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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. I don't see why the opinion of the "majority" of gamers should be what guides your decision of buying a WiiU.

    I bought a Wii when Smash. Bros came out and then bought other titles that were good. I guess I'll do something similar with Wii U, buy it when a game I really want comes out and then buy other titles. There's no need for so much drama.

    Maybe it's because they made me realize the quality of Nintendo's product has been dropping year by year while other developers continue to shine, perhaps?!?! And made me question why I still hold on to Nintendo?!

    And if you can convince me Nintendo's quality is as high as ever, then perhaps one of you wouldn't mind answering what makes a Nintendo fan self-loathe or become ashamed of it?

  2. So all platforms had a good number of awesome games

    Well, not to THAT extent. Those 13 or so good games for PS3 and 360 were all made in a mere 3 1/2 years. Nintendo took from 2006 to 2011 (a span of 5 1/2 years, more than 50% longer) to make about that many good games. Throw in the good games from 2006 through 2008 for PS3 and 360, and they've probably got about 30 in total, dwarfing Nintendo's 15-20.

    To Neblix: There's been some easy games made by various companies in the past decade or so but Epic Yarn is the biggest cakewalk since the first part of the New Super Mario Bros subseries (DS, 2006).

    And why do I complain about something that happened 4 years ago? Because all I've ever heard about the Wii since then was broken promises, Nintendo going downhill, how more gamers harbor bad feelings against the Wii than the other two systems combined, and how basically gamers in general just think the Wii was not a good game system.

    To PriZm: About the wording of "Nintendo loyalist"... Don't you remember in the early 2000s, after the N64's life cyle ended, when only a handful of gamers stood by Nintendo, but the vast majority turned their attention to the PlayStation 2 and XBOX? Very few gamers remained loyal to Nintendo and bought a GameCube. Nobody I've ever heard from considers the GCN that great of a success. And most people who I've heard looking back at gaming since 2002 consider the PS2 and XBOX to both be vastly superior to the GCN.

    To everyone else: Tell me I've been spoon-fed Kool-Aid from Fox News or wherever, but it's not that I hate Nintendo, but rather I'm under the impression that the predominant gamers love Sony/PlayStation and Microsoft/XBOX and spit on Nintendo.

  3. Since Summer 2008, Nintendo published:

    - The MotionPlus controller.

    - Skyward Sword.

    - Donkey Kong Country Returns.

    - Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Bros. Wii, various Mario "party" games.

    - Xenoblade.

    - The Last Story.

    - Kirby's Epic Yarn.

    - Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

    - Punch Out!

    - Metroid: Other M and the Metroid Prime Trilogy set.

    - Revised Pikmin 1 & 2 editions.

    Not to mention both Brawl and Mario Kart were released in early 2008. That doesn't look bad to me.

    I meant everything ELSE about Nintendo since July 2008. I do give Nintendo credit for the 7 titles I dyed purple, but the thing is, most of the gaming community asserts that that PS3 and XBOX360, within the scope of 2009 through 2012, has blown Nintendo's library out of the water, with such games as Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2, Red Dead Redemption, Gears of War 3, Skyrim, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat '011, Portal 2, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Among Thieves, Drake's Deception, and HALO Reach.

  4. I'm sorry, I fail to understand how Wii Music is mistreating gamers.

    Was it a horrible game? Yes. Worse than any other shovelware game out there? Don't think so. It's not like you were FORCED to buy it...

    I don't know, maybe you have some special reasoning behind that statement that I just fail to grasp.

    Not just Wii Music, but also the other ways Nintendo catered to half-gamers at full-on gamers' and Nintendo loyalists' expense. I once heard people spreading rumors that Project Hammer was canned to make way for Wii Music to be made instead, but I didn't know what to make of such rumors at the time. And was Disaster: Day of Crisis canned for reasons unrelated to the White Four (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Wii Music subseries)?

    The latter half (July through December) of 2008 was arguably the worst half-year in Nintendo's history, because the only games Nintendo themselves had to show for it were Wii Music and Animal Crossing: City Folk, which I doubt people liked for 3 reasons: 1) Didn't build upon Animal Crossing 1 and Animal Crossing: Wild World very well. 2) Lacked some of the charm of its two predecessors. 3) The City had little to offer to the experience. But the most damning evidence of all is that various people (including the Game OverThinker) believe the half-gamers and non-gamers who bought and played the Wii for casual gaming reasons are unlikely to become full-fledged gamers.

