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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Some surprise events popped up this week that made it a bit more difficult to work on this. I also spent way too much time looking for guitar VST instruments. :tomatoface:

    I'll sub something within the next 14 hours, but it won't be a finished product. It'll be on par with my other compo stuff, though. :<

  2. You're welcome, Darke. :D

    I think I'm at my breaking point with music making meaning that I could either plummet from this point or keep rising and I'm hoping for the latter.


    There are so many things that I don't know about music that I've just been kinda doin my own thing and hope that it works and nothin has been truly consistent with me.


    Before you guys flame me or anything, please note that I don't have the internet at home right now so any researching I do is at school. And all of the guides and tips and shit don't go into enough detail and I've been to a ton of places. I know a lot of it you have to try for yourself, but I've done plenty of that I feel and I really haven't been gettin anywhere and it's discouraging and I don't want to stop because I have all this great music in my head but it's never exactly what I was hoping for when I put it onto my DAW.


    So can you guys help a brotha out who's at his wits end? I'm like seriously lost at this point or maybe it's all just psychological =/.

    Last five words, completely.

    In high school (I'm in college now), I introduced myself to loop-based production (first type I ever did) and this became my pride and joy for the longest time. Over time, I realized that a song based on repetitive loops (or one that uses canned beats) sounds like shit. I kinda lost motivation for a while because I wasn't sure where the hell to go next.

    One day, I finally said "screw this shit." I decided that the only way I was going to get better at music was if I jumped in.

    I did,

    hence the reason I'm participating in the GRMRB even though I don't have much music experience and even though the only compo I've contributed something to thus far sounds like this.

    It's all mental! Dive into it and figure stuff out as you go. If you don't know something or if you can't find something somewhere that explains it, don't feel bad about asking! I've asked a few questions thus far and I'm far from knowing as much as I feel I should know. However, I know I'll figure it out over time. :grin:

  3. You will never achieve that kind of sound with synthesis. Sampled stuff like Shreddage or Prominy LPC can get you a lot closer. The 'unique' guitar sound is just caused by downtuning.

    I can't quite afford those at the moment, but I'll keep 'em in mind for future reference. As for the 'unique' guitar sound, I thought it was pitched way down but my crappy imitation was throwing me off.

    People really need to stop saying "VST"'s, because they're not being clear about whether they're talking about synths or samplers.

    Intentional at the time of posting, although the notion of a sampler had slipped my mind entirely. :tomatoface:

    Can you get it done with a VST? Yes, two. One is called Kontakt (a sampler, not a synth), which you have to buy to get access to buy Shreddage. The other is an amp sim of your choice. I recommend downloading the TH2 Overloud demo. Good stuff. Shreddage includes low Bb tuning, and Shreddage X (the lovely $20 expansion that's bigger than the original) has Ab tuning. That's all of the low dark metal tuning you need right there. Of course if you can't afford Kontakt, zircon is working on bringing Shreddage to DirectWave.

    Can you get it done with a synthesizer? If you feel like spending years fine tuning your replication of a human playing rhythm guitar, sure. (in other words, don't do it. Especially not with something like sytrus and hardcore. Sytrus is pretty powerful but it's not meant for physical modeling. Hardcore sucks hardcore.)

    Good to know. I'll make a point to avoid Hardcore once I find a better amp sim. First in line is Guitar Rig 4 Player.

    Or you could buy or borrow a real guitar... if you are not good at it, you can at least sample the notes/chords and fix it that way.

    One time I recorded a couple of riffs and organised them as different midi keys, it's a good way to build a song structure on the fly.

    I might do that at some point, but not now given my current hardware config.

    Thanks for the info, guys. For the time being, I'll make due with Kore Player, Kontact Player, and whatever free stuff I can find at the mega thread I forgot about.:tomatoface::mrgreen:

    EDIT: Ah shit, I forgot about this one, too.

  4. After messing around in FL Studio tonight and doing a bit of research, I tried and failed to make a certain guitar sound. Sure, I managed to get a *decent* guitar sound via Sytrus and Hardcore, but nothing quite like what I'm aiming to emulate.

    Crush 40 has a darker sound than usual in Shadow the Hedgehog and as a result, their guitar sound is more bad-ass than usual. Specifically, the final boss music has a unique guitar sound that I would love to be able to replicate. If it is possible to emulate this with VSTs alone, how do I do it? If not, what guitars do I need to get my hands on?

    As a second question / last resort, what about a

    guitar sound? Same questions.
  5. Oh, and I'm bringing my A-Game apparently. This is literally the best thing I've ever done. And at the rate I'm going I'll trump it again in a few months.

    Win or lose, this is EXACTLY how I want this competition to play out for me :mrgreen: Listening to the Proto Man bracket themes nearly nonstop, I feel like I've come up with some pretty awesome ideas. Two of 'em might even be worthy enough to turn into legit ReMixes and I haven't even started working on them yet. Yeah, I should probably start messing around in FL Studio to make sure I can pull off the two remixes, but what better way to learn something than just about drowning yourself in it? :razz:

  6. 32 people? wow. This is going to be VERY interesting.

    Damn straight: (assuming I looked at everything right :razz:)

    1. Cyril the Wolf - Solar Man
    2. WillRock - Elec Man
    3. Me - Gravity Man
    4. neblix - Plug Man
    5. Rozovian - Chill Man
    6. rexxz - Time Man
    7. Gario - Napalm Man
    8. Main Finger - Toad Man
    9. BlackPanther - Ground Man
    10. AeroZ - Gemini Man
    11. geoffio - Skull Man
    12. Sir_NutS - Heat Man
    13. Chickenwarlord - Wave Man
    14. TheGuitahHeroe - Bubble Man
    15. PrototypeRaptor - Crash Man
    16. Anti-Syne - Quick Man
    17. SilvernixSP - Air Man
    18. Brandon Strader - Splash Woman
    19. pixelwave - Snake Man
    20. Devastus - Solar Man
    21. DusK - Spark Man
    22. Xarnax42 - Knight Man
    23. fredrikd - Sheep Man
    24. Starphoenix - Pump Man
    25. Enigami - Shade Man
    26. prophetik - Spring Man
    27. Chernabogue - Pharaoh Man
    28. Jakesnke17 - Galaxy Man
    29. Geeky Stoner - Flash Man
    30. Hylian Lemon - Hard Man
    31. rodd11 - Fire Man
    32. Draconiator - Wave Man

  7. Just a thought...At least for the first round you should put OCR members who have posted mixes against each other (i.e. WillRock vs. Prophetik), while non-posted members can compete against each other (i.e. Starpheonix vs. fredrickd). That could even the playing field for newer and less experienced members. Let's face it, any newb going against...say...Rozovian.

    Seconded. :<

  8. From one fellow FL n00b to another, I think just diving into SOMETHING is the best way to get rolling. I have yet to get any of the many project files I have on my hard drive into even a halfway finished state yet, but I've tried to push my boundaries by doing something new (no matter how little) in each project. I'm about to shove my boundaries a great deal when I enter the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, but win or lose I'll still walk away with more experience.

    As for a resource, an oldie but a goodie: Google. It is particularly useful when you're trying to figure out what something does in FL and either you don't know where it is in the manual or the manual is quite useless in assisting you (as it sounds to be).

    Come up with an idea, fire up FL, stumble through the project while getting better with the program, and repeat! :-D

    EDIT: Any repetition of ideas within this post is because they are good ideas, not because I didn't see them posted earlier :P

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