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Everything posted by SonicSynthesis

  1. If you mean the boss battles from the first game then that's a very good choice. I'd like to see that remixed as well.
  2. Hey, kudos on your Sonic Metamorphic. That remix was badass and one of my favs!

  3. Gotta love Yahtzee Croshaw. I loved in his God of War 2 review when he called the grab button the "F*** YOU button" XD
  4. I'd really like to see a metal type ReMix of the Rawk Hawk batlle music from Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door. That tune seriously "RAWKED" lol
  5. Julien K - This Machine Absolutely amazing song!
  6. Hey there. I'm new here and was wondering how i can get a profile picture? Also is there any way to get a bigger avatar and upload my own?

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