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Everything posted by mickomoo

  1. would this help
  2. You'd think they'd find a way to be more subtle about it
  3. Americans don't...
  4. Not to jump on this newly started bandwagon but I thought SOPA was explicitly about copyright, IIRC most of the defenses of the bill explicitly state SOPA is designed to "protect creativity," which ultimately explicit means the defense of intellectual property and even the rights of "copyright holders." Seriously google the bill and the words intellectual property will come up. (Of course because the bill was produced from lobbying this merely means coperations who, by this government in several other instances in the past decade, were deemed to be individuals are going to be protected. And because the defense of creativity is so broad it simply amounts to removing whatever these "individuals" deem to be harmful to their creativity). But while the bill was explicitly stated to be about copyright, I think that's not getting the big picture, it has to be about more... well, there definitely is more at stake for us. Information itself will no longer be free, once information becomes thoroughly made into a commodity, individual empowerment and even knowledge itself will begin to disappear. But again, this is about money; nothing can be free and everything must be owned. If the internet has content that can be claimed by individuals, then they will continue this process, they have both time and money on their side. And surely cooperations do lose out when information is free, in fact in this system, information is naturally asymmetric. The internet if it begins to be taken seriously, could possibly mitigate if not help liberate us from the disadvantages of asymmetric information. People were asking earlier why consumer products, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and other random groups are supporting this bill? It's obvious, to me, and maybe I'm going on a limb but I think the less people know about these companies and their products and services, hell the less people know period, is of any company's interest. Uniformed consumers, ignorant consumers are any company's dream you could sell them anything, convince them of whatever you want. Information is heavily processed through advertising and through media conglomerates; outside of the internet, information is already a commodity. Once we get rid of the internet, information will be nearly rendered to private interests.
  5. How exactly do you find these coupons? I feel like a noob asking this but yeah... >_<
  6. Hum it or whistle it. But be aware that reguardless of whatever you do the sounds in your head a very likely to morph into something different (or disappear and reappear years later), unless you have perfect pitch and can record stuff instantly. And it's not that this is bad, it's just that you might almost always lose whatever original thing that was floating in your head. At the end of the day I usually go to a piano room to practice or play around. The piano is a very good instrument to practice or get melodies from.
  7. Hey look it's ...
  8. Yeah. My download got interrupted several times which is making me think it wasn't stored properly on my computer. It seems like actual game components are missing or something. I've already posted on the help desk and forums so I'll see...
  9. uhhh... anyone ever download a 3rd party game only to have the exe file never show up in your steam folder? Marry Christmas to me... $13 down the drain
  10. I'm too lazy... er, poor to afford keys for crates. Why couldn't we forgo them this holiday season? >_<
  11. I never really understood how the right could be for smaller government, they want to enact legislation that will determine who can marry, what women can do, who can be in the military, ect... I know economic liberalism is half the smaller government rhetoric but come on, don't straddle the fence by getting the government involved in other stuff. /offtopicrant sorry! This isn't really conservative legislation per se, like someone pointed out "money grabbing" or I would argue, they see it as... money 'protecting.' Whenever huge sums of money are involved you sure as hell can bet that people are going to act more "conservative." After all, think if you made so much money and what not and worked hard for it, wouldn't you generally support legislation designed to help you keep as much of it as you possibly can. Or make even more? From what I understand the liberal stance comes from the actors, who are activist. But what many people don't understand is that in entertainment (be it sports or movies, whatever) it's not the performers who matter. It's their superiors who are representative of the industry, and I'd argue that those people are by no means "liberal" well perhaps economically but yeah. They make so much money they have no reason to be "liberal." They support legislation that protects money. Legislation that can be seen as conservative. 'Conservative' interests in many cases just means in the interest of money. And if this fails, Hollywood and the media have no reason to stop. They'll just bribe another congress and start all over again. Only, well imo, public outcry could totally halt this. But man SOPA seems to be pretty hidden. None of my friends are talking about it. Seriously this is the first time I've actually discussed it with anyone. It's like someone's muffling the discussion to the public...
  12. My dad apparently thinks this is a great idea. And he tells me as a creative person that this could protect me in the future... >_<
  13. information is a commodity too... God forbid anything on this earth be free for the people of the world
  14. This site will be blocked upon the passage of Sopa... said earlier in the topic: of course let's hope that's not true...
  15. Obligatory Metal Gear Awesome Reference...? Or sorry I'm reading far too into this maybe >_< Kojima is only overseeing this, Platinum the makers of Bayonnetta are making this and it shows. Since Kojima admitted he was trying to kill of snake and possibly end the franchise, perhaps these guys were right. I love action games but this isn't the type of production KP is known for. People wonder why the Dragonball series is so drawn out and weird... well the truth is that it was suppose to end at the Freeza Saga. Then at the Cell Saga (which is why Goku died actually)... but it was Akira Toriyama's supervisors and fans that demanded the series be stretched out. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Metal Gear
  16. it sounds intresting so far, I can't wait to hear it when it's done
  17. I actually like this better than the original... I don't play halo but your cover focuses on the part of the progression I liked in the original. I felt the original moved too quickly away from that progression found in the beginning. And it's really beautiful you can make a who song of those triads (?)... yeah I'm not formally versed in music, I barely have a gasp on instrumentation lol. Btw, what samples are you using?
  18. is it just me or did the game's scaling and resolution change?
  19. does Large Concert of the Starry Sky have any Dreamland 3 mixes? I just got it but haven't listened to everything.
  20. The WaveRT change happened to me randomly. I think its a memory issue, either that or I have no idea what I'm talking about lol
  21. I'm normally a perfectionist in everything else I do but since music is my hobby I've allowed myself to experiment and have fun. It's actually worked out well, but to some extent it's made me very anxious, I have a TON of songs I want to write and a ton of vg music I want to remix. But everything in time lol.

    And I do not believe anything I've written is complete lol. My dad just got a copy of reason so when I get home over winter brake I'm going to rewrite everything I've made from scratch for like the 3rd time now lol. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but I just might be getting better at it

  22. That was Awesome! I really wish I had something constructive to say but I don't, but I still felt like saying that this is awesome! lol keep up the good work
  23. started playing this game a few weeks ago... kinda addicting. Also the crashes are done, I've had quite a few long games this weekend
  24. Just elaborating on an earlier question... you can make music without a formal grasp of theory, just as you can walk through a house in the dark. It takes a high amount of intuition and experimentation. The best thing to do is to supplement whatever skills you acquire through experimentation with some gains in basic theory. If you're going to pick up an instrument actually do piano (not keyboard, preferably) as it's best for getting acquainted with music as a whole. I'm very much a beginner who started about 2 years ago. It's something that takes work and practice but is fun and rewarding. Here's some tips I posted in another topic a while ago for someone who wanted to start remixing. It should all apply to you, even if you want to write original music:
  25. People hate pretty much anything I put on youtube. >_< But yeah... feedback on youtube sucks it's either trolling or vague. That's really expensive... First off, TC, what are you doing currently? What do you know currently (an little thing that you might know about music)? And what kind of music do you see yourself or want yourself making? I made a post in another topic kinda similar to this, I'll post it after you respond.
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