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Posts posted by FenixDown

  1. is there a specific way u want the naming to be done for the fallen? (This isn't mentioned in the list from the first post)
    Also, If I manage to make a bonus, how should I name it?
    Any Fallen mixes that use a provided source should use the Heroes format while any mixes that use two character themes should use the Villains format.
    Basically, using area themes it should look something like:

    ReMixer - Mix Title (ReMixer’s Character Name & Round Source Name).wav

    and if you're mixing two character themes together, it should look something like:

    ReMixer - Mix Title (ReMixer’s Character Name & Opponent’s Character Name).wav

    When will the Villain bracket on the first page be updated?

    When OA gets around to updating it. I've asked him to do it a couple times this week but he's been busy with work. I look at the front page of the thread everyday and that's one of the first things I notice. If I see him online tonight, I'll bug him some more but at this rate, he'll probably end up updating both brackets at the same time. But yes, I am aware it hasn't been updated yet.

    I am glad to see some interest in Fallen mixes in this week's round. I'll gladly accept them as long as they are sent in by the deadline. Which happens to be in about 17 hours. Be sure to start sending those in soon, and don't forget to vote on the current hero round.

  2. Some thoughts on the tracks currently up for voting.

    djg-music - Awakes a Hero - The first thought I had when I drew the Fire Emblem Awakening source for this match-up was how well it already went with Ramza's Theme. The mix itself is pretty good, though a bit on the conservative side, not that that necessarily is a bad thing.

    Ethan Rex - No More Chips - The second thought I had when I drew this round theme was along the lines of how Frog's Theme did not quite naturally fix together with the Fire Emblem source. But that didn't stop you from tackling it with guitars blazing. You already brought up an issue with the audio and I would definitely like to hear this again after that's been corrected.

    Yami - Stranger in a Strange Land - A nice, atmospheric blending of the two themes. Does sound a bit sparse though. I like it, but I would like there to be more to it.

    evktalo - Until the Very End - I really like the lyrics you wrote for this song. The vocals could do with another take, and as Mindwanderer stated, some of the lines need better enunciation. I like the feel of this one and I hope you try again with the vocals when you are able.

    Thank you all once again for submitting your tracks. I can tell you guys are stepping up your game. I'm looking forward to the next round. Speaking of, I have determined the source themes for Hero round 3, and I'm pretty stoked about it and I hope the two remaining heroes will feel the same way when they see their round theme.

    So, I know tomorrow is a national holiday here in the States, but I hope that isn't enough to prevent people from continuing to vote, nor drawing our villains away from their music for too long.

  3. Voting for the Hero Bracket Round Two is now open! You may download the round’s zip folder here. Voting may be done in the rRPC Social Group and will remain open until noon EST on Monday, July/7. Be sure to vote in every match up or else your vote will not count. If you want to post reviews of the round’s tracks, do so in a single post in this thread.

    For easy access to the source themes used in each round, check out the rRPC Roster.

  4. The deadline for submitting mixes for Hero Bracket Round 2 and voting for Villain Bracket Round 1 has passed.

    The balance of power between the villains shifted as they took decisive actions against one another. What had once been eight denizens of darkness soon dwindled down to four. And the defeated were bound into servitude under the rule of the ones who vanquished them. As the ranks of the four remaining villains continue to swell, the battle for supremacy rages on.

    Villain Bracket Round Two: Subjugation

    After a hard-fought battle, four of the Villains have been defeated and were enslaved by their respective opponents. The Villains still in the running have only grown stronger with the inclusion of their new servants. The deadline for the second round of the Villain Bracket is noon EST on Monday, July 7th. Here is the rundown for this week’s match-ups:

    Jason Covenant (

    ) vs. Mindwanderer (

    Xenonetix (

    ) vs. Ghetto Lee Lewis (

    Summons for the Villain Bracket are as follows:

    Jason Covenant can summon Anorax’s Deathevan

    Mindwanderer can summon gercr’s Dark King

    Xenonetix can summon Saint Paradox’s Team Skull

    Ghetto Lee Lewis can summon Supercoolmike’s Saturos

    Also, for any Villains who were eliminated in the previous round, you have the option of mixing your theme with any one of these world map themes:

    If none of these themes appeal to you, you may also mix your character theme with the theme of any other Fallen character’s theme, even those from the Hero Bracket. You are also free to collaborate with any Fallen participant, including Heroes. If these mixes are submitted by the round’s deadline, they will be included in the download for this round.

