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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. oh man I remember the furor that arose the last time this question was asked about a year or two ago.

    Even though I still have a ways to go, I found that switching to mono for some EQ'ing after getting my levels set really helped the quality of my mixes. It stacks everything so you can hear what is clashing much easier.

    It's a matter of preference and what you are used to but it's another tool to use and it's only one button click away to check it. Why not mess around with it?

  2. Can you imagine what it must be like telling people that you play one of these instruments?

    "oh you're a musician? Thats cool, what do you play?"

    "I play a shakuhachi"

    "oh... oh right thats cool bro..."

    "I also play a bazooka"

    "Orly? Have you blown anyone up with it yet?"



    I just learned about this one today.

    Bass balalaika. Looks like a dorito.

  3. I should throw Amnesia in this list too.

    I went on a masochistic horror game binge after getting Slender over the summer. I got Amnesia expecting to not enjoy it at all but a game that prevented you from fighting back and that also required you to know which ways the doors open while making your escapes seemed too good to pass over.

    The game really was loads of fun on top of some classic scares that are more than what most horror games rely on today.

    Which are none.

    There are no real mainstream horror games anymore...

    ...and most horror movies suck.

  4. I really like this one. It has some great potential.

    The 16th note bass run doesn't highlight the chord progression as well as it should especially midway through the piece and towards the end. Play around with some of those notes and see if you can smooth it out a little.

    The glitches I don't think are necessary and don't add much to the mix overall. Otherwise the strings sound good and the background effects are really well placed.

    Looking forward to any future versions!

  5. Doing all of this with demo sounds is very very cool. I messed around with fruity loops back around 2003/2004 and i did not have the best time doing anything with it. I'm not the biggest dubstep fan in the world but I was able to listen to the whole thing no problem. Tasteful use of wobbles and wubs and what not is what i'm trying to say. By the way what oscillators did you use? I have no oscillator plugins and want to know which ones are good to be playing around with.

    Any chance of this thing getting a name change though ? :) Let me tell you, I'm a pretty mild mannered proud member of the opposite sex with 28 years of Nintendo avoision which has left me with maybe a total of 10 minutes of Metroid playtime across the whole series and i'm sort of offended by the title. Somehow. I can't imagine what some Metroid fans are going to think.

    I am all for the subliminal messaging if you want to keep that in there but putting it right in the title is too overt me thinks. Otherwise sounds good!

    It was cool meeting you at magfest too!

  6. that's something that i can't wait to see go away for good.

    Watching other people play games...

    I mean i'm all for streaming tournaments of various fighting games but i never understood why people watch other people playing when right at that moment, THEY COULD BE PLAYING SOMETHING THEMSELVES!

    I like to help this country's productivity by offering free time management tips like that. :)

  7. ...that's really.... not Jpop. Or even close to in my opinion. Probably because they are Koreans :P but it sounds more like standard clubbin' music that travelled eastward.

    I found an article awhile ago detailing the characteristics and forumlae for Jpoppier tunes but i haven't been able to find it recently. If i ever find it again i'll post it here. It shouldn't be too hard to find the patterns though if you are able to play through a few of them on a midi keyboard or some other instrument.

    If that's what he wants then go for it, outside of the production techniques you'll need it shouldn't be too hard for you to get that.

    Though when i think Jpop i think more of

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd5KSuYAxEk Nina Mizuki

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbL0ED-m5NU Onoken

    and Susumu Hirasawa

    Good luck!

  8. this calls for a be straighter verses gar Pocalypse 1 on 1 in the arena Vanguard against Vanguard pay per view event of the decade

    Sure! Why THE HELL NOT?!

    Sonnen Vs Silva 2 already happened though and i think that takes it.

    Wait.. Gecko playes this too? Why not an OCR server so we can whomp each other! I gotta say I rather enjoyed getting stabbed repeatedly by OCR GOD #14 (Level 99) in Bushido Blade 2 at Magfest!

  9. Just so we are clear


    After this thread I played a quick game after almost a month away.

    And i realized it's actually a really fun game! ...compared to happy wars which a friend of mine tried to get me to play a few rounds of last night.

    but yea Vanguards. Over-friggen'-Powered!

  10. EDIT: Oh but yeah the constant racism and N-bombs and ragequitting and raging in general from everyone "taking it too seriously" drives the value down, BUT if you can revel in their anger and have a good time despite it, and just laugh at them, it's a great time.

    I haven't seen any of that but seeing someone try to votekick nonstop over an accidental death is as irritating as the worst kind of hell.

    Vanguards are horribly OP. To the point where there is no point in playing anything else but my main beef is that I like to get good at the things I do. Everyone is screaming about some kind of depth that's supposed to be in the swordfighting in this game but all i've seen are bardiche swinging vanguards killing off half the enemy team and half of their own. Don't get me started on the garbage parrying either. Without counter strikes or blade traps this game is only so authentic, which is not very.

    I like the game, i'll continue to play it but i'm not going to care about it when i do. :)

    25 bucks tho no way! :)

  11. (nut reference)... in forcing another Mega Man mix upon us. However it is a pretty awesome tune, so I'll let slide this time.

    Pretty much the way I feel too. Though i guess if one of my favorite IP's was close to being killed off then i'd be doing the same thing. If it didn't already happen i mean.

    Valis, Star Gladiator, Earthworm Jim, Ecco, Final Zone, Battle Arena Toshinden, Bushido Blade, Galaxy Force, Mutant League, Rolling Thunder, Samurai Spirits, Streets of Rage, Splatter house, Toejam N' Earl, Parasite Eve and so on...

    I like the tune though so i hope to have something for it in a week.

  12. The mid-centric eq cuts on drums...isn't that more of a pragmatic consideration because you'll get a shitload of mids with all the power chords?

    Might seem that way but rhythm guitars get cut in the same way. Well not exactly the same way but close to. Usually the rhythm guitars are bracketed off low (starting around 100hz) and high (varies but 4k is a good place to start) and then dipped around 500hz.

    Supposedly the mid cut is to let the bass come through but when was the last time you went "listen to the sound of that bass!" on a metal album? I think it's more because volumes are pushed so hard and those frequencies sound like hell. More specifically like cardboard and the repetition necessary to get the smashing a guy in the head with a sledgehammer vibe (what? at least that's the metal i listen to...) makes listening to those frequencies far less endurable. Cut them and you can go all day. Listen to amateur demos of metal bands then listen to the finished studio ones and you can pretty quickly pick out what should have been cut. ...and why you can't listen to more than 3 minutes of a demo in a day.

    At least those are my thoughts on the issue, i'm still trying to figure things out myself.

  13. It really didn't sound like a bad lead for the mix it just sounded monotonous by the time the song was halfway done. It was more about creating an engaging mix the whole way through than the lead itself and that's something that's going to take a lot of time to learn how to do.

    The mix I submitted for example, used two distinctly different electronic lead sounds with one being doubled and split 20L/20R and the other one straight up the center. Small things like that keep the ear engaged.

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