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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. Anybody here used this? How is it? How does it compare to, say, DFH Superior?

    You should register at www.KVRaudio.com and bring that question up. Check out my new description, it might answer a few things. Also, go to the homepage.Go and download the ns_kit7 manual: http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/pdf/ns_kit7manual.pdf [right-click, save as]

    I took a look at DFH Superior and it looks dang detailed. You're really going to have to compare features. ns_kit7 isn't a closed sampler engine like DFH superior so that may or may not be an advantage. ns_kit7 also doesn't have mic positions. You really got to do your own research because very few people (maybe 400) own ns_kit7 so you might not find anyone with both libraries. As for articulations, drum sample detail, etc, I don't think DFH has any clear advantage, if it even does. Of course DFH probably has a bigger drum selection.

    Does DFH have brush sweeps on snare and cymbals? Because ns_kit7 definitely covers that. It sounds really good, check out the "brooshez" demo at the website. Also, I read somewhere that ns_kit7 has cymbal hit-and-grab samples that are triggered based on the velocity of the previous cymbal sample.

  2. Homepage: http://naturalstudio.co.uk/

    Sample Library: http://naturalstudio.co.uk/sampled.html

    Some usermade stuff: http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=487

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    NaturalStudios has announced its final remanufacturing of the ns_kit7 library. It will never be available in this in-depth, comprehensive manner again, so here's your last chance to be amongst the elite few who own and cherish this specialist drum sample library.

    What is ns_kit7?

    ns_kit7 is a multi-gigabyte single-strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly extensive velocity layering and articulation options, allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.

    Features at a glance

    • 18GB of data (5 DVDs)
    • 20,000 samples
    • 48KHz/24bit
    • Over 300 presets for Kontakt 2 and HALion 3
    • 9 snares
    • 4 sets of toms
    • 5 kicks
    • 3 rides, 3 crashes, 2 splashes, 2 hi-hats and a china
    • 2 cowbells, tambourine and a full set of congas
    • click here for detailed instrument list.
    • Performed with sticks, mallets, brushes and hands/fingers, all with both left and right hands
    • Snares on or off.
    • Extensive articulation options, including rim-shots, hit-and-grabs, rolls, rims etc.
    • access to the naturalstudio members' resource.
    • If it's possible on a real kit, it's possible on ns_kit7!

    ns_kit7 - Background

    There were a number of "ideals" I felt ought to be finally realised with ns_kit7, not least the following:

    1. The user should be able to play ns_kit7 live as a full drum kit.
    2. If it's possible to play something on a real drum kit, it should be possible to play on ns_kit7.
    3. ns_kit7 should sound utterly convincing and the end-user should feel they actually own the source instruments.
    4. Like our previous sample libraries, it should be usable "straight from the box".
    5. ns_kit7 should represent extreme value for money.

    Further to the above, a concept that has been at the core of naturalstudio since its inception: the user should forget that he or she is triggering samples and feel like they are playing a real instrument. This is achieved through close attention to detail, a thorough knowledge of the instrument being replicated and incisive sampler mapping.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  3. So I'm a total noob when it comes to microphones. I went to Sweetwater to look at the microphone buying guide so it tells me what the microphone terminology is.

    What mic would you suggest as a general go-to mic for Foley sound? Do I want big or small diaphragms? To pay $300 for a good mic versus $2000 and only get a 20-30% increase in quality is beyond my budget.

    More specifically I am thinking about creating a kalimba sample library with 4 velocities and 4 alternatives per velocity, so 16 samples per note plucked by a machine to get accurate velocities. The plan is to construct a kalimba that will be perfect for sampling and sound clean and full (possibly unlike a traditional kalimba sound).

    Can anyone offer some suggestions? I already own 1 M-audio Nova and I'm thinking all the responses I will get will tell me to throw that piece of cheapness away and spend $600 per mic.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, THANKS!

  4. Hey nevermind about the AJAX frame. I'm going to scrap the idea. Edit: To explain further, I originally wanted to have a constant mp3 player, but not only does having that frame make it harder for me to imagine create a nice looking website, I figured that a constant mp3 player just won't compliment my website's design. Of course I'll still have the mp3 player on one of the pages.

  5. i just tried to go back to using an iframe and then I tried a frameset. Both don't work. It's as if it doesn't know where the source html is. I try to view the source of the frame withing a browser it's just

    <HTML></HTML> but the source should be:



    <title>ElanHickler.com :: Home</title>

    <style type="text/css">

    table.one{table-layout:automatic; border-collapse:collapse; width:100%}

    td.one{height:50} td.two{height:100} td.thr{height:800}



    <table class="one" border="0">

    <tr bgcolor="pink"><td class="two" align="center"><img src="home_button.gif"><img src="divider_button.gif"><img src="services_button.gif"><img src="divider_button.gif"><img src="links_button.gif">


    <table class="one" border="0">

    <tr bgcolor="green"><td class="thr"><p>table 2</p></td></tr>



  6. <html>

    <style type="text/css">
    table.one{table-layout:automatic; border-collapse:collapse; width:100%}
    frame.one{scrolling:no; frameborder:0; width:100%;}

    <table class="one" border="0">
    <tr bgcolor="grey"><td class="one"><frameset><frame class="one" src ="wimpy.html"></frameste></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="pink"><td class="two"><frameset><frame class="one" src ="elanhicklercom.html"></frameste></td></tr>


    So... the text used to show up when I used iframes but with iframes, it has a minimum hight which is bad. The HTML in my frames:

    wimp.html + elanhicklercom.html:






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