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Everything posted by GTAHater836

  1. Of course I'm not accusing O-Clocked of enclosing diseased files; As I said, I'm questioning [mu]torrent!
  2. I wouldn't know an EP when I see one, so I ask: Is this the mystery EP mentioned in the write-up for OCR02500?
  3. I DO have an antivirus, but something tells me there's a loophole; If a virus comes enclosed in a diseased download (in this case, I fear [mu]torrent, not O-Clocked), that it would slip through the cracks and cripple my computer. If it's not that bad, it shows how little I know about cybervirology. Besides, I also have memory to worry about. I have to weigh the bytage of the downloads with my remaining memory and how much memory I may need in the future. The only solution to that is to set the priority to "Low" and delete these torrents to make room if it comes down to that, so I suppose storage is a moot point. But back to my previous question: Do diseased files have loopholes to penetrate antivirus software?
  4. I checked the page. I forgot to mention that even though O-Clocked means well, I'm a bit paranoid about computer viri and diseased files. (The [mu]Torrent Plus costs 25 Daura to protect from diseased torrents). Not to mention how many Gigabytes the torrents might take up. My gut is telling me this new torrent is not for everyone.
  5. Now for my next two questions: *Not to throw it in Liontamer's face, but I don't know how to use torrent software. Is there another way I can get the higher-quality ReMixes (ex. ocremix YouTube channel, the individual ReMix pages)?
  6. There's also something else I'm not clear on: Has there, by any chance, been a mandate saying Balance and Ruin has to be released before Double the Trouble?
  7. Whenever this gets released (I don't know if a release date has been announced), I'm expecting critics to widely pan it. There's a difference between borrowing elements from Smash Bros and making more than a few mistakes, and Sony made a LOT of them, with the Super Moves being the biggest one.
  8. The overgrown media companies hypothesis makes some of the most sense I've seen in this topic. And so does the idea that the few remaining talented musicians left in the industry deserve better than the limited exposure (at least in hypothesis; I don't know about in practice). I'll never forget Sharon's attitude in Episode 1507 (You're Getting Old) or Cartman's first line in 1605 (Butterballs). You know today's music and music videos scrape the bottom of the barrel when Cartman doesn't eat it up; even with tastes as lowly as his, even he has limits to how bad music can go before he gets put off! "You haven't heard it? It's terrible! It's hardly even music; it just sounds like crap!" "Stop pretending to like the kids' music, Randy! It's pathetic! You know damn well it sounds like crap to you too!" "Nonono, I'm tellin' you guys, music videos have devolved to nothing but pretty girls wearing skin-tight clothes, and singin' songs about their v*******s. Used to be chicks sang about their relaionships; now it's all "my v******* this, my v******* that." But clearly that's what sells. Think about it. When was the last time you turned on a music video and didn't see some chick strumming a guitar singing about her v*******? See? You can't remember." Many people I know can't imagine a world where dubstep and autotune become the new staples of weddings, family functions etc. "Or maybe I just don't want to." (The Shawshank Redemption)
  9. Is this slated to be an official O-Clocked Arrangement Album, OCRA-00__ catalog number and all?
  10. And all I'm thinking is "Fudge Nintendo Land! It's all about the long-awaited 3rd season of Pikmin!" If you wanted to play Call of Duty, why not just play it on a gaming-quality PC? Then again, they need to put the Call of Duty series on the cooling plate after more than 7 consecutive years with a new installment.
  11. Voice chat? I don't care how little use voice chat gets. It's better for PC gaming anyway. Anyone complaining about the lack of voice chat should come back when better technology for console voice chat is put out. People can get really loud in voice chat anyway.
  12. Can someone please debunk these two articles? Next time someone challenges me with them, I want to be armed with the counter-argument. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-10-18-nintendo-investigating-wii-u-manufacturer-foxconn-for-using-illegal-child-labour http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/comments/chinese-wii-u-manufacturers-foxconn-may-have-employed-child-labour
  13. Metroid Prime Hunters. The controls were beyond managing, the plot involving the Alimbics was full of holes, and 8 of the bosses were just 4 different versions of 2 machines. Even Stemage of Metroid Metal fame has sworn they'd rather sever their hands than make Metroid Metal Hunters tracks.
  14. Melting Sun. The name makes me think of warm butter because it's also molten and yellow. This song has only 1 instrument. Simple piano melodies are personally not my favorite, but I respect them and they do have their merits. In a most surrealistic fashion, this track evokes an image of eating nothing but warm butter for breakfast.
  15. *Looks at Protricity* Congregation of the Fallen is WAAAY undercredited!
  16. Those Christmas ornaments look like half-eaten pears!

