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Everything posted by mickomoo

  1. I'm starting to feel like a noob... >_< The reason I asked that is because in the instrument listings for the set choir articulations only appear under the tab labeled silver. Another somewhat unrelated concern I can't find a link for the gold mic updates at all, and when I went to the upgrade section, gold's default upgrades are platinum or platinum plus, how exactly do you request the alternate mic positions?
  2. For other mixcraft users, what kind of music do you compose? I've only found it to be so-so for my purposes, I've been using kontakt vsts and the program crashes after 6-12 tracks, and I was thinking of getting even higher quality vsts so I'm feeling like I'm going to have to leave mixcraft behind, though I haven't quite outgrown its ease of use...
  3. Thanks for the quick responses. And XPRTNovice, I definitely have to check that site out. Yeah I was looking for big sites, but I forgot sometimes small knit communities significantly provide more fertile ground than larger ones with more people. It's just that it's always so hard to find such communities aside from word of mouth and a handful of other means.
  4. So I'm going to probably wait to get the CCC until it's on sale... I've seen it for $777 before, last cyber monday. But to hold me over I guess I might buy one set with an educational discount. I'm thinking the symphonic orchestra, but I can't decide between silver and gold. I've noticed that Gold has no organ or choirs, while silver contains some of these things, albeit I figure they're stripped down versions of EW other products like symphonic choirs or what not. Is it worth getting silver for these things or does the full articulation set of gold outweigh all of this? And if I got gold, would the instruments mesh well with other non-EW samples on a count of their reverb? I tend to like to place choirs and orchestras together and was wondering if I didn't get silver or symphonic choirs with gold that the instruments won't go well with any other choral vsts I already have.
  5. How do you guys feel about using music apps to help in the music creating, composing, or even producing process? Anyone use music apps on any iOS or other portable devices and have any recommendations? Personally, I downloaded like several, some DAWs, but recently I've been using chordbot seriously.
  6. Basically I wanna know if there a communities like ocr, but centered around other activities. So just like ocr is a community for people with an interest in video game music and composition are there communities for writers and artists? So I know for art for example I'm assuming deviantart would be a good place, but does anyone know any for creative writers, specifically for short stories, science fiction, poetry, and/or graphic novels. Are there sections of people on ocr with these interests with their own sub-community? I'm aware of the writing competitions, but I was looking for something more. If not we can turn this topic into a place for people to link their own writing, if not create or go somewhere especially dedicated to these things.
  7. I was going to expand my memory to 8 gigs to see if I could get more from my laptop in general, would that help with running EWQL. Also, I know the learning curve is steep but does the software come with tutorials or are there tutorials anywhere for the interface?
  8. Anyone awaiting the release of this game? I just got into the series last year and honestly I'm a bit excited.
  9. Man this show is still going strong? The writers are crazy good. I love how they take a nonchalant, random machinima and turn it into damn near sci-fi gold. Anyway I'm two seasons behind. I'll keep it that way and rewatch the entire series while I'm at it
  10. I would love to play this game but I don't feel like geting a 3DS lol unless the price is gonna be cut again
  11. How much ram do EWQL libraries demand? I only have a laptop with 4 gb of RAM and I'm kind of worried it might max out my machine. Also is there a daw that could best optimize my usage of these libraries? And in terms of Spaces which is sold separately, is that plug-in worth getting, or should I just stick to the different mic positions in platinum?
  12. I kept Goliath on the list because it has pop/jazz brass which I kind of like, I know its not cost effective, but do you know if any other set has that? Also the guitars in gipsy and ministry suck, what's the point of the package lol that sucks
  13. East West has a 67% off deal on their composer's collection 7-11 of their products. I'm probably not going to buy it yet, but I was wondering to avoid redundancy which packs should I select together. Tentatively I'm thinking: Symphonic Platinum, Piano Platinum, Symphonic Choirs, Goliath, Ra, Ministry of Rock, Voices of Passion... and possibly gipsy. Secondly, exactly how do the ilok and license work. I have two computers a part of a studio (my laptop and my desktop) Could I use 1 ilok and 1 license between the two computers or 2 iloks and 1 license? And finally, what DAW do EWQL Vsts tend to work best with?
