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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. Jeremy Robson - Orchestral beginning, it continues the whole song. It's romance, I guess. You have mixed it well together, but there's nothing special, it's all the same. Only the end is a bit more powerfull.

    Elan Hickler - Nice beginning, I like the trancy beat on the background. The intro is long. I like the built-up to the middle section. It is a very interesting part, a long part again. I like the calm part after 4:00, the variation of the song is excellent. Especially the built-up to the last part. The only thing I can say is that the song is a bit too long, excellent work.

    I had to laugh at this one, since Bundeslang is the only one who thought I deserved first place and didn't give Jeremy an honorable mention. HAHA :-D

    larsdood, very funny mix, especially the words you use in a poetic way. "A goddess in a human shell" I liked that one. You said it with such passion. However, I wish you could have kept it PG.

  2. Umm, I played it like a year ago and it was amazing. Why in the world does the year matter? The best games ever made were well before 1999, back when companies didn't water shit down to appeal to the masses to recoup their $10M investment.

    The future does hold games that will be worth playing way more than any other game ever created before. That future hasn't come yet, but it will, and co-op games will show up too, I believe. :-)

  3. FPS elements are pretty basic, and definitely not the game's highlight.

    ?? Then what is the game's highlight? If killing things isn't fun, then what could possibly be fun about SS2? Getting items and solving puzzles isn't very fun especially won't require cooperative strategies.

  4. I was watching Youtube videos on System Shock 2, I just can't see how it's a fun game. As a matter of fact I'm not going to take anyone's suggestions on co-op games. The fact of the matter is that there's very few games with a co-op mode in the original (non-modded) version. Until a copmany creates a game centered around co-op in an intelligent way then it won't really be worth the time. I might actually check out Left 4 Dead since it was created for co-op and it might be fun in hidden ways (ways that the videos can't reveal).

  5. And System Shock 2 is possibly the best game you will ever play.

    Arrite, i'll have to take another look then.

    Also, watch this commentary vid on Left 4 Dead: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24756.html

    Some of the comments make Left 4 Dead seems like a great game but I'm still disappointed that the action is fast, jerky, and unrealistic. It prohibits the game from doing some cool scenarious such as being lost in a big dark building with only a small flashlight to guide you. Using your ears will help you stay away from zombies. What is stopping Left 4 Dead for doing a scenario like that is that there's only a split second from the time a zombie appears to the time it's already attacking you.

    It would be better if there were few fast zombies, a good amount of jogging-speed zombies and lots of slow hard-to-kill zombies so that there would also be the scenario of being surrounded and having a small window of time to come up with an innovative way to escape. With Left 4 Dead, you don't have time to think.

    Seems like in Left 4 Dead there's no time to think, no time to plan out your next move. In a good co-op experience, you aren't just killing something before your friend gets hurt. It's also cooperation to give your input on strategy and operation.

  6. Discounting a game based on its age is like discounting a person for the country he comes from.

    Welp, I'm the kind of person who looks forward to new age games that make use dynamic lighting and destructible environments to add a new level of emotional content (such as realistic weather and day/night cycles) that was previously impossible to do.

  7. Is it because you don't have friends IRL? :sad:

    It's because I don't live near to them. Co-op is not that great if you play with random people on the internet.

    grab yourself System Shock 2

    I'll check it out!

    Edit: Naa, dood. That game was released in 1999. It's really time for something new.

  8. it wasn't that great, but its modding scene was awesome, and its small multiplayer community was insanely fun.

    You bring up a point, and in my opinion the problem of 99% of PC games is companies haven't got it through their heads that co-op is actually worth more than single-player.

    Edit: Anyone played S.T.A.L.K.E.R? That game would be awesome with co-op. However, single player isn't very fun because there's some things lacking in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in general. With co-op, those lacking areas would be very easily overlooked.

  9. Shoot man, I just remebered another game I am missing:

    It's an old racing game with a futuristic setting where everyone had vehicles that looked like spaceships. AND GET THIS! After most races, there would be a 3d-animated commercial of some futuristic product. Some of them were funny, such as the mechanical hand where you could lift large boulders with ease. I think that one was where the guy drops a boulder on his head.

    Another game I am missing that I remembered the name of: Whiplash

  10. Left 4 Dead looks to me like the worst attempt ever at a zombie game: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24569.html (gameplay vid)

    Looks like all you do is run around and hold the fire button. There's no carefully placed shots, there's no hiding and sneaking, there's no feeling of limited ammo, there's no feeling of survival. The video clearly shows that you can get bit many times without much penalty and you and the zombies run around like olympic runners 100% of the time. Left 4 Dead will not be worth playing, period.

