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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Ok, these are REEEEEEALLY crappy midi's, but you can thank Gens for that (and my lack of desire to modify a midi file).

    MIDI rips:

    Stage 4

    Stage 7

    Seriously, I haven't even opened these up in FL Studio yet and I can already tell the default instrument mapping is way off. However, they should be enough for anyone (like myself!) interested in working with these songs.

  2. This is pretty cool music. Time for a trip to Zophar's :)!!

    If anyone can find MIDIs for Stage 4 and / or Stage 7, I'll gladly give it a shot. The usual spots I check have turned up empty >_>

    EDIT: 1). I found out this game is available on Steam, so I absolutely have to get it now. 2). Those two songs sound REALLY cool so I might just rip the soundtracks and convert them to MIDI myself. If someone else wants the MIDIs, PM me.

  3. If I overlooked another post on this subject (which I swear I didn't see), strike this from the forums :]

    Here are

    that explain it. Lots of similar stuff in them, but I'd say both are worth watching.

    Yes, the law is still in it's infancy and certain game developers will probably add clauses to allow fans to do as they have always done. However, we should keep a close eye on this one.

  4. Damn, that would be cool. I never made it that far in the game, but that song sounds awesome.

    I'm not too sure about the remixability of it, but my favorite music from this game is that of Lava Powerhouse. Now,

    isn't submission material, but it seems to be heading in a good direction.

    EDIT: I think I like that cover because it reminds me of mAEt b0y :D

  5. The hell? A Banjo Kazooie / Banjo Tooie thread with no mention of

    of Hailfire Peaks? These were a couple of my favorite songs from this game. (well, basically the same song, but hearing the same song with different instrumentation can yield different ideas)
  6. I'm sure it'll be awesome; I'm just glad someone finally remixed Gravity Man. :grin: This competition finally gave some Robot Masters the remix lovin' they needed.

    I'm hell-bent on making sure the future final product of my remix kicks ass.

    In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing what my fellow Proto Men have produced.

  7. I still need remixes from Xarnax42, rexxz, and chroxic.

    EDIT: got chroxic

    I even fixed my stupid file name mistake in time DX

    That was definitely interesting. I just wish I started a bit earlier so it sounded more complete.

    Ah well. :tomatoface:

    While I doubt I'll be moving on, I believe I have a good idea on how to turn my entry into a legit drum 'n' bass track in the future.

  8. Its the quiet before the storm ;)
    Proto Men are bringin' it down to the wire.
    I'm not dropping even if I have to submit my (current) fraction of what I'd called a finished piece.

    Maybe we're working on our mixes instead of sitting here posting progress updates.

    Your words sound courageous but your eyes show FEAR!.
    Tomorrow will be a kickass day! :D

    All of the above! xD

    This is the biggest thing I've tackled in music thus far. The difficulty I've been having in getting the track put together is very representative of that, but I'm still sending mine in no matter what.

    It just might not go in until tomorrow morning. :tomatoface:

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