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Everything posted by EmpyClaw

  1. Once the sax hits, everything just clicks. It's great up to that point, but as soon as that sax comes in, man, I am all over this. Love it!
  2. Adventurous, exciting, with moments of tranquility and awe. A stunning orchestral piece. I'm not very familiar with the source, but that's not necessary. This works so well as a piece of music. Thanks!
  3. Jovial. Bouncy. Cheerful. Energetic. It makes me smile. I love the choral elements. Some really solid work. Great orchestration. Wonderful!
  4. Deliciously dark and fun. Listening to it again now, the first time with headphones. I can feel all of the difference nuances and everything going on in it. I love the bells throughout. Love the effects at the ending. The title is fitting, giving the feeling of a descent into madness, but it works subtly, which is really nice and unexpected. Fantastic work.
  5. I waited for an hour with a crappy internet connection for this to load, and oh was it worth it. I loved Shine Tonight so much, and this one is just as fantastic. Thanks for this incredible mix. It brightens my day. I shall keep it on repeat for quite some time. It's like sausage wrapped in bacon, but for your ears. And without the down sides of fat and cholesterol.
  6. This is an amazing mix. Enchanting, exciting, energizing. The first time I heard it, I was completely blown away, and I continue to sit in awe of the astounding power and energy of this mix. Even as I listen to it again, I find new nuances and flares that I hadn't noticed before. This is the best take on Jenova that I have heard. Simply splendid. Thank you for sharing this.
  7. Very awesome mix: strong energy, passion, and excellent execution. I'm happy to see it on something like Songs for the Cure. One of my best friend's eldest brother passed away two weeks ago after a long struggle with Cancer. He was buried with his character sheet and dice; I get the feeling that he would have liked VG music being used to help find a cure.
  8. I'm not familiar with the source music, but I must say that this piece is absolutely delightful. A solid, well-done mix! It fills me with the urge to boogie. The style is a lot fun, and the energy is infectious. Thank you very much for this ReMix.
  9. I decided to do some ReMix reviewing and decided to start here. I never read djpretzel's blurb before, but I thought it was quite funny that he starts out talking about how this could be used in interpretive dance or a performance art piece, 'cause that's precisely what I did last year. As part of a group presentation in my 3rd year Movement Class, we used this piece of music at my request. We actually didn't incorporate the music until the end stages of the project, and we were amazed that the project perfectly fit the length of the music. The movement piece was an abstract representation of descent. We each chose our own decent: the decent into madness, decent into drug abuse, decent into depression, etc. It concluded with a collapse into a sort of "black hole" where everything became fragmented and broken. The music fit perfectly, and I thoroughly enjoy this piece. The way that the layers grow and build throughout the piece, the contrast between the sharp percussion and the smooth strings, it all works together so well. It's a real delight to listen to, and has such an eerie feel to it. At the same time, nothing stands out so much that it overpowers the music, and in the same way it didn't overpower the movement piece. We did not have to "dance" to the music, rather the music worked with us. Glass Cage is a solid and powerful piece. Simply wonderful.
  10. I decided, after years of listening and lurking, to take the plunge and post a comment/review. This is probably my favourite album of the lot, which I find surprising given that FFIV is not my favourite source music (VII being my favourite). It's the album as a whole that really does it. While I certainly have my favourite pieces, and ones that I do not listen to as often, as a whole I think that it is an incredibly powerful piece. One of my favourite things about this album is how I continue to find hidden gems in some of the songs that draw me in for multiple listens. One of those songs is RDX Necklace. The very first time through I didn't give it much thought, but returning to it, I realize more and more just how much is going on and how intense it really is. If you ever get the chance to be in a big space with a decent sound system (like a theatre of the like), and you can play this song, it's truly amazing. Everything about it just fills the space: the impact of the explosion, the power of the melody, the crashing of the debris. There's so much I could say about the different tracks. I love The Might of Baron and the imagery it instantly creates. Songs like Metal Mage or Fighting For Tomorrow bring the characters and places to life. I can see Palom and feel Fabul. Rhymes With Elixir caught me completely off guard when I first heard it, but it instantly became a favourite. It took me a day before I got to Disc 3 because I kept going back to listen to it over and over. I thought it was delightful, hilarious, and clever. Also, any song that can work sublimate into the lyrics is gold in my books. The two parts of the Finale are another set of tracks that sat on repeat for a while. They're so wildly different in feel, but fit together so well. I listened to them often for inspiration or energy while writing. I love them to bits. When I first played FFIV I was about 8 or so. What I love about this album is that is can help transport me to that time when imagination and fantasy were so much more vivid and exciting. I can drift into imagination and find inspiration in the music. Thank you so much for the amazing work.
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