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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. You can't go wrong with some Daytona.
  2. Break it down. Honestly, why exactly does the general public HAVE to know? Any OCR personnel certainly need to know, and they are welcome to PM me or post about it here if they feel fit to do so. VotL kept even its tracklist completely under wraps: At least we've had the courtesy to give you one of those. They know. We have an entire forum dedicated to this project in which we have a private section wherein remixers can update on the status of their track, post WIPs, and ask for help. If anyone involved with the project is curious about why the project is not out yet, they can check and post about it (and they generally do) there. I would love nothing more than this project to see the light of day, but we don't feel it's ready. We've cut plenty of songs. Cutting any of the remaining ones is not necessary. You have no right to know. We're not going to disclose every little reason for a holdup. OCR personnel and anyone involved with this project may need to know, but not you. I know what the problem is if there is one, and that is all that's necessary. They have been pushed. And pushed. AND pushed. There is more going on behind the scenes than you are privy to. It's been done, several times over. There are many people no longer affiliated with this project simply because they took too long and did not meet due dates set for them. It's happened, but it is no longer necessary with what we have left. It's not fair to us to force out a half-assed project, either. There was the the known possibility going into this project that it would potentially take a very, VERY long time. I knew it, remixers knew it, OCR in general knew it. While it's taken longer than expected, we all knew going into this what it entailed. I'll wait as long as it takes until I am happy with the finished project. Then what exactly are you whining about? You won't be disappointed. Just be patient.
  3. Nitro Game Injection #101 featuring Kareshi is now available for download. The playlist can be found in the ID3 tag's Comments section.
  4. Thanks for the plug, Larry. We are broadcasting right now, so if you want listen now is the time!
  5. Have some good stuff lined up this week. Akumu will be featuring doujin arranger Low-Tech Son, we'll be talking talking to pianist Kareshi live, and of course playing a bunch of new and classic VG arrange tunes for your listening pleasure. Don't miss it!
  6. "Snaking" in MKDS was an intended feature as a move for advanced players, not a bug.
  7. Hey Larry, just wanted to let you know that I've created a syndicated feed on LiveJournal for the VG Frequency blog, so folks with LJ can watch you via their Friends pages. The feed can be found here. Also, I don't know if you've caught the revival of a certain radio show... (Though I don't know how blog-worthy that is, haha)
  8. Wait...Yeah, you're right. I just miss the Side Somersault into Wall Jump.
  9. I agree, although I do like the physics in Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, if only because it's possible to do a lot of the moves from the newer 3D games. Side Somersault and Wall Jump are badass and I wish they would've put them into New SMB.
  10. Old to some, new to most, Nitro Game Injection is my weekly video game music webcast that has been around since early 2003 (though until recently the show was on hiatus for over a year). Recently hitting the milestone of it's 100th episode, the show has been revamped and given a new direction. Featuring AkumuHau as my co-host, NGI now has a more direct focus on the community itself, with news announcements, featured artists, album reviews, and community discussion. Interviews with a number of well-known names of the video game arrangement/composition scene are currently being planned for future shows, as well. Akumu brings with his extensive knowledge of the Asian doujin scene, and NGI now features a heavy emphasis on the doujin community, in an effort to bring these artists more to light to western audiences. Don't worry, though: We haven't forgotten the familiar faces from the American/European arrangement scene, or your favorite original game soundtrack composers. We even take requests, via email. The show is streamed live every Saturday at 6 PM Eastern time, and MP3 downloads are available after the show is over if you happened to miss it. There is also an IRC chatroom available that's quite active during the show. Everything you'll need to know is right here: Show: Nitro Game Injection Time: Every Saturday night, 3 PM to 6 PM Pacific Time - 6 PM to 9 PM Eastern time Stream Address: http://kngi.servegame.com Official website: http://www.kngi.org/ Request line: nitrogameinjection@gmail.com (Put "Request" in the subject line, and include a link to your request in case we don't have it) Chat: #ngi on irc.esper.net, or at this link MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/nitrogameinjection (featuring an MP3 downloads and playlists of the latest shows) Hope to see you there!
  11. This is the Smash update I've been waiting for. I was going to buy it anyway, but Sonic just seals the deal.
  12. That one's been done for awhile. Then it was undone for a bit since they were unhappy with it (although it was awesome). And now it's done again. And it rocks.
  13. Don't give me no lip, boy! Just because you actually did something like "counting" the songs in the list makes you some hot shot know-it-all about this project! We'll have none of that around here!
  14. Actually, not really. The ToS side has less songs, if you haven't noticed.
  15. Try these on for size: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/nov06/09-DanimalCannon-DW4-Revenge-DoD.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/may06/norg-DQ4-Frenzy-DoD.mp3
  16. Mae has it right: Let me hear whatcha got, either by PM or post it here.
  17. I'll take that as a no. Darn. And we're THIS close to beating VotL for largest track count for one project.
  18. Housethegrape posted tabs for Light in the Fortress on his site awhile ago.
  19. In Windows, the problem is dependent on where the file is placed. If it's placed under many subfolders (so the directory structure looks like x:/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/file) instead of near the top of the drives folder structure, it goes crazy and can't read that particular file, because the filename with the directories added is too long. Once the file is there, it's stuck and can't be renamed or moved. The only way to delete it is by taking everything else out of the folder and deleting the folder itself.
  20. We've actually made some progress! We're a few tiny steps closer to being done! Also, Hale: Want to do another track?
  21. Lea is in hiding in North Carolina and hates the internet now. I hardly talk to her anymore. As for me, I'm in hiding too. And I hate you.* * - Actually I'm just lazy.
  22. Alright, I haven't been keeping in touch with the remaining songs as well as I should have, so the September 31st due date may get pushed. I need to talk to some of you about your songs, so if I don't talk to you first, please come to me, either in PM, response to this thread, or somewhere else.
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