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Posts posted by FenixDown

  1. As I've said during the previous round, I will happily take a WIP over nothing at all. Don't feel discouraged just because you feel the work is not complete. The feedback you get from the compo followers might be what you need to make it OCR mixpost-worthy.

    Anyway, there's about 17 hours left in the round now. I haven't heard from many people last time I asked for a status update. So far, Xenonetix is the only one to submit anything. Best of luck guys, let's start sending things in!

  2. I just signed up and got Thief. So do I just play with all Thieves or 1 Thief and 3 Freelancers or what?

    It depends on what criteria you signed up with. If you just went with a Normal run, which is the default, then you have to make all four party members thieves until you get the next job. After that you can do any combination of those two jobs, let's say thief and time mage, just so long as you have at least one person using each one. You continue this with the third and fourth jobs so by the start of the second world, each character must be using a separate job (though you can switch them around and use other job abilities in this mode).

    I am playing the 'natural' mode which restricts each crystal's acquired job to a specific character. So right now I have Bartz as a white mage and the rest of my party remain freelancers until they get their respective crystal's job class.

    I hope that helped explain things. The Four Job Fiesta site has a help page that should be able to answer any more questions.

  3. So am I up against DJG next week? It seems like the bracket has got pretty wonky.

    EDIT: I realized this sort of sounded like I was trying to start early, and that's not what I was getting at (and also would be impossible due to Hero bracket setup lol). I just like scoping out my competition for the next week ahead of time.

    No worries, I totally understood what you were getting at. And I will agree the bracket has got wonky.

    As promised, here are some thoughts I have on the Hero Bracket Round One tracks:

    A Taste of Ivalice - The use of both themes was pretty seamless as far as I could tell. The track feels like it could be slipped into a scene from Final Fantasy Tactics and nobody would notice one of its sources is from a Mana game. I would definitely like to hear this track expanded on and touched up.

    Dustin Time - Very chill and chippy merger of the two tracks. Production could be improved and a little more length and expansion would be nice (though the round source itself was under a minute long).

    Spirit of Beginning - Definitely still feels like a work-in-progress but I very much like what you've got going so far. It turned out pretty well for only having a week's worth of time to make and I remember you posting your frustrations of transcribing the source. Anything else I can think of to comment on evktalo said much better than I could. The track does end abruptly, which suggests to me there is still more you wanted to do with it and I very much hope you return to it after the compo concludes.

    Avoin tie - Overall a good combination of the two sources. I probably would not have noticed you copy/pasted half the song if you hadn't admitted to it yourself. Production could be improved and the drums seem to be all over the place at times, but it turned out pretty well for only having a week to work on it. As I've said for everyone else, I would like to hear this again after it's been touched up and expanded on.

    Thank you all for submitting this round and I look forward to hearing what you do in the next one. Reminds me I should probably finalize the round 2 source themes soon. Villains, how are you all faring so far?

  4. It's alright, life throws us curveballs from time to time and we can't always be prepared for everything. I don't want anyone feeling like they should not have signed up in the first place because frankly, it would have been harder to get the compo off the ground in the first place if you hadn't. And there are still Fallen mixes to consider if you have the time, but more on those when we get to round 2.

  5. They both advance because otherwise we will end up with an odd number of participants in round 2 which will make things more complicated to sort out when we get there. Fortunately, since they do not have to mix each other's character themes, round 2 won't feel like a repeat match up. This is definitely not what I was hoping for but it is what it is.

    I'm still deliberating on what to do about summons for Yami and evktalo. djg-music and Ethan Rex will get their opponents' themes but since Yami and evktalo were in the same match-up, I have to figure out who gets which theme between urdailywater and HoboKa. It'll probably boil down to a coin toss or roll of a die. Yami and evktalo, if you guys have any preferences regarding tracks or the method of deciding, message me and we will work something out we can all agree on.

  6. The entrants for the Hero Bracket Round One are now available for download. However, due to the low turnout of submitted mixes, there will not be a vote for this round. The four mixers who have provided me with their tracks will advance to the next round by default.

    Still, I encourage everyone to give the tracks a listen and post your reviews of them in this thread. For easy access to the source themes used in each round, check out the rRPC Roster. Here's to better luck in the next round.

  7. Round One of the Hero Bracket is now officially closed.

    The return of the Divinity Orb triggered a sudden resurgence of evil in the world. Many denizens of darkness stirred and made their way toward the hallowed resting place of the orb seeking to make it their own. However, what began as a conflict of interests quickly escalated into war as the greedy and selfish villains turned against one another. Through cunning, trickery, and sheer brute force, eight villainous superpowers emerged from the chaos; each with one eye set upon the Divinity Orb and the other upon each other.

