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Everything posted by SonicSynthesis

  1. This is my first ever game remix and only the the second ever piece i've made in midi. I'm still not even close to good with FL Studio but practice makes perfect. It's a remix of the Miners and Climbers stage music from Lemmings. I know part of the guitar solo sounds pretty rough. I was finding it hard to get a good sound from the fast played notes. If anyone can tell me some ways to make it sound better i'd appreciate it. Right now i'd say it sounds better through headphones than speakers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bxKdG_Kz3c There's a download link in the description. Youtube lowered the quality a little bit.
  2. Actually that's not a bad idea. The could make some mean music. A one handed keyboard player added to the mix and you've got a winning band. I'd definitely support them. I already want to buy his album. Lol that bass player looks like Joe Satriani
  3. This guy just added me as a friend on youtube randomly and he is amazing. He only has half a right arm and he still manages to play like Steve Vai. Check it
  4. *sigh* Can you move this to Community please. So sorry about this lol


  5. Well it's only part 1 that's released in summer so they could get in on the later parts
  6. Create a Facebook group so everyone can join. I already made a Twitter account just for this I'd say both original remixes and new stuff should be used. You never know, you might make a track as iconic as Green Hill
  7. Yeah i didn't really like the guitar sound. I'll find a better one on replace it.
  8. Lol well i don't know how to do any of that but i'll find a tutorial somewhere
  9. That is truly brilliant. He has summed up my feelings exactly.
  10. I meant high quality graphics, like Warioland Shake. All those sprites were hand drawn and they looked amazing.
  11. That sounds alright. Sonic Rush was really good in my opinion. I think i'd prefer it to be completely 2D though, but with really nice HD graphics.
  12. I only played the Wii version of Unleashed and i thought it was terrible. I'm told the ps3 and 360 versions are much better. I really don't want to see any 3D parts in this. I'm kinda gutted that you can only play as Sonic though. They shouldn't have ditched Tails and Knuckles :/
  13. It's about time Sega listened to what the fans want. 3D Sonic should have stopped after Sonic Adventure because it really was the biggest pile of shit i've ever played. They better not screw this up new game up with shit gimmicks.
  14. Hey i put this thread in the wrong forum. Can you move it please. Thx.


  15. Awesome thanks for the advice Any more?
  16. Unfortunately all i have to work with is the samples FL comes with. I don't have any way to connect my guitar to the computer so i can get a more realistic sound. If you have any links to information that will be useful then please post them
  17. Nah it's not a remix, just a random tune. Yeh i know i need practice. It was my first time using any type of DAW, i'm not exactly going to be amazing lol.
  18. Well it only took me about 2 days to make, but seeing as i've never used any kind of DAW before i think this is a pretty good effort. I was just messing about with sounds and it ended up becoming a song, there wasn't really any plan for it. I thought it sounded like music that would be in the background if you were flying through clouds, don't know why. The metal part is meant to symbolise a storm cloud and turbulence, and the part after that is meant to be breaking through the storm into open air again. I didn't use the mixer because i've still not learned how to, so it'll probably sound really basic. I read DarkeSword's thread about youtube vids reducing sound quality but i'm not too bothered about it at this point. When i become more advanced i'll worry about every little part of the song being perfect. Anyway happy listening
  19. Nevermind it's working now. It think it glitched or something. You can close this.
  20. I want to use this pad called AirChorus to go in the background while a melody plays over the top of it, but i can't find a way to change the pads pitch or tone. Even on the piano roll, no matter which key i play, it will always sound the same. Because of this it sounds completely out of place with the melody. Is there any way to change which note the pad plays? Btw this is my first time using FL Studio so i don't know if this is a stupid question or not lol
  21. It wasn't too bad here actually. More ice than snow. My car was sliding all over the place lol.

  22. Haha nice, i'm in Dundee

  23. Yeah i don't understand that either. It's not just to do with xmas no.1. It's do with the fact that the xfactor machine has produced the same generic crap for the past 4 or 5 years. People only watch that show to laugh at the people who can't sing. That's not what music is about. It's about expressing your feelings musically, enjoying yourself and encouraging artists to reach for the stars. It's not about singling people out, telling them they're terrible and public humiliation. It's like that show doesn't want music to go anywhere, so it just churns out the same shit. There was so much experimentation in music between the 50's and 90's, but apparently trying to come up with something new isn't allowed any more, which is sad really.
  24. Yas! Come on Rage ya fuckin beauty!!! Can't wait to hear them over the radio when i'm sitting with the family having xmas dinner lol
  25. Hey man, what part of Scotland are you from?

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