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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. Star Fox done without furries. Sure, the fanboys would complain, but they're retard furries anyway so who cares what they think?

    I have plenty of ideas for the game concept, but that's pretty much the only concrete plan I have right now.

    ...useless... Maybe you want to get rid of anthropomorphism from all games, ey? Animal Crossing? Diddy Kong? Donkey Kong Racing? Does a glove count as an anthropomorphic?

    Maybe while we're at it, burn all anthropomorphic art and burn any anthropomorphic artists, AND THEN we can burn all the anthropomorphic fanboys...and fangirls... Especially you need to plant a nuke in Disney Land, World, and their HQ. Oh, and burn movies such as Robin Hood, does Lion King count? By definition it counts anyway... Rescuers DOWN UNDAH! Little Chicken... dang there's so many. You're screwed...

    anyway im just joking. don't take me seriously.

  2. The emphasis on running is what makes the Resident Evil series (except 4) so great. Too many zombies, not enough ammo or life. Running was the only option.

    I like your ideas, but I think the cutscene would screw up multiplayer. There's no way to integrate it into multiplayer.

    Also, yes. running should usually be a good option. I want there to be vehicles sometimes available and blockading your way into a small room (by mistake) and having limited time to figure out a way to survive. Or strapping boms to vehicles, driving it into a mob, jumping out, and hit the explosive detonation button. These kinds of strategies that can be so open ended and players can come up with many ways to beat impossible odds.

    I also had some crazy "map generation" tools such as "zombie sliders"

    Slider 1: Zombie Speed - fixed zombie speed or random zombie speed of x speed to y speed

    Silder 2: Zombie Size - Like above, fixed or random from x to y numerical value

    Slider 3: Mob sizes - Like above

    Slider 5: Population of zombies in zone

    Slider 6: Zombie scatter - Slider decides how scattered or grouped the zombies are. Most scattered means more zombies pop out of nowhere. Grouped means most zombies not alone.

    Silder 7,8,9,etc: Vehicle amount, equipment, weapons, ammo, bridges, gaps,

    AND ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THAT "Oh look, a zombie spawned over near that tree because player A walked to spot A"

    Edit: And one more thing. Death will be permanent (and you turn into a zombie unless you die some other way). BUT!... but... the other alive players can find lost soldiers and then a dead player can respawn as the lost soldier. If no one is dead and you find a soldier, you simply get supplies from him and he disappears. Or maybe you call in a helicopter to pick him up (and get resupplied). I dunno.

  3. ...if only I made the title of this thread "vertical scroller soundscape"

    Then half the responses wouldn't be, "YOU NOOB THIS IS NOTHING LIKE NES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Yes, people. I KNOWWWW that the NES fanboys will hear a world of difference, but to my friend down the street, for example, will say "hey this sounds like an old game"

    GOSH!!! *slaps forehead in disappointment*

  4. I think itsreally neat. Nice job!

    But I also have to say that they are right. These are not fully true to the sound capabilities of the NES.

    2 variable pulse waves (set at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 87.5%) with pitch bending and 16-level volume control (range 54Hz to 28kHz)

    1 triangle wave with fixed volume level (range 27Hz to 56kHz)

    1 dual-mode noise channel with 16 pre-programmed frequencies and 16-level volume control

    1 DPCM channel with 6 bit range and 1 bit encoding at sample rates from 4.2kHz to 33.5kHz

    Monaural sound output

    In other words, just use a tracker.

    I already know those specs (except for the freq ranges and 16-step thing) and I can recreate the sound in Surge, the only thing that is impossible to do is the 16-step thing and also the fact that NES has pitch modulation capabilities but even that is very steppy-sounding. It's a shame we don't have a synth that can create this effect.

    Also 25% and 75% are the same thing :)

  5. They need to finish creating Dawn already.

    If they actually finish it (which seems very doubtful) and they don't completely screw it up, it has the potential to be incredibly awesome.

    definitely looks interesting. And it reminds me of Utumno. A dead no-name game that no one knows about. Because you can die permanently. Also, there's ideas in Utumno that have not been truely realized which is the indentification system of magic items.

    Basically if you have a magic weapon you can use it without knowing its magical properties, but the effect is still there. You never know if you have a sword of clumsyness until either your character notices something strange when he uses it or casts an identification spell. Same things go with rings and such. You could wear a cursed ring without knowing it.

    Also potions and scrolls and stalves and such. You have to try em out before you know what they are. But after, for example, you drink a "green bubbling potion" all "green bubbling potions" will now show up as "potion of strenght" or "potion of poison" or whatever the potion might be. But each time you start a new game, potion descriptions are randomly generated.

  6. Many fans of Battlezone II have been waiting for a similar game to be made with the standards of todays games. If you find their forum, you'll see.