  11. Can you name any PC games? There's plenty of co-op games for consoles and there's plenty more coming out, no need to discuss thems. Co-op on PC via LAN or WAN is way more fun than console IMO (and I don't own any consoles). Just that I'm behind in the gaming world so I was wondering if any of you have heard news of a good PC co-op game coming (or already out, and not too old)

  12. Here's my list. ENJOY! What you don't see is the color codes. Too lazy to put that in BB code.

    blue - Finished campaign

    (Pirated) (Beta Tester) (Legal Owner)(Never played)

    Unlisted: Demoed/Beta Demoed

    Demoed only listed if played for an extended amount of time.

    MMOG (12)

    Dungeons and Dragons Online (Beta Tester)

    Earth and Beyond (Beta Tester)


    Everquest II

    StarWars Galaxies

    Sims Online (Beta Tester and Legal Owner)

    Dark Age of Camelot

    Ultima Online

    EVE Online

    Dark Space

    Motor City Online


    RPG (10)

    Neverwinter Nights


    Diablo II

    Alone in the Dark I

    Alone in the Dark II

    Alone in the Dark III

    Wizardry 7


    Planescape: Torment

    Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor

    FPS (19)

    Starsiege Tribes

    Tribes 2

    Far Cry

    Battlefield 1942 (Owned 1 day)

    Battlefield 2

    Battlefield 2142

    Mechwarrior 3

    Mechwarrior 4

    Counter-Strike (Pirated)

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Half Life 2 (Pirated)


    Doom 2

    Doom 3

    Wolfenstein 3D

    Witchhaven II


    Rainbow Six

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadows of Chernobyl (Pirated)


    Battlezone II


    Warcraft II (Borrowed)

    Warcraft III

    Dominions I (Demoed)

    Dominions II

    Dominions III

    Black and White

    Worms Armageddon (Pirated)

    Worms World Party (Pirated)

    Command and Conquer

    Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun

    Age of Empires II

    Age of Mythology

    Space Empires IV

    Sacrifice (Pirated)

    Lords of Magic

    Myth II: Soulblighter


    Homeworld II

    Rise of Nations (Pirated)


    Supreme Commander

    FLIGHT SIM (7)

    Red Baron

    Red Baron II

    Aces of the Deep

    Comanche vs. Werewolf 2.0


    Descent 2

    Flight Unlimited

    DRIVING SIM (8 )

    Road Rash

    Indianapolis 500

    Big Red

    Test Drive: Offroad

    Need for Speed

    Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit

    Need for Speed IV: High Stakes

    Need for Speed Most Wanted (Pirated)

    GENERAL SIM (13)

    The Sims

    The Sims 2 & Expansions

    Sim Tower

    Rollercoaster Tycoon

    Sim City

    Sim City 2000

    Oregon Trail

    Creatures 1

    Creatures 2

    Creatures 3

    Creatures Adventures

    Dogz series


    ADVENTURE (8 )

    Sam and Max Hit the Road

    Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle

    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

    Full Throttle

    The Dig (Never played)

    Crime City


    Kings Quest series



    Chip’s Challenge

    Lode Runner Online


    Raptor: Call of the Shadows

    Commander Keen 4: Goodbye Galaxy

    Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure

    Duke Nukem I

    Monster Bash



    Majesty Legends - Strategy [Cancelled]


    Lode Runner Online:


    EVE Online: Jón Hallur Haraldsson

    Lemmings: Malc Jennings, Tony Williams, Tim Wright (Amiga), Brian Johnston (Amiga), Jeroen Tel (C64)

    Raptor: Call of the Shadows: Paul Radek

    Battlezone II: Carey James

    Starcraft: Glenn Stafford, Jason Hayes, Derek Duke, Big Tuna

    Ultima Online: Joe Basquez, Kirk Winterrowd, Hal Milton

    Majesty: Kevin Manthei, Matt Skutnik

    Creatures 3: Peter Chilvers

    Need for Speed 1,3,4,5: Alistair Hirst, Saki Kaskas, Traz Damji, Crispin Hands, Matt Ragan, Rom Di Prisco, Robert Ridihalgh, Beverly Koeckeritz, Robert Bailey, Mike Kiernan, James Bowers, Edwin Dolinski

    Command and Conquer: Frank Klepacki

    Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun: Frank Klepacki, Jarrid Mendelson

    Age of Empires II: David Rippy, Stephen Rippy

    Age of Mythology: Stephen Rippy, Kevin McMullan

    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion: Jeremy Soule

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