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Everything posted by Algamest

  1. Haha wow, sounds like i did a pretty terrible job haha :'( Yeahh well thank you anyway t least now i know how to improve it guess i'll make a start on that lol
  2. Hii Sorry to be a bother but could i please have my username changed to Algamest? It's just that this is the name i'm becoming recognised by because of sites like Youtube and it sucks to have two different alias' lol. Thankk youu
  3. Yayy I love Nobuo Uematsu but for ages i figured his erm... 'style' was way too advanced for me, so i waited to get a bit more used to remixing, so now i had a stab at it. Anyway i won;t bore you guys with lots of talking, here is the remix, it's on Youtube but i can still change it or whatever so constructive criticism is very welcome
  4. I see there's trouble with the link, so here's the youtube link as well
  5. http://soundcloud.com/kylebean/temporal4-8-nearly-finished Just let me know what you think Taa lads
  6. Cannot be unseen D: I cringed so hard I got a nosebleed
  7. Rooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  8. Thanks for the feedback
  9. Ahhh okays i've been looking forward to this for a long time
  10. So when can we expect this to be released around?
  11. I love this My favourite Final Fantasy getting it's own project ^^, i loved part 1
  12. Children of Mana is a little known game which is a shame because it really does have an amazing soundtrack, one of my favourites being Trial, a secondary boss music occasionally heard in the game. Without further ado, here is my version of that song, inspired only by the original track and the many instruments MixCraft has to offer Enjoys ^^ http://www.gameremixes.com/remixes/277-v2-Kylebean-Trials_Of_Mana
  13. Nevermind :') i did it http://www.gameremixes.com/remixes/277-v1-Kylebean-Trials_Of_Mana?referringgrid=profile_view_1
  14. I was suprised and disappointed to find there are no mascots for OCRemix from Final fantasy IV or V, No Golbez, no Exdeath, Not even a Cecil Who else thinks their should be more and what would you suggest?
  15. Ahh sorry i haven't been doin much the past week, when i get a free moment i'll check it out ^_^

  16. I shall do Thankies
  17. Thank you very much (BTW) Summoning Of Spirits is my favourite OCRemix album )
  18. I really like this As always your mixes are of high quality, in fact, my only criticism is that it kinda sounds like the different instruments are fighting each other sometimes in terms of volume if y'know what i mean, but the arrangement is really good, (Just a suggestion aswell) Rather than just ending the song, why not slip a few bars of your own little thing in, s'good either way though , just wonderin as well, you still using mixcraft? If so, how did you get the pitch bend on the flute? Argh i've been needing a pitch bend for ages but i can't find how to do it on Mixcraft . Great Mix!
  19. :D Will do! Thankies :D
  20. http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v4-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part After seeing your request i remembered how much i love this track, and so i have done your bidding! Let me know what you think
  21. http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v4-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part The finished product! A special thank you to The GuitahHeroe, who helped me along the way , I hope everyone likes!
  22. haha no i appreciate any feedback, well thank you i will certainly want to get rid of any repetitiveness, (and to be honest i did worry about that with the drums a little), like i said the next version will be my last so i'll sort this out, thank you
  23. http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v3-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part This feels right to me, spent hours tweeking and i think its good to go, but i'm willing to take any comments for a final tune up, Version 4 will be the final product so we're almost there.... Added howling wind effects as a homage to the source, GuitahHeroe, i tried slowing it down, but it just didnt feel right, even from 120 bpm to 110 felt too slow, so i have decided to keep the tempo the same, but i did try it though . Upon listening i can only hear a few production issues when there's alot going on, i may just reduce the volume of certain intruments, but if anyone else can hear it let me know, and i'll sort it! Thanks people!
  24. Ahh yes i heard this one a couple of times, It's not easy source material, but i think you pulled it off quite well, I enjoyed listening to the song as much as i can without thinking of trying to get a Wailord and a Relicanth, then learning Dig, going the correct route in the fast currents and......well, you get the idea! Good work!
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