    Battlezone was a first person shooter/strategy, the only one of its kind. You have a few games out there that are under that title, but do not really compete with the concept behind Battlezone. This is because in Battlezone you get a mix of Human players and NPC players. As a commander you build and assign units (NPCs) to your officers (PCs). You can control units as a commander too, in first person, and in overhead view (after you build a command sattelite).

    At any time you can enter any vehicle or stay out of a vehicle completely. This style of game has been realized in a few different fashions, but I don't like any of em.

  7. EDIT: As for games I wish were made? One of my favorite games of all time was Homeworld. I wish someone would make a space-sim/RPG thing in that universe. Like a good Freelancer. Or a non-MMORPG EVE. Or a modern Elite. etc. I think you get the picture. Maybe a ship designer like GalCiv2. That'd be really nifty.

    I totally absolutely second that. Actually your game has been realized a few times now, but unsuccessfuly. I know one is called Jumpgate. Basically it's a really old, not-very-fun game IMO. If I am following you correctly, you're looking for a FIRST PERSON PERSISTENT world where you control ships like EVE except you actually fly the damn thing and aim and shoot.

    You could do this in Jumpgate. It was extremely fun (yes sometimes) because of the fact it was extremely hard to fly and shoot things. It took me a week to kill one enemy. I gave up after that.

  8. I'm sure a lot of you share the same yearning as I do for game ideas that haven't been realized yet. Post your awesome ideas for games that haven't yet come out.

    Genre: FPS/Survival Sandbox

    Title: Zombies vs Humans

    Description: First of all, this game is usually played online. Maps are randomly generated so you have a different experience each time. You and your friends begin in a savable (recallable state) sandbox with a goal to get out of the zombie infested land. You start in a large area of forest and urban zones. Rain and fog can hamper vision. Zombies can't see very well at night, but you'll probably want to travel during the day too.

    What you have is limited. There's all sorts of zombie-killing supplies scattered across the land such as crowbars, guns, explosives, home-made flamethrowers, etc. There are many ways out, but you never know what you're gonna run into. You could meet dead ends, broken bridges, or zombie mobs. The vehicles you find may need repair so you'll have to find supplies. Bridges may need repairing too. Sometimes vehicles will be beyond repair, other times they'll be ready to go.

    Edit: Oh yes, and it's supposed to be extremely scary and zombies will pop out at you and you'll need a flashlight sometimes. (not like doom, don't worry, but your battery might run out)

  9. why does it need a term? it's still the same thing as being a producer or a composer.

    and even if some people on random forums agree on a term, it's still not going to merit any sort of lexical acknowledgment.

    this thread is futile at best, and insulting to all the musicians here at worst.

    Lol come on man, don't be a negative nancy. This is for fun and I would like to have a voting process afterwards for the joke names especially.


    Hello. I had an idea. Since there's no word that defines us, we should make one up and then push it into the dictionary or wikipedia.

    Possible Definitions:

    1. A composer who uses SEQUENCERS, SYNTHESIZERS, and SAMPLERS for the majority of the musical processes.

    2. Composer with a computer.

    3. Nerd without a woman who has never been kissed by sunlight.

    4. One who realizes his/her composition immediately and permanently as opposed to an "off-line" process of say, writing for an ensemble and then realising a performance/sound recording at a later date.

    Possible Names:

    a. Computer Composer (alt: compucom)

    b. Technology Composer

    c. DAW'k

    d. Virtual Composer

    e. Electronic Composer (musician? artist?)

    f. VST-ist/VIT-ist (Virtual Studio Technologist/Virtual Instrumentalist)

    g. Synthesist

    h. Compuser

    i. Music Engineer

    j. Music Programmer

    k. Desktop Composer (musician?) (alt: DTMer)

    l. On-line Composer

    Joke Names:

    a. DAW'g (sup dawg)

    b. DAWer (too obvious?)

    c. Fantastic Midi (Organ?) Toiler

    d. Detransmogrificationalist

    e. DAW-some Person (dawsome?)

    f. DAW Buddhist - "Rebirth" is the "Reason" for "Live"

    g. Cocopeepeepoopishire (Butter was dropped on the head as a young'in)

    h. DAWinist

    i. Flarg

    j. DAW Brain - a person with less than average intelligence

    k. One Man Orchestra

    Please post your ideas for definitions and names. YOUR SUGGESTIONS WILL BE POSTED!

    Participating forums:




  11. I don't have a keyboard and I desparately need some solo/monosynth or acoustic passages in my new composition.

    I will be willing to work with anyone who has at least 3 years of experience with a sequencer. DON'T LIE TO ME! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!... (not really though). If you have a good acoustic drumset library you'll probably want to add some of that too.

    Also, I bet we could submit it to CMC 11 if it turns out good.


    WIP: http://elanhickler.com/d/ambient_02.mp3

    If you are interested just post here and we can set a way of communication up.

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