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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. Oh yeah? You think I'm going to do a happy theme? Think again.

    My interpretation of this theme is completely opposite.

    This is my interpretation of the story:

    It's the future. Our protagonist awakens after 30 years of being in a frozen state. The world as he knew it is now totally destroyed. It is a post apocalyptic time. He runs out of the laboratory to find everyone is like a zombie, no emotions, just walking about. Desparately he finds a coffee house. Ah, something familiar. Shivering from the culture shock, he turns his head and spots a friend who he knew before his 30 years of sleep. Our protagonist curiously scans his face. Could it be? I thought he was dead? No, it can't be him. Our protagonist realizes he's not like the other lifeless people around. He has his emotions intact! Our protagonist then gets the courage to see if it is really him. Rejoice! The end.

  2. So I bought a workgroup switch. The router goes out to three computers and this switch. The switch goes out to two more computers. That means that virtually 5 computers are connected to the router.

    One computer lost its connection. Now I'm wondering if the word "SWITCH" indicates that I have purchased the wrong thing. If it is a SWITCH then theoretically it should be SWITCHING which computer gets the 4th connection.

    Well, the computer that is not connected to the switch is the one that lost connectivity. Does that mean my switch is using two connections and the 3 other computers have to share between the other two connections?

    Am I having a connectivity problem or is a switch actually supposed to SWITCH?

  3. oh my gosh... not again. We have another theme that has no definitive mood, it can basically be anything just like the theme says, "Scenes of flowers and fields, or maybe a foreboding zombie-filled graveyard."

    It seems like the Conceptual Music Competition never defined what a theme should be. I thought the definition was a theme that explains scenes or actions, but the actual definition of a theme according to the CMC is more of a given idea where the participants can interpret and create their own scenes and actions through the description of their composition when they submit it, and then they compose based on their own ideas, and not exactly the CMC's current theme.

    It just makes it harder when we aren't limited to specified scenes and actions. I think CMC should adopt a new rule that themes should define a specific mood. For example, the theme could have been "a dream of flowers and fields, period."

  4. I'm freekin... divided within myself about doing this.

    I really want to do it because I think I can win.... :D

    But anyway the problem is I really want to compose with a keyboard which is coming soon (possible not in time for the CMC though). I haven't composed with a keyboard for like two years because I've been waiting for the CME UF80 to exist..... soooo hopefully...

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