    To Thalzon: Did I say "ruined gaming"? All I meant to imply was that Nintendo's treatment of their fanbase was inferior to how Sony and Microsoft treated their fans since summer 2008, and that they deserve the challenges they're having in proving the Wii U worthy. I gave Nintendo credit for the good games (I also should've clarified my estimation at between 15 and 20 such games!) that WERE worth buying for the Wii, and for their artistic high taste, but with the unprecedented bad feelings towards Nintendo, I just don't think they did enough in favor of gaming otherwise in the past 3.9 years.

  5. To The Derrit: I took Japanese classes at the elementary level in college. On topic, I was just afraid people would ridicule me for siding with Nintendo on the grounds these people can't recall when Sony and Microsoft mistreated gamers like Nintendo did with Wii Music, their severe catering to half-gamers (to a lesser degree would've been one thing, but the problems with the Wii were ridiculous!), the frustrating online system, and everything else people look down upon the Wii for. Yes, I understand that the best thing about the Wii is the good games that I should've come to expect from them, but...

    To Overflow: ...my fear is that gamers like you and I who realize the Wii has a bright side are just a small handful of the gaming community. I do owe Nintendo its credit: I have a strange appreciation for various natural environments and planetary culture settings; I've even been told I should try my hand at art after I described certain images inspired by Nintendo games! Plus, I forgot to clarify that me buying a Wii U way late when the price and hype subside is a far more likely scenario than severing ties with Nintendo.

  6. Reggie Fils-Aime just announced that if anyone thought they'd be axing friend codes, it was too good to be true: He announced that there's going to be a simpler friend code system with the Wii U. All I can do is hope it'll suffice.

    For better or for worse, they also announced the Wii U will not have a blanket achievement / trophy system. Instead, achievements will be optional and apply to individual games. This means Super Smash Bros. 4 will probably do its trophy system just as they've done for the past two "seasons", with the only difference being that the number of trophies to collect will break the quadruple digits.

    I personally see this as not a big deal, but I will definitely not be buying a Wii U very soon. I'm afraid I'll be stigmatized and ridiculed for buying something after all the (beep) that Nintendo dragged their fanbase through since July 2008 (when Wii Music was demonstrated at E3 2008). Worse, I have to consider that with major purchases like these, I'm voting with my wallet, and if I spend more than X number of Bucks on a system, I'm doing so at gamers' (and especially Nintendo loyalists') expense. Sore kara...

    ...At worst, I'll sever ties with Nintendo for good, but I won't convert to PlayStation and XBOX consoles because I don't have enough interest in those. Instead, I'll cry a tear or two for Nintendo's past days of glory and what remains of their reverence, subsist on video footage of their software, and keep in touch with O-Clocked because our ReMixers have a lot of talent / potential / promise.

    ...At best, I won't buy a Wii U until the price recedes to less than $140, which will be near the end of the next generation of games. This'll be for the best, because the software will also run cheaper, and the hype about the games will be long since subsided, and I can play them after everyone else and enjoy the games for what they are rather than having to worry about whether they lived near to the hype.

  7. There aren't enough games I'm personally interested in under Sony's and Microsoft's jurisdiction to justify me buying any of the Playstation or XBOX series of consoles. Oniisan doesn't see me as interested in Sony and Microsoft, and I trust his judgment. However, for me that means with the 8th generation of games, it's WII U or nothing, but I'm leaning towards nothing. I trust there'll be a lot more to come than Pikmin 3 and New Super Mario Bros U in the years to come, but for whatever reason Nintendo just didn't talk about very far beyond launch day. But why should I buy any console at launch? When was the last time a console was worth buying at launch since the Super Nintendo? And with rising prices, will there ever be a console worth buying at launch again?

  8. If I keep visiting O-Clocked with this not being released, I might drive myself crazy. I have only one idea left:

    Emunator, I'll need to send one of this project's staff members my email address, and have them email me through my standard email when this project finally gets released. Only then should I return to O-Clocked. Anyone volunteer to alert me when Double the Trouble launches?

  9. I wasn't really impressed with any of the press conferences this year. If they wanted to help brighten the climate in the video game industry, I wouldn't say the big companies are doing the job. I can just see it already: Buying a Wii U a solid 3.2 years after launch (est. Fbr. 2016), with a lengthy library and half price, but unless all the game companies stop overpricing all their hardware and software, waiting a few years could be the wisest thing to do with any console in the future.

