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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. This is my own personal opinion, so dismiss it if you like. However, I believe that you will have a better chance of getting programmers that are able to help with the game if the engine was redone in Flash, C#, C++, or some similar language.

    Besides, if you guys don't have any programmers right now, I would imagine (aside from your original programmer's work) that you don't have too much investment in what language / development environment the engine is developed in so long as it works.

    Again, this is just my opinion. :tomatoface: Your course of action is highly dependent on how far along the engine is, and that is something I do not know.

    EDIT: If you DO change what you're using, I'm personally biased towards C# and XNA. :P

  2. The source is included for those who have Visual studio installed. The notes per cell are hard coded in the NoteController class. The nr of rows & cols are hard coded in Form1.cs. I did this as a challenge to write a similar thing in 1 hour or less (it took 3.5hours in total :() so there is no comments whatsoever. I did try to make it a bit structured though.

    I can probably add more stuff to setup, but now it's near midnight and I have to work tomorrow so maybe later :P

    Interesting. I'm looking forward to checking out the source code. Well, once the semester ends. >_<

  3. Here's an interesting question: does anyone have any idea if we can still earn potatoes for our profile after Portal 2 hits? I'm dying to earn some, but my studies are killing me right now.

  4. Interesting. I played this for a short time during my childhood and could never get past the first level. I'm definitely glad I got to hear the rest of the soundtrack now.

    Day 4 / 15, Day 7 / 14, and Day 11 are calling out to me. :grin:

  5. If I do a remix from IRB, it will probably be with this track. :-D

    This is assuming that either I do the nearly-impossible and develop my musical ear to the point where I can just listen to the song and figure out all the notes or I find a MIDI. The usual suspects have turned up blank, so can anyone help me with the latter?

  6. This post is 100% on topic. :razz:

    Countless hours, countless attempts, some short-term ragequits, lots of ego damage; it takes a lot of work and a long time to make anything good.

    Amen. I still haven't come up with something good. I've been messing around with electronic music off and on for around five years and there was an extended period of time where I thought that it was simply impossible for me to make anything even remotely good. Within the last few months, I've decided that the only way I'm going to get better at electronic music is if I actually start making it, no matter how shitty it sounds when I start. I recently entered my first compo that I actually followed through with and came up with this piece of crap.

    tl;dr, eilios is right. Electronic music is very difficult to make.

  7. One hour remaining.

    Good luck, guys.

    Umm, oops. Did I miss something somewhere? Because I'm pretty sure the first post says


    20th March Midnight US East Coast

    Maybe I wasn't paying too much attention to the "official" ThaSauce countdown...ah well. Thanks to a major screw-up on a school project courtesy of my teammate, I've started work today trying to gain some points back on it. I wouldn't have time tonight to work as much as I'd like to on my mix anyway. >_<

  8. Alright, uploaded. Now we're just waiting on Chroxic's promising-sounding entry :mrgreen:

    Heheheh. xD

    My source of choice was Acacia Streets. I knew a few days ago that I probably wouldn't get it done, but I didn't think I would forget to submit my "song" altogether. I realized I had forgot about the compo at about midnight MST last night, so I decided to upload it once I woke up. Morning has rolled around (a bit too quickly), so this is what I managed to come up with: a 41 second drum "loop" based off of neblix's processed dnb kit. It isn't so much a loop as it is a few different drum patterns thrown together, but it seemed like an ok start.

    I did manage to get a cool 6/4 DNBish beat going, though. :mrgreen: Next month, I should be able to come up with something a bit more complete.

  9. I'm still sticking with my 6/4 dnb idea, but I'm making slow progress. Aside from the given time issue of being a CS student, I'm very new to FL Studio (I bought it back in December during the discount). I'm still attempting to get some semblance of a logical workflow going for manipulating MIDI like this.

    Right now, the only thing I can guarantee 100% is an interesting beat. :tomatoface:

  10. My personal favorite cover of this song was done by The Adventures of Duane and Brando. Their version is essentially the same source but with rapping over the top and extra drum beats right on top of the original ones.

    It definitely isn't worthy enough to be called a remix, but it's an interesting cover version. A remix idea for this song just popped into my head, but it is in a different genre. Since I sure as hell can't do this style right now, I'd love to see an OCR-sanctioned rap remix of this. xD

    P.S. All of their stuff (except their eight-part Earthbound epic) has a similar sound. If you're interested, this is an official download for all of their music. They split up due to artistic differences and put up all of their music for free as a result.

  11. Two days! Great to see Chronix on board with it, but it'd be even better to see someone else join on the fun, here. Let's end this compo with a competition at the end with two or more participants!

    w00t for misspelling my name! xD

    I've got the very, very rough structure of the song figured out, but I think I've spent a bit too much time on the drums. Time to copy and paste...

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