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Mr. L

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  • Real Name
  • Occupation
    Web application developer

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Synth1, Zebralette, 4Piano

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Mr. L's Achievements

  1. Voted! Additionally: Great use of FX in the two mixes that used it!
  2. Entry submitted! Sorry it took me a while on this one; it took a while to figure out what I wanted to do here.
  3. Entry submitted! This was definitely fun and interesting to work with, and sorry that's it been a few rounds since I've submitted anything. Looking forward to hearing more takes on this one!
  4. Congrats to Argle for winning and great job to everyone on their entries! Sorry I didn't vote this time - will make sure to do so in the next round! In regards to your PM, HoboKa - sounds awesome to me!
  5. Entry submitted! Trism - This was an excellent pick (I hadn't even heard of this game until now)! It definitely is like an 80's action movie ending - victorious and uplifting! Also, thanks, TheVideoGamer, for the additional MIDI! I really appreciate it! I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's entries!
  6. I wanted to participate in the free round, but I couldn't decide on a source (until AFTER the deadline). But I'm definitely gonna give this one a go! On that note - Zephyr's quite an excellent source pick, TheVideoGamer! I'm glad you liked my source pick! So, I have... something, but... it's under the genre of: "Randomness & Spontaneity." ...yeah, I'm gonna give it another listen tomorrow and send it in (soon). Edit #1: Okay! Things sound a bit better. But, some parts, upon additional listening, need more tweaking, but that happens. (Late) Edit #2: Sorry I didn't submit anything - my entry was a complete disaster.
  7. Thanks for the entries, Trism and HoboKa! I'm looking forward to what you pick for #99, Trism. Also, I hope you all have a Happy New Year! Belated edit #1: Thanks for the comments, TheVideoGamer! I was especially focused on making it sound as realistic as I could this time, so I'm glad that paid off! Belated edit #2: TheVideoGamer gave some great critiques: I can't really think of anything to add! So, basically, I wanted to echo that I also loved HoboKa's sudden shift to a polka-style in the latter half of his mix (and that ethereal choir, beautiful), and I really loved the synth instrumentation (those bells, wow) and ambience of Trism's mix. Great mixes all around, here! Thank you, once again, for your mixes and time this round, and I'm looking forward to next time!
  8. Sorry to hear that, HoboKa. And no worries! I kind of figured that since it was Christmas, everyone was focused on that instead. Either way, thanks for the extension. With that said, I hope you feel better soon.
  9. Sorry it's taken me so long to submit a bonus mix - a couple of the initial ideas I had didn't pan out quite as well as I had hoped (in addition to getting ready for Christmas!). Either way, I'll definitely have something in today! Edit #1: Bonus mix submitted! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate that holiday - I hope you have a wonderful day!
  10. Thank you, and thanks for your critiques! Also, I don't think there's anything unfair about your criteria - I'm glad you liked it, though! Sorry I didn't have much to say about yours (or, really, anyone's mix), but I did enjoy what I heard (that's usually what I focus on first, with production second) - it took me back to old Castlevania days and was cleanly produced! Once again, I really enjoyed what I heard from you, and everyone this round! With that said, I hope you'll all like this suggestion I'm submitting. Edit #1: Submission sent!
  11. Thanks for all of the comments / votes, everyone - I really appreciate it! I really enjoyed all of the entries for this round. Thanks! I was certainly surprised, both times! Edit #1: Okay, I think I've found something to suggest!
  12. Voted! Voting was a bit difficult - I liked what I heard from everyone! Edit #1: Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I'm glad my fake guitars didn't do too much damage. Edit #2: Thanks again for the critique and a great job to all for the songs this round! The source selection for MnP #98 has been submitted, HoboKa! I hope you all like it.
  13. (Dynamic and first PRC) entry submitted! I wanted to give this one a try (and, this time, had something of an idea). Even though I haven't played this Castlevania game either... I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's entries.
  14. Entry submitted! I was at the point of second-guessing everything about my entry (a bad habit I have), so I figured it was time to submit what I had. Either way, I'm looking forward to listening to everyone's entries soon, and, on another note, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving this Thursday! If you don't celebrate that holiday (or you have it another day), then I hope you have a happy day! Edit #1: I slightly updated my entry. Listening to it, one part felt kind of empty, so I added an accompanying synth. Hopefully, it's a bit better now!
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