    Villain Bracket Round One: The Eight Denizens of Darkness

    With the conclusion of the Hero Bracket’s first round, the time has come for the Villains to take center stage. These Villains have traveled far from their dark domains for the chance to become the supreme ruler (or destroyer) of the world. Here is a rundown of this week’s match-ups:

    Anorax (

    ) vs. Jason Covenant (

    Mindwanderer (

    ) vs. gercr (

    Saint Paradox (

    ) vs. Xenonetix (

    Supercoolmike (

    ) vs. Ghetto Lee Lewis (

    ReMixers will have until noon EST on Monday, June 23 to submit their mixes to me via PM. Be sure to follow the instructions provided in the opening post of the thread when submitting your mixes, I will not accept tracks sent in the wrong format or improperly titled. May the worst villain win.

  8. I didn't want to impose any hard guidelines on the creative process for you guys, like track length or designating any specific genres. However, the between 2 and 7 minutes range is a reasonable place to shoot for.

    Edit: Also, yeah, some of our competitors have participated in previous compos on the OCR forums. Usually members of the community step up and make signature images for people in the compos. They would be cool to have but their absence does not detract from the music. And thank you for signing up djg-music!

  9. That's weird, they were working for me earlier. Anyway, I reposted the links and they are working for me now. Let me know if there are any more issues with them. Sorry for the snag, hopefully everything's fine now.

    Edit: I figured out what I did wrong and corrected it. I also made sure to fix the links I added to the first post so everything should be good now. Let me know if there are any other issues.

  10. The people’s reaction to the return of the Divinity Orb could be felt in every corner of the world. The stirring of unease that grew from town to town was palpable as the presence of dark forces made themselves known. Heroes from around the world answered their calling and gathered weapons and equipment for the road that lies ahead of them. But as they passed through the town gates, they took one last look at the place that had been their home, knowing that if they failed in their quest, they would never see it again.

    Hero Bracket Round One: Leaving Home

    Welcome to the opening round of the ReMix Role-Playing Competition! The Hero Bracket is starting things off with a round revolving around town themes! Towns are a common starting point in RPGs, so it is only natural for the rRPC to begin in a similar fashion. The Hero Bracket graphic will be added to the first post of the compo thread soon, but here is a rundown of our heroes’ starting positions, as well as, their Round One source themes:

    djg-music and Nonamer:

    urdailywater and HoboKa:

    Ethan Rex and NovaReaper:

    Yami and evktalo: Land of Beginnings - Bravely Default

    ReMixers will have until noon EST on Monday, June 16 to submit their mixes to me via PM. Round One of the Villain Bracket will begin at that time. Be sure to follow the instructions provided in the opening post of the thread when submitting your mixes, I will not accept tracks sent in the wrong format or are improperly titled.

    To help keep the various source themes organized in one place, I created a spreadsheet of the rRPC roster that I will update for each round as more source themes are included.

    That said, Heroes, good luck and have fun!

  11. Just touching base with everyone so you all know where the compo stands as the first round of the Hero Bracket opens tomorrow. The brackets have been decided, as well as the source themes for each match-up of Hero Round One. OA has agreed to create the brackets, which is greatly appreciated. However, they may not be ready in time for the grand opening, but I have a far less aesthetically pleasing set of brackets created using a spreadsheet on Google drive that will do the trick in the meantime. Obviously, the Villain Bracket will not be revealed until their first round opens.

    I also created another spreadsheet for organizing everyone's character themes and included youtube links to their music and will do the same for the source themes of each Hero round as they come up. I also included links to Xenonetix's playlists as well as some links to extended versions of the themes that I could find, but unfortunately not all the themes had extended versions as far as I could tell. So far everything's coming together pretty well. So get hype everyone, Round One of the Hero Bracket begins tomorrow!

  12. It just came to my attention the other day that Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta will be starting soon. Four Job Fiesta is a challenge run of FFV where you are limited to only using four randomly determined job classes for the duration of the entire game. The event is done to raise money for Child's Play, a charity that donates games and toys to children's hospitals across the country. People make pledges via Twitter to give X amount of money for every player who beats the game/defeats Omega and/or Shinryu.

    More information and details of how to sign up can be found on their website: http://fourjobfiesta.com/index.php You will have to use Twitter to sign up, as well as to get your random job classes.

    I participated in Four Job Fiesta last year and made a mini-series out of it on my

    . It might make things easier to understand for new players to see it in action. While I plan on giving it another go this year, I don't have any plans of recording any of it this time. Anyone else aware of this event or otherwise interested in participating?
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