    Now go forth, Villains, and lay claim to what is yours!

  5. We're getting some voting action now, which is good. But we shouldn't forget to offer some reviews to our villains' tracks as well.

    Anorax - Demons Next Door

    Pretty creative use of the source themes. I like where you're going with it, though it doesn't quite feel cohesive to me. It's kinda like two shorter mixes of the same sources played back to back. I hope you revisit this one later on.

    Jason Covenant - Pokey the Poker

    This was an interesting one to listen to. The use of vocals and choir worked pretty well. I'm sure others better versed in critiquing music than I am will find things to point out about the mix.

    Mindwanderer - My Doom Is Bigger

    I like the concept of this one. Definitely captures the spirit of the villains vs villains aspect of the compo. The arrangement is pretty good overall, though I'd say the production could use some work.

    gercr - Chaos and Destruction

    I know this was an earlier WIP and you weren't feeling satisfied with the more fleshed out version you were in the process of creating before the deadline caught up to you. I think this is a good foundation to work with and I would like to hear it again after you've had some time to flesh it out and improve the production.

    Xenonetix - A Stormy Sniffle

    This mix is pretty good. I particularly liked the merging of the two themes near the end of the track. I'm sure more could still be done with it, but I like what you've already done.

    Supercoolmike - Wandering eyes

    I like the direction this mix is going in. I can tell you were probably planning to add more to it at the end. There were some notes that sounded kind of off to me after the one minute mark. I would like to hear a completed version of this mix someday.

    Ghetto Lee Lewis - Soul Rape

    I'm not what one would call a fan of dubstep, but this track, for the most part, does manage to use distortion in a more tasteful manner than most dubstep I've heard in recent memory. The electronic voices were a nice touch, though I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what is being said. The mix is done well and it definitely stands out to me.

    Thank you Villains for submitting in round one! If anyone else has any reviews for the round's submissions, feel free to post them.

  6. I never finished Persona 3. I got burned out preparing myself for the final boss fight in the final weeks of the game story. I later on played the PSP version and spent days trying to get a rare monster/chest to first appear, and then give me the items I needed to complete specific quests. I became several levels overpowered and even started cycling through my party members to keep them leveled evenly and through all that time I never got the drops I was after despite using a guide to pinpoint which floors they appear on. So I gave up again.

    I never finished Star Ocean: the Second Story despite making it to the second disc of that game. The only Paper Mario game I ever stuck with long enough to beat was Super Paper Mario. I made it to the last night of Catherine and just stopped for some reason I don't remember. There are plenty of others I just don't recall at the moment.

  7. That's fine with me, I am also curious how people will vote for this match-up (as I am for the others). I'll keep it open.

    On a side note, I am aiming to appear on OCR Talkback again tomorrow evening to go over compo progress so far and to encourage people to vote during this round and beyond. If there's anything you want me to address on the air, or any questions about the compo you have (or just questions for anyone), you can send them to @ocremix via Twitter with the hashtag #ocrtalkback. It does not have to be sent during the show.

    Edit: OA has updated the Hero Bracket graphic on the first post of the thread. The round one match-ups were shuffled around for the purposes of organization and making it clearer who advanced to what position, as well as, who acquired which summons.

  8. Alright, so before we get much further, I'm going to go ahead and throw in the towel, because even if I were to win between Jason and I, I'll be out of the country for a week starting this Saturday, and most likely wouldn't have time to participate in Round 2. Again, that's assuming that I would have won the vote.

    That being said, good luck to Jason on the rounds to come. Go kick some villainous ass!

