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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. More than 2 months after E3, I'll be surprised if ANY of the big 3 companies manage to keep interest burning for the next-gen systems before all 3 of them launch.

    Meanwhile, this next question might seem a little strange, but have any of you, by any chance, seen any videos where a few WII U titles were scheduled for this November?

  2. I have 3 questions/comments thus far...

    *Due just in time for '013, eh? When he's in his upper single digits, he'll probably have to wait twice as long for presents because his birthday will practically coincide with Christmas, unless you have a plan to address it.

    *Though I'd be incompetent to raise a child, I still know that if a parent never buys a happy meal or other fast food kid's meal for a child, then communicates a message to the child so they can't get plied with an offer of a plastic toy, the child will probably never have cravings for fast food, and they'll likely be spared from a lifetime of weight problems.

    *When I entered 9th grade, I was 90 lbs (40 kg), 5'2'', had a fairly high-pitched voice, and looked like I was 10 years old despite being 14. Since the new decade began, I've come to expect 14 year old boys entering 9th grade to have the appearances and voices of children under 10. (ie. 90 lbs / 40 kg or less, under 5'1'', uber-mellow high-pitched voice.) I'd be very ill-prepared to have a son in that situation, so I wanted to ask what you would say to your child if he or she (and his or her classmates) turned out really small in 9th grade so he or she wouldn't be embarrassed or humiliated.

  3. [There was a new opening here. Didn't last very long.]

    I like how Flexstyle mixed in his Explorer's Crypt (#807) WIP with the Castle of Despair track when he realized he wouldn't be able to finish it, because that means it didn't go to waste. I also like project directors who take charge when things don't look pleasant (i. e. you must not have had any applicants for Explorer's Crypt over the past 3 to 5 days, so you took over!). The Castle of Despair and Explorer's Crypt track is my new most anticipated track, with Gnarled Root Dungeon (#801) being a very close second!

    Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd request that Maturing be split into Maturing I (Longer WIP, which I infer to be 50 to 74 % complete) and Maturing II (75 to 99 % complete).

  4. An optional dungeon in the Forever Forest: that's where this remix should be. :D

    Before this remix, I adamantly only listened to original vg music - that changed after my sister sent this my way one day. A year later, Monstrous Turtles holds just as much impact on me as it did then. It's powerful, follows the source, while adding a lot of creepy atmosphere... could go well with a Mario mod for Doom or Quake too. :)

    If I may recommend a map (or possibly a level pack) for one of id Software's old-fashioned first-person shooters (or perhaps even a new FPS), how about a giant, old, crumbling, once-opulent Vlad the Impaler style castle equipped with giant kitchens, a series of dining halls, and basements full of meat-processing machinery such as food processors, ground beef paste squeezers, and gyro spits, and whose purpose is to take human flesh by force, slaughter them, and prepare them into gourmet dishes?

  5. All tracks are now claimed! Again!

    urdailywater has interesting plans for Sunken City. We have several tracks that switch up the moods of the original pieces. Fun.

    That sounds a lot like how Echoes of the Future switched up Fairies' Woods in Essence of Lime.

    If irony were made of Gale Seeds, we'd all be blowing away in tornadoes right now because urdailywater is doing a ReMix for a flooded city!

  6. I'd appreciate it if nobody leaked any 100% finished tracks before the album releases. Sorry about that.

    Some great news coming in the next day or two though... hang tight everybody :-)

    Yeah! Besides, it might stoke excitement for a little while, but it would be that much more surprise spoiled, and the excitement would dip lower than it was before the track was leaked.

    Four days later...

    Meanwhile, I think the problem the game companies have with game rips is that if they let us download it at will, anyone could make games that reuse them, which would somehow hurt the companies. Flexstyle, do you have a better idea as to why?

  7. If you ask me, things didn't improve for Sonic until less than 3 years ago. Sonic Generations is one of 2011's best games. Sonic's GCN games, for the most part, were no good. I don't recall Sonic Heroes ever getting good reviews.

    To overflow: Yes, I know the biggest-name characters in the Kirby series were circular. But Kirby wasn't competing so hard against anything else like Pac-Man is up against Tekken, Soul Calibur, and most importantly Xeno and Tales Of.

  8. Too bad he's not in any other fighting games...


    Having never played Street Fighter X Tekken, I just looked him up. I can't decide if already being in a crossover fighting game where neither side is strictly Nintendo characters should make me more comfortable or less with adding the 3rd-party character in question to Smash. My senses say I should be more comfortable because it's fighting game experience, and my intuition says I should be less comfortable because it's overdoing a character. My intuition also tells me that when in doubt, a human or humanoid should be selected over a circular character.

  9. yes, but this one was probably finished the quickest out of all the projects to date. Two years is an exceptionally fast time, I know that some of these projects have gone on for 7 or more years.

