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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Personally, I get bored of listening to it after a while. It seems kinda stale, if that makes any sense. The overall song needs a bit more variety and you need a bit more deviation from the original theme. However, I liked the outro (3:35 - end) and you can probably keep the break from 1:21 - 1:33 somewhere in the song.

    Take it with a grain of salt: I'm a ReMix n00b, after all. :tomatoface:

  2. Some people on Youtube have made some interesting rap mashups of Sonic songs. Note: it IS rap. If you don't like it, you've been warned.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3k4uwQjPeg - 2Pac: Changes, Sonic 2: Hill Top Zone

    - 2Pac: Still Ballin, Sonic 3: Final Boss

    - Gorillaz: Feel Good Inc., Sonic 3: Sandopolis Act I (starts at 1:01, pitched up a bit)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHBNz82qm0I - The Game ft. 50 Cent: Hate It or Love It, Sonic CD: Tidal Tempest (Act I?)

    Rapping ReMixes with the same flow that these mashups have would be an interesting addition to the site.

  3. I just got a brilliant idea! Someone should remix Tubba Blubba and Mocho Grubba together. That would be awesome!

    Personally, I'm not hearing these blend together too well. I still might mess around with the midi files this weekend, though.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsnuXKDsX7M - Hot Top Volcano

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzX4IzsdtK0 - Jungle Falls

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEaCIhcNkIs - Fossil Canyon

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OuuQEoiDvY - Ancient Lake

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EolCuuSZ2q0 - Boulder Canyon

    Good times. =)

    I don't have anything specific in mind for any of these, but I usually bias my ideas towards electronic stuff. Um... Fossil Canyon waltz? =\

  5. Good song. I hated that stupid missing letter, but the music was pretty awesome.

    I wonder what kind of trippy stuff people could get from this...

    Also, I'll throw these in, just in case:

    - X-Naut Fortress

    - Macho Grubba

    - Shadow Queen

    - Cortez

    - Smorg

    It might be kinda similar to the style of the source, but maybe Macho Grubba could be ReMixed into industrial? More stuff like Nine Inch Klax would be awesome.

    For Cortez, something with tons of syncopation...

  6. Pepper, you've made my day. I haven't heard these tunes for years! :D

    I think Jail, Hospital and Explore have some potential... I'll start experimenting. Chroxic, wanna collab?

    Perhaps ReMix n00b wasn't the best term. More like MUSIC n00b. =) Perhaps one day, but not until I advance past merely slicing and dicing beats.

    Until finals are over at my university, I won't have time to mess around with music. Once summer rolls around, I might have to go looking for some Lego Island midi's...

  7. Pepper, you are practically GOD to me. I've been dying to get ahold of that soundtrack for AGES!

    I fully support this idea. I can't contribute anything for a while (ReMix n00b here) but I think I'll start playing around with some ideas. I support all of the tracks you've mentioned but I'd like to suggest the Race track (no pun intended =P ) as well. I can hear some potential in it, especially if someone manages to isolate the SFX to use.

  8. Hello, ReMixers (and fellow n00bs). My name is Chroxic (you can call me Nick if you think that's one weird-ass name) and I've been following OCR since early high school. I'm now a freshman in college (notice the post time of 3:00 AM) and I'm hoping to start training myself in the fine art of ReMixing. As far as musical experience goes, I've only sliced, diced, and spliced loops in ACID and Soundtrack Pro / GarageBand. I haven't done much in FL Studio yet but I am optimistic about the potential of such a freakin' awesome program.

    Please be sure to offer me as much criticism (preferably constructive) as possible! :tomatoface:

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