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Everything posted by Schematist

  1. I might as well give Nintendo my bank account number now.
  2. So far SFV looks like the players will have to really increase their ground game. In my opinion it looks more like a chess match instead of a checkers match. I'm pretty excited for the release. I think the updates to SFIV eventually ended up hurting the game rather than helping it. (Omega Mode for example). It's time for change!
  3. I loved every bit of this remix. Especially coming from playing Final Fantasy X-HD. Some of the arranged tracks in there were quite wonderful, but I don't think Besaid Island was captured too well. This sparkling remix is what I needed to hear. Thanks for that!
  4. Thanks for the help with RPG Maker! It was a while back, you may have forgotten, but I didn't! It helped a great deal!

  5. Hello fellow musicians, I took a big break from composing due to getting ready for grad school, but I am ready to learn how to further strengthen my remixing skills. I wanted to receive feedback on a mix I finished not to long ago. Thanks for having me! Source Remix https://soundcloud.com/schematist/sonic-and-kunckles-remix-massive-battery
  6. I haven't made one of these in a while, so I really wanted to share this new project that was inspired by Yuzo Koshiro and Nobuo Uematsu. https://soundcloud.com/schematist/original-rpg-battle-theme-shattered-paths
  7. Hey fellow music enthusiasts! I came across a vibrant and passion driven Tactical RPG titled Gravia Tactics while I was on twitter and they just launched their Kickstarter. I backed it, but I would love to see the developers reach their goal and set a new standard to the genre. If anyone is interested please check out the link below https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/graviatactics/gravia-tactics
  8. I can always count on some honesty on your end Timaeus Thanks a million! Going to give it another few listens!
  9. I have to thank Timaeus222 for giving me such critical feedback on my tracks. I am starting to look a little closer at smaller details which create the bigger picture. So here is Street Fighter II Theme I am working on. I am not sure what else it needs though. (Constructive Criticism Wanted) https://soundcloud.com/schematist/street-fighter-ii-vega-theme
  10. This track was inspired by two well known composing juggernauts. (Shoji Meguro & Zircon) I love that blend of hip-hop and elctronica! Let me know what you guys think https://soundcloud.com/schematist/limitless
  11. Hey guys this is a battle theme concept I cooked up for an RPG being made by Crimson Forge Games. I love feedback and pointers so please hit me with it.
  12. Thank you for the feedback and for the advice on the title. I actually never thought of that. Thanks for the heads up!!
  13. Here is an original RPG melody that was inspired by the works of Nujabes. I wanted to combine a western sound with a more urban/modern sound. Feedback is always appreciated.
  14. I swear this site is the best for constructive feedback. Thanks everyone! gonna start implementing these ideas. But I might stay away from dubstep for awhile. Far too complex for me right now
  15. I always love your in-depth analysis of of my tracks G-Mixer! Just so you know I am taking notes to apply this for next time . And Aether thank you as well for the kind words. I might do more after I get some more practice!
  16. Dubstep really started growing on me, but it's harder than I thought to write. I thought to share this to show my first attempt at the genre. I will most likely gain more experience and try it again. Dubstep leaves plenty of room for creativity, but my mixing skills aren't quite there yet. Either way it was a fun little challenge. Let me know what you think! Any tips at all are truly appreciated . https://soundcloud.com/schematist/green-hill-zone-dubstep
  17. https://soundcloud.com/schematist/flying-battery-remix Hello everyone! Can anyone give me some feedback to launch this mix in the right direction? It would be much appreciated!
  18. Thanks for the in depth description. I'll have another listen to this track with your words in mind to see how I can create a better mix next time. Thanks again!
  19. I fell in love with these theme as a kid and I still love it as a young adult. Here goes a more aggressive and darker version of Dave Wise's Bossanova https://soundcloud.com/schematist/donkey-kong-bossanova-remix
  20. Hey everyone I think this is more of a cover than a full blown remix, but I thought to share anyway. BTW does anyone know the difference between sharing music on Youtube as opposed to sharing music with Soundcloud?
  21. Much appreciated Aeson! I want to get better at writing darker battle themes as well but that brighter feel is what I tend to gravitate to. Not exactly sure why. thanks again.
  22. So I'm pretty excited about the new upcoming Tales game so I tried to make a theme in the style of Motoi Sakuraba. Hope it sounds alright to you guys!
  23. Here is one of my concepts for a theme that plays while the main characters are speaking amongst themselves about what course of action to take next. This one was pretty fun to make. Hopefully you guys enjoy.
  24. Man this is pretty damn serious! You are nasty when it comes to setting the atmosphere. I felt like I was in a Saw movie or something.
  25. You know Necrox I have actually heard that from several people. I think I am a little ways off the mark. but In time I plan to hit the nail on the head hahaga Thanks for the support! It's greatly appreciated.
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