    Yeah! Super Dodge Ball: Around the World took from Apl. 2005 to Oct. 2011, a span of 6.5 years, and it only had 10-something tracks. This has only been going since Dcb. 2009, a measly 2.5 years ago, and it has 60 or 70 something tracks, and assuming all the talk about high quality this album is is true, I conclude it says a LOT about Emunator's project director skills.

    By the way, I'll totally flip if there's anything from Blast Beatdown in the trailer! I probably shouldn't say this, but if it were ever to be used in another game, that one would only be suitable for a last level based on how Emunator described it.

  10. It's my understanding that more of O-Clocked is against than for Brawl, but I honestly thought that as flawed as the selection of stages was, that Melee's maps were inferior. Because Pac-Man is just a yellow 3/4 spheroid that would require more creativity for a moveset than he's worth, and because Tekken and Soul Calibur are graphic and are already fighting games, I support the 4th most well-known Namco franchise, Tales Of for Smash 4. Hey, the Tales Of series got a ReMix album in the form of Summoning of Spirits back in winter 2009, so if anything, the hero of Tales of Symphonia should be right up our alley!

  11. To describe the style, all I can say is it combines voices under age 25, metal, and a few electronic elements. Whelchel was born just before 1988, and Connelly doesn't look any older, so it's no surprise.

    To be honest, I think if the vocals have no tuning filters (for lack of a more appropriate term, I'm probably wrong so correct me here), then they'd go better with a guitar track not involving electronic.

    This post probably makes little sense, but I can't think of better wording to describe my reactions to this track.

  12. I don't know why, but the sentimentality of this track brings back a mourning sensation for the past 8 months worth of celebrity deaths that the media directed the public's attention. Even if it's just the sentimental aspects, I still don't see any logic in my own mindset about this track.

    There's going to be at least 1 more in O-Clocked's Arrangement Album roster before New Year's? I'm calling it right here: Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors Water, and the not-yet-titled Final Fantasy II album.

  13. "I order all my sandwiches with mayonnaise

    I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days

    Once you see my sweet moves you're gonna stay amazed

    My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze"

  14. GTAHater836, you're just going through a minor case of fanboy-crisis of faith. Get over it. It's entertainment, nothing more. If it's really that big a deal for you, I'd suggest looking up some homeless people for advice. I'm sure they would be more than happy to tell you how much they care about it.

    Fanboy-crisis of faith?! What the (expletive) is that supposed to mean?

  15. Riiiight, because MICROSOFT and SONY make so many games.

    As far as I'm aware, out of all those games you mentioned for the PS3 and 360, the ONLY ones actually made by the console developer were the Uncharted games, and even those were only second party games. The others are all third party games, which are either multi platform and, in some cases, now coming to the WiiU.

    So, let's try this again: How many games has SONY or MICROSOFT made since 2006?

    Yeah, that's what I thought. Those 15-20 NINTENDO developed games don't look so paltry now, do they?

    As for Animal Crossing City Folk and Wii Music: I actually love both these games. I sunk over 140 hours into Animal Crossing, and I have a blast fooling around with the instruments in Wii Music and recording each instrument to a song separately to create the perfect cover. And, as I hope I have made clear, I am a pretty "hardcore" gamer.

    And really? You're making your purchases based on what everyone else likes? Your avatar is an Electroplankton. How many copies did that game sell, again?

    If you don't like the kind of games Nintendo is making anymore, that's fine. But you shouldn't refuse to support them because a bunch of other people dislike Nintendo. If you don't want to play Nintendo, then don't.

    I always was, am and always will be a NIntendo fan, and the Wii is one of my favorite consoles of all time. Not only does it have some of my favorite games of all time (Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy) but the wealth of First Party Nintendo games are top notch AND it has access to a wide selection of classic games, making it one of the most versatile gaming systems of all time.

    Are Nintendo or their games perfect? No, of course not, but they make the games that I want to play, and that is good enough reason for me to stay a Nintendo fan.

    Before I ask my next question, these are the 15 Wii games I think make the system close to being "a good video game system" (but I'm constantly questioning whether these are enough):

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Super Mario Galaxy

    No More Heroes

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Mario Kart Wii

    Mad World

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Sin and Punishment: Star Successor

    Donkey Kong Country Returns

    Kirby's Return to DreamLand

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Now here's the question: When so many core gamers think of the Wii, why don't they think of the aforementioned 15 games? I know the stereotype of the Wii is all those mini-game collections and the White Four, the software they say is the worst the console has to offer... but why don't they think the same things with the PS3's and 360's worst games? Perhaps one reason I let the rest of the gaming community get to me is because the predominant gamer stereotypes the Wii with its worst software and the... adult systems +1... with their best software. Perhaps you have some better insights into this bias on the part of majority gamers?

    Footnote 1: The words "adult system" are for lack of a better collective term. Not that I could much recommend the GCN or Wii to those under 10, but it's less obvious than with PlayStation and XBOX consoles.

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