 1605, "Butterballs", even Cartman complains about mainstream music videos over the past year or two!

  15. Don't forget the blue drink that was nasty as hell.

    Having done the same thing in DC, I will say that the event downplayed some of the fears that I had, and that the control scheme could allow for great new gameplay mechanics.

    I've said it a million times already, but I would rather wait until the inevitable first wave of console grabs pass, and until they release Smash Bros WiiU (or whatever they call it) before considering to buy it.

    I personally just call it Smash 4 (sometimes just "season 4" in the context of Smash Bros. series discussion), but I agree. From this day forward, the time when a season of Smash Bros. kicks off will be the soonest I buy a new game console.

  16. Thanks everyone for the comments so far! I read them every now and then :) , and appreciate them greatly (even any negative commentary).

    Here's a little random tidbit - the name of the album Maverick Rising came out of me recalling the Judas Priest song

    , and just the thought of a maverick assault rampaging through made Maverick Rising such a natural name to me.

    As a testament to how great Maverick Rising was (everything I'd hoped for, but I can't judge it in comparison to the public hype), I came up with another pipe dream... a Maverick Rising volume 2 that includes, but is far from limited to, ReMixes of Launch Octopus, Flame Mammoth, Wire Sponge, Toxic Seahorse, Volt Catfish, Web Spider, Storm Owl, Split Mushroom, Jet Stingray, and Magma Dragoon. The project would require all of those 10 Mavericks to be ReMixed in either 1 or 2 tracks, with free selection amongst the other tracks, with not yet ReMixed pieces encouraged, and a total of 3 discs (30 to 45 tracks) if a 4th disc would make things too difficult.

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