    That's unfortunate, but thanks for the heads up. I've made a note of your withdrawal. I'm prepared to close the voting thread now, but before I do, I want to know if you guys still want to voice your opinions on that match up even if Jason Covenant advances by default. I'll leave it open if you do.

    Thanks for the updates as well, Heroes. Also don't forget to vote on the Villain tracks everyone.

  9. Because Ghetto Lee Lewis has already given his ok on the matter and I would hate to see any competitors advance by default, I will allow it this time. I don't want to be inflexible on these matters but please, and this goes to everyone, be mindful of the deadlines in the future. As soon as I get the music from Supercoolmike I will get to work on including it in the zip file. Anyone who already downloaded it, please do so again after I make my next post.

  10. Voting for the Villain Bracket Round One is now open! You may download the round’s zip folder here. Voting may be done in the rRPC Social Group and will remain open until noon EST on Monday, June/30. Be sure to vote in every match up or else your vote will not count. If you want to post reviews of the round’s tracks, do so in a single post in this thread.

    For easy access to the source themes used in each round, check out the rRPC Roster.

  11. aw, shit. I, er, uh... I meant "yay". Yeah, that's what I meant. :-P

    So now that voting is definitely going to happen (although with two of the brackets instead of all four), how exactly will it work? This is the first time voting has actually happened

    Pretty much the same way it does in the other compos. We have a social group where I will create voting threads for after I finish preparing the music zip file for downloading. Then anyone can vote by making one post in each match-up thread for the round stating only the mixer name of whomever you wish to vote for. Whichever mixer has the most votes by the end of the voting period (which will end the same time as the current round) will advance to the next round. For match-ups that did not have both participants, the one who submitted music gets an automatic pass to the next round.

    I will post again when the music is ready and the voting period is set to begin.

  12. Villain Bracket Round One is officially closed.

    The heroes have set off upon the open road where an expansive world awaits them. The sheer beauty of the land and the relaxing breeze underlie the hidden dangers of traveling across the land. Monsters and other unscrupulous types pop up seemingly at random, forcing the heroes into battle again and again. With each challenge, the heroes grow stronger, and while some may fall behind, they can still see their destination towering on the horizon.

    Hero Bracket Round Two: The Vast, Open World

    The focus of Hero Bracket Round Two is on Overworld Themes. Exploration of a vast, unknown world has been a feature of many RPGs over the years and now it is the rRPC’s turn. The round themes for this week’s match-ups are:

    djg-music and Ethan Rex:

    Yami and evktalo:

    Round Two also marks the unlocking of the Summon System! Now mixers may choose whether to use their own character’s theme in their mixes or to replace it with the theme of the character they were matched up with in the previous round. And if any mixers use their summons, they also have the option of collaborating with the mixer who originally used that theme. Due to the outcome of the Hero Bracket’s first round, here is a rundown of who has access to each summon:

    djg-music can summon Nonamer’s Felix

    Ethan Rex can summon NovaReaper’s Ren and Tlachtga

    Yami can summon HoboKa’s Aya

    evktalo can summon urdailywater’s Nepgear

    And for anyone who was eliminated from the first round, round two marks the start of Fallen Mixes. For those who still wish to participate in the rRPC, there are additional source themes leftover that were not selected for the bracket itself. Fallen Heroes may choose any one of these four sources to combine with their character theme, and if they are submitted on time, they will be included in the zip file for the round’s tracks. You are free to collaborate with your fellow Fallen from either side (though for now, there are only Heroes) but the main mixer must use their character’s theme.

    The Fallen Mixes for Round Two of the Hero Bracket are:

    Overworld Theme 4 - The 7th Saga

    Field of Expel - Star Ocean: the Second Story

    If, for whatever reason, none of these themes appeal to you, you may also make a mix combining your theme with the theme of any one of the other Fallen characters regardless of which side they are on.

    ReMixers will have until noon EST on Monday, June 30 to submit their mixes to me via PM at which point the next round for the Villain Bracket will begin. Don’t forget to follow the instructions provided in the opening post of the thread when submitting your mixes, I will not accept tracks sent in the wrong format or improperly titled. Now go forth Heroes and save the world!

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