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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This remix was very sparkly. I don't know why but I can't help but envision space travel of some sort while listening to this. Great synths and great arrangement done here. Fantastic job!
  2. This remix was a hefty chunk of musical awesomeness! There is a lot to enjoy in this remix, and the ever-changing soundscape keeps the listener engaged. This piece definitely does a great job of painting a vivid picture of a scene or two or three. If I had to pick my favorite part, it would probably be the section around 6:00 - 7:00.
  3. No reviews? Blasphemy. As soon as I heard that growly bass playing the original tune at :22 I knew I was in for a good time. I enjoyed the various blips and arps that would pan around in the background. I enjoyed the bitcrushy percussion and excellent use of sfx. Overall this was a fantastic remix! Very well done.
  4. The title of this remix is very fitting, because this remix felt like an illusion, maybe even a dream! I am a fan of the percussion on this one, nice and fun reverb'd snares and I am definitely a fan of the bass and the various morphing iterations it went through. Great remix!
  5. I debated whether or not I should comment on my own remixes, but I sought out to comment on EVERY remix and so that includes my own. I am my own worst critic anyways, so if there are any remixes that deserve a kind word from me it's... me, especially after taking such a long break of submitting OCR's (Or making music in general.) This remix isn't my best work, but it is solid. The only reference speakers I had for this remix was my car, so I think this remix sounds pretty good in a 2013 Honda Civic with factory audio equipment. I mostly just really really wanted to showcase how ridiculously good the bassline is in the original song cuz GAT dang! Side note: I take slight Umbridge in the idea that "Spooky Sandopolis" is unexpected, because if you think about the pyramid/tomb section of act 2, it is drenched in spooky. Ghosts of who/whatever was buried in those tombs slowly start appearing, harmless appearing at first, but if you don't keep hitting those light switches, your surroundings get darker...and darker... and those ghosts start to morph and eventually start to attack you. ?
  6. The name of the game for this remix is DARK. Everything in this remix seems to be kind of dripping with darkness. (Yes even the high hats!). This had that vague sense of unease that fits the source material well, great job on this remix!
  7. I liked the vibe of this one, there were so many cool moments and FX to listen to in this remix. Two thumbs up! Gold Stars all around!
  8. The percussion early on definitely had me paying attention, it kind of tickles your brain in that odd way. This was expertly done and very cool. Good stuff ?
  9. This feels VERY fitting for plants vs zombies instrumentation and arrangement wise. Are you sure this isn't ripped straight from the soundtrack? That harpsichord was great, this remix is great! Great stuff.
  10. There is a lot of fun stuff going on in the background of this remix, most of the time I had the most listening to the various cool things happening in the background. Great filter work throughout and some pretty baller moments. Overall a great remix. Good job!
  11. Ah man, good ol life force, a classic. This was a great remix, very solid. Fun to listen to throughout and great energy. Two thumbs up!
  12. This was quite the trip! Great use of sound effects and general sound design funkyness. This was fun to listen to from start to finish, great job!
  13. Excellent work with the vocals here. Great production in general, the whole remix felt seamless! Good job! :)
  14. I enjoyed that intro, felt very nostalgic. Very solid stuff and a great rendition of the classic theme! Great job. :)
  15. This was a pleasant ride, a nice remix with plenty of ear candy thrown in to make it interesting. Great stuff!
  16. This was a treat! I enjoyed the changing up the styles/instruments. Going from a filter break to light vocals and then suddenly a shredding lead guitar, etc. Fantastic stuff! :)
  17. This remix definitely screams "hometown" vibes. This was a peaceful remix to listen to. Excellent job!
  18. This was exceptionally well done and played. I am not exactly a wind instrument expert but I could hear the musicality and passion behind their playing in this remix. Also this remix was pleasant to listen to, great job!
  19. This felt longer than it was, but only because it told such a vivid story through only piano! Fantastic job on this! :)
  20. Aw yiss some fun accordion action, very fitting for Curse of Monkey Island. This was fun to listen to! Great job!
  21. Great use of the vocals. Good energy throughout that really tells a story. I've never played Golden Sun but I could imagine an epic scenario unfolding in my head while listening to this. :)
  22. A grand remix, and very well done! 2:30 - 3:00 was very intense, what a journey! Great job! :)
  23. I enjoyed the switch-up to the lofi-ish drums around 1:52, there was cool stuff around there. Overall I enjoyed the drums a lot in this, and some of the background pounds were fantastic also. Great stuff!
  24. Definitely not the direction I expected a Toejam and Earl remix to go. I really enjoyed the leads, especially the synth lead that comes in around 1:17. Fun stuff! :)
  25. I enjoyed the slow intro, great way to set the tone. Quite rockin indeed! ? Good job!
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