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Everything posted by Algamest

  1. Thanks for the comments guys, unfortunately, the whole time i was finishing the rest of the track lol so i will take these comments into consideration for V3, in the meantime here it is: http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v2-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part
  2. Okay Here's my second go at a song, its one we all love , errr i mean i hope it is lol. http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v1-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part This IS only the intro to what will be a much longer song, i'm just curious at this stage to know what people think Thanks for your time x
  3. Thank you very much!
  4. Yay! Friieeeeeeeend ^_^

  5. After alot of tweeking and messing about i'm quite happy with Version 3, same link as the first one, it'll be there somewhere lolz, just ignore the second one, i feel that 3 was a further improvement, and thank you GuitarHeroe for the feedback, much appreciated!
  6. Okay Version 2 Is now up
  7. Ahhh Thankies I shall get working on it right now thank you very much for the feedback
  8. okay this is my first ever remix! I'll accept constructive criticism, as its probably lame lol but no harsh comments please let me know what you think tho, and i hope you enjoy http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/202-v1-Kylebean-A_world_of_Distortion
  9. Actually! Or the Lava Dome Theme as well from this game, both are great tracks, i recently played through this game again on a rom emulator, just as good as i remember, i think it was actually the very first game i ever played, and i'm a massive final fantasy fan, so i have personal feelings for this game lol Actually, while i'm on the subject....I would be remixing myself, except i don't know where to begin , where would i find a good entirely computer based program for Mixing? Oh! (Yeah this is becoming a bit of an advert for me lol, erm, i can sing and play piano if any mixers out there ever need my assitance, although like i said, no idea on how to record or anything lol, i'm pretty green at this. But i do have a very good ear (Not like that means anything) Sorry this isn't supposed to be my resume
  10. HA! just listened to Phantom Of The Zeromusand Genesis Of Destruction at the same time, it was absolutely epic lolz, i mean i thought it would interesting to hear both versions melted together and the two different voices of Zeromus works suprisingly well! (I personally prefer Genesis Of Destruction tho)
  11. I think in FF5 'Neo' is a term to describe anything that has come out of the void, there's Neo Exdeath, Neo Garula and Neo Shinryu, all just pallete swaps lol, which as we know instantly makes a boss ten times harder. You know your gonna lose when the enemy is a pallete swap!
  12. haha i know the track and it is pure epic! it does need a remix lolz
  13. I watched my brother beat Ruby weapon in FF7, but i have to agree its a pretty impossible boss, never done it meself like, but i have to say, in FF5, i beat Neo Exdeath, Enuo, Omega, Shinryu and Omega MK II, but i could NEVER beat Neo Shinryu, just imposssssssssible lolz, so i would i have to say Neo Shinryu as my hardest boss ever
  14. Used to have this game, don't know why i ever got rid of it but this track is one of the best on it, havent seen any remixes at all from this game here yet but the track 'Trial' neeeeeds a remix lol, as a personal request i would like to see this done in an instrumental genre, but it would be great if someone did the song justice in whatever genre. Thank you OH! and if anyone hasnt heard the original you can hear it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2RKFSkCqbg, just in case you were wondering what it sounds like (by posting this url i am in no way promoting or expressing ownership of the soundtrack and is for referential use)
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