  17. Three possible schedules arise if djpretzel's claim of a Q4 2012 release for Double the Trouble is to be believed: *If Balance and Ruin releases on schedule, plus or minus a week, Double the Trouble will have to release either this month or November to get enough exposure for some 70 tracks. *If Balance and Ruin gets ahead of schedule and releases in November, Double the Trouble will probably release in December, about a month later than Balance and Ruin, so that Balance may get adequate exposure. *If Balance and Ruin gets behind schedule and releases after New Year's, then Double the Trouble will most likely release in November or December. To zircon: Will Balance & Ruin get an OCRA catalog number as an official O-Clocked album? To djpretzel: In the off chance that you see this message, what are the odds that your prediction of a Q4 2012 release is wrong? To Emunator: I seem to recall you saying once that the release date would be announced shortly in advance of the release. Are you still planning to announce a release date 3 or 4 weeks before it happens? (This particular question does not imply any specific point in time)
  18. To Strader: I worded that last comment too vaguely. I wasn't taking solely about December. I was talking about the entire 80-90 day interval between OCR02500 and Christmas. But now that you mention it, November sounds the most likely for Double the Trouble. I DID hear them say Q4 after all. To all else: Is there any chance Epic Bananas, Cliffside Clamber, or Blast Beatdown will be posted any time after Double the Trouble releases, either immediately or months/years afterward?
  19. I estimated myself as being 1 in 4 O-Clocked fans who liked this one. I didn't see this coming. Just 2 more until we have 20 Maverick Rising singles. One of those two will probably be "Dusty Dune Devil", the Overdrive Ostrich remix. The other will probably be "I Am The One Who Designed and Built Mega Man X". I also wanted to clarify... is the first half of "STING" Blast Hornet and the ending Neon Tiger?
  20. On October's Day, I went darn near euphoric when I heard that this would be out by the end of December; That means we don't have to wait longer than the holiday season for it! Listening to the "Past Previews All in One" and "Final Preview", I contemplated something. "Party's Over There" and "Funky's Tricks" kind of take me back to my childhood. In a city north of the college I attend, two of my parents' friends lived in a high-end affluent neighborhood/district. That also happened to be when DKC3 was released. That's when I knew that "Party's Over There" and "Funky's Tricks" were the songs to... take home to my family, because those two songs remind me of that particular neighborhood. In other words, if I was to present any of your work to my family, I'd send 'em links to those two tracks. Note that that's only based on the previews, I haven't heard them in their entirety yet.
  21. The technology for making ReMixes evolved relatively fast. While not without their merits, Deep Damp Sandcastle and Strip Mine are perfect examples of those rare types of ReMixes from more than 1,000 catalogue numbers ago that haven't stood the test of time. As always, that's the exception, not the norm with ReMixes between 2003 and 2005. The consistency of O-Clocked's music hiked in 2006, a year and a half after this track was posted.
  22. Almost Frozen is gonna be the 5th Super Dodge Ball Around the World single. But will it be the last? Whatever happened with "Six Dodgeballs and a Lotus Flower" and "I Lost My Balls in Moscow"?
  23. Judging by the fact that the Lime of the Season boards still has the summer skin, I conclude the scheduling for the last 2 deadlines is still under deliberation. If I have any suffrage in the matter, I vote for avoiding the month of December entirely.

  24. Look, it'll be worth buying eventually, and no system should be judged so heavily for its launch lineup. Now why is it that gamers always idolize XBOX systems and worship PlayStation hardware, but wince like they've smelt a rotting corpse when they talk about Nintendo products?
  25. How come you're not credited on your main ReMixer page for ARMed and DANGerous: Gunning the Metal Knight and Maverick Rising: Sigma Opus?

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