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Everything posted by Algamest

  1. Great ^^ thank you very much
  2. Um, i accidentally emailed a submission without the mp3 attachment, i don't know why, i'm an idiot... So i immediately resent the email with the attachment, is this going to cause any problems?
  3. Your sig is SOOO appropriate right now :')
  4. This is a remix of a track from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2. I'd just like to note that there is no existing midi for this, and this is all done completely from scratch (Just don't like getting accused of using midi's when i haven't lol) This was such a fun track to do and i'll admit this is like, 75% source but it's a remix nonetheless, and it's so bouncy! Please enjoy
  5. It really isn't a nine year old, his 'cousin' claims to be both 49 and 19, they're just adamant trolls. Trust me, if i thought it was genuinely a nine year old kid trying to remix i wouldn't have started this thread
  6. You sir, are my hero
  7. Haha i never thought the ball would actually get rolling on this subject. ... Oh i think i'll have a bash at remixing this as well :')
  8. Lmao so i found this troll on Youtube who's been mocking remixers for a fair few months, but this time he's serious! Oooooohhhh I know we shouldn't give trolls the time of day but this is just so hilariously cringe worthy.
  9. Okay so first off, here is the source: Aaaaaand here is my remix: http://soundcloud.com/algamest/i-dont-want-to-say-goodbye-1 Just tell me what you think in a constructive way without being too harsh pleaseeee thank youuuu I would consider it finished but i can always alter it if anyone has any suggestions
  10. You'll have to forgive me as i'm not really familiar with a lot of technical terms But yeah i think by 'Kefka section' we're referring to the same bit :') By 'incidental' i mean in a cinematic way, and to be honest it's kinda the first two minutes that sound like that to me, it's not necessarily a bad thing, it really does sound good, it's just in my personal opinion i always imagined the whole song being a lot stronger (But that's just my opinion, like i said this is sounding good). I guess i'm bound to be slightly biased because i'm not a fan of brass in general. To be perfectly honest you seem to have a way vaster knowledge of technical expertise than me (I can't even read sheet music) I've just been a huge fan of video game music for a very long time so just ignore me haha
  11. Sixto... as one of my favourite remixers on this whole site, even implying you might remix one of the best Final Fantasy tunes merely by coughing is enough to make me hyperventilate... where's that paper bag...
  12. At my university, there is a radio station where the students like myself can put a show together for 2 hours or so, and i was thinking of going in for it, and airing solely OCRemix music. Now the university itself is in Lancashire, England, and i think the radio station covers a relatively small area. I guess my question is, OCRemix being non-profit, is it acceptable for me to air OCRemix songs without any form of royalties or having a copyright claim on my hands? (I just think it would be cool to introduce this music to a local community)
  13. This is one of my favourite Pokémon tracks ever lol, i love the style you've gone for as well, i guess my only criticism is that it's not 'crisp' enough, i think the reverb is a little OTT, and instruments seem to drown one another out every now and then, but this is good enough that i really hope you'll keep working to get it successfully submitted, and it's making me want to go remix now
  14. Okay first off, i definitely recognised those drums :') You using Cubase or Halion? I can see what you're going for here although at first i was like: 'these lyrics aren't the deepest ones i've ever heard', but it's actually very humorous. I'm wondering if an electronic kit might work better for the drums? :S Just a thought... I can't put my finger on it either... but, it does sound like there's a little work to do on the instruments in terms of how it comes through my headphones, it sounds stereo, i like my songs to be surround (That't the only way i can describe it with my limited aural knowledge) xD Great track though
  15. Now Dancing Mad is one of my all time favourite pieces from, well, Nobuo Uematsu in general, and i've heard a lot of variations and remixes of it, and i have to say, this is so unique! The fact that you have written your own score for a brass quintet is very impressive and dedicated lol. With that in mind... I have mixed feelings about this. When it began i was instantly reminded of the salvation army (Not necessarily a bad thing :') .) A lot of it sounds incidental,and i do think this piece generally works better as a progressive piece, as naturally it tends to behave like one. I did really like the little Kefka motif at 6:00, and the section that followed. Some of it sounds a little strained, but i don't blame the players at all, i think some sections were just too intricate for brass. I can see the absolute dedication and hard work in this though, and i can really appreciate it as a labour of love. It was very enjoyable to listen to, i just don't think brass is my cup of tea.
  16. To be honest i never thought much of the source track, (Although the observatory was soo intense), but you've really done well with the track. I love the really dark twist you've done on it, rather than the almost creepily cheerful edge the original had. Lovin' it
  17. This album is simply brilliant! I think the biggest surprise was Dies, Nox et Omnia, beautiful track. It also made me smile to see Sixto in there, with a rather more subdued track than i am used to hearing from him, but still a gorgeous track. Personal favourite: She Can Has Long Ears
  18. Nobuo Uemtsu has been one of my heroes for a good eight years now, if i could meet him my life would be complete.
  19. Ahh really looking forward to part two of this album, FFV is my favourite in the series so i absolutely loved the first instalment
  20. I'm gonna have to go with JRPG i'm afraid, always been a sucker for the smooth graphics
  21. Well i've been thinking about it, and i think i might make it entirely piano, if i worked more on the velocity of the notes. I really do appreciate all of this feedback and i am going to use it all to improve my track Thank you everyone
  22. Here's a short and sweet one i consider finished ^^ http://soundcloud.com/algamest/pmd-melancholy-remix
  23. Okay here's a revised version based on the suggestions http://soundcloud.com/algamest/empty-skies-and-broken-dreams I'm not saying it's perfect, but am i at least heading in the right direction. I have tried to alter the velocity of the piano throughout to make it sound more realistic, and i'm aware there are little problems with timing but i will sort these in due time.
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