  10. I just returned here and now I'm hearing something about "27,000 Likes". Is this scheduled for a specific date? Or does it stay in the gate until some page has 27,000 Likes on Facebook? This isn't the only album I'm anticipating, and with so much more to come, I hope this hostage-holding isn't for real, because no-one can be sure how many more days it'll take until 27,000 Likes, or if it'll even get to that point. From there, we'd have to re-order the album queue or nothing would ever be released by O-Clocked again. I can't afford to lose Double the Trouble and Milky Way Wishes too!

    This is not because it's not coming sooner rather than later, per se, but moreso because this 27,000 Likes factor is adding another layer of unpredictability.

  11. I'm anticipating the South Park Season 16 kickoff on March 14, and the Academy Awards on February 25, but perhaps Emunator or someone else can clear up Strader's last post. If this doesn't get released in March like was said, this would be a devastating blow particularly to me; the Golden Raspberry Awards already got pushed back more than a month today (not until April Fool's Day now), and if March is out of the question for Double the Trouble, then I'm fast running out of things to look forward to this winter.

  12. The way I see it, the decades 195X, 196X, and 197X, as well as 1980-1984, were the best. Pardon my cliche cynicism, but about 90% of songs better than what O-Clocked has to offer was made in that 3 1/2 decade interval. The decades 198X and 199X had a fair amount of merit to them, but I can't decide whether they're as good as O-Clocked. However, since Y2K, there have been some good tracks in commercial music, but not a lot. The number 13 turned out unlucky for Weird Al Yankovic (aka the Prince of Parodies): As he was trying to make his 13th album, ALpocalypse, even he admitted he was having trouble looking for good source material to make parodies of. Worse, the pro critics said that the album had a lot of lackluster tracks (IMO, those included "Skipper Dan", "Craigslist", "Another Tattoo", and "If That Isn't Love"), but said it wasn't Weird Al's fault because there wasn't enough good source material to go around. It's easy to see why. Since 2008, the similarities between one song and another are more obvious than ever before, there's less memorability or reason to remember these songs, and too many of them have voices that sound like Akon or Beyonce, as a consequence of Autotune. In an interview about the production of Episode 1305, Fishsticks, Trey Parker and Matt Stone admitted they determined that singing talent varies inversely with how "good" (term used loosely) the Autotune devices sound (with 20th century music machinery, talent and output quality varied directly, not inversely). Even worse music has to be tailor-made for young girls, including Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers, High School Musical, and Justin Bieber, all of which make The Spice Girls sound tame. In Episode 1301, The Ring, a Mickey Mouse like entity admitted that The Jonas Brothers' music sucks, and that Disney's promotion of it is the entire reason the band was a hit back in 2008 and 2009. And don't forget Episode 1507, You're Getting Old; Tween wave is apparently a real genre, and if it sounds as that episode depicts (without the sounds of defecation obviously), then at least tween wave doesn't come on the radio that often, or else I'd lose all faith in the recording industry. But I must admit, in the past 5 years, there has been some good music (not necessarily "independent" music), but it's not what the industry or much of anyone promotes: They're easier to find on the internet rather than driving around town trying to find it, but also harder to find because some of us only hear the names of the good bands and tracks once or twice ever, so unless we document it somewhere, we'd have to sift through the sh(beep) to find anything worth listening to. All I can do is hope that by the decade 202X, discerning listeners can help us forget all the low-quality mainstream music.

  13. I still find it pretty hilarious that you went with my super-silly joke for the album title.

    To your credit, it was the best title that anyone had suggested in such a short time, and Jade and I saw little else worth using for the title. Gun LOLsters would've made it sound too comical, and Overture of the Vigilante Wild didn't sound intense or to-the-point enough. (i.e. OotVW might have been well suited for the style of Succumb to the Wilderness and its guitar, or perhaps even Forbidden Perception, but it definitely wouldn't work with tracks like Priority Nemesis or Solar Navigator.)

  14. JaDE, I just thought I'd ask: After this gets released, would you mind posting the substantial and almost completed WIPs somewhere else where interested parties can reach them? I would also appreciate whatever WAVs you received for A Sorrowful Separation and Battle Motherfried.

    Edit: Scratch that last part, JaDE! I just realized those pulled WAVs are not up to you.

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