  14. A completed orchestral theme for a novel I'm writing to inspire myself, just wanted feedback on the structuring of the composition. Also mixing tips, this thing has not been mixed one bit, except some slight panning and volume control.
  15. It's really good, I like the progression! What samples and daw did you use?
  16. I'm writing a piece that I titled a dirge but what is the difference? Also more on point do I need to have an account to view the song?
  17. I don't know if this will help but it's some stuff I told other people. I just started out about nearly a year ago, and I'm still very much so a beginner but here's some words of encouragement/advice (might be kinda long): -Be eager but not over eager. I'd honestly wish I'd picked up music as a hobby much earlier, but because I couldn't remix a specific song, or play something a certain way I honestly just dropped the hobby. Music is something that requires time, from playing to composing to mixing. A lot of time to learn and practice especially at first >_< -Don't get too caught up into one idea, in other words it might actually be best that you not try a remix first, or at least not a remix for OC remix. Remixes are good because by covering an existing song you kind of learn the feel of composing with out going too far out on your own, but more or less it might be better to "cover" songs before remixing. The very first thing I wrote was not a remix, it was actually an accident. When making a remix of music from pokmon battle music I created a rift and eventually made my own song. It wasn't until 8 months later did I even attempt to remix a song and it still wasn't oc quality. I'm still trying to master my skills, mixing and rhythm. Music for me honestly is more of experimentation and serendipity than it is skill. You will always have ideas coming to your head some sound awesome and it's disappointing when you can record or capture them the way you want, but honestly it gets better the more you start to pick up writing and playing. Your ear will improve as you listen to music while simultaneously trying to write your own. -You don't need to have a musical background, but you should become more musically observant. Listen to things within the a genre that inspires your or that you want to write. Notice what "voices" (instruments,or what have you ) tend to play together, and the general feel each voice/instrument's notes add to the song. Music is about what sounds nice together and you can learn a bit from existing songs. Also notice patterns and pattern changes that can occur in songs. In addition to listening to each instrument/voice pay attention to the role each instrument plays. From experience you know that rock music uses guitars as a lead, for many genre's it's apparent, but on a song by song basis see how each role's notes and rhythm shape the song. - Pick up an instrument, have someone teach you or self teach. Though it's not necessary but it may help. I wasn't a stranger to music when I started writing, but honestly I wish I kept up my piano lessons from when I was younger, I can't play in rhythm to save my life. Also keep in mind that composing your own music requires 3 skills. Composing (not necessarily writing, just knowing what sounds good together), playing (assuming you're going to use a DAW with a midi keyboard, even if not playing can help), and mixing (mastering and creating a true final product) Each with it's own general skill set. With regards to equipment you have a laptop all you need is a DAW (digital audio workstation). If you own a mac, they should come with garageband right? if not there's a "freeware" windows equivalent called mixcraft. Mixcraft is literally plug and play, it's what I've been using, though to mix mp3s after 2 weeks you'll probably wanna buy it it's only $80 which is fairly cheap for DAWs, and honestly I don't know any free ones. The thing is of course when you get your feet wet and you're well grounded, you'll probably wanna move on to a better DAW, logic cubase, hell even pro tools if you're feeling confident. DAWs run Vsts or virtual instruments which are either synths (sounds very commonly found in modern/pop music) or sampled (actually recorded from an instrument that has a player). I'm bringing this up because you can actually buy libraries of virtual instruments, and a good DAW should be able to run ones outside of the program's initial library (mixcraft can, but fyi it can get laggy depending on your comp, more powerful DAWs have no problem usually). In addition to a DAW you'll probably want a midi keyboard/controler. If you're family has any electric pianos or keyboards they should plug up to your computer. If not, keyboards can be fairly cheap especially if you're just starting out. If you're really bold though you could just use a computer mouse and computer keyboard lol. Anyways, I know it's a lot of info but good luck with everything. Finding feedback or getting questions answered can be tough, but if I ever see you around I have no problem answering anything, lol if I can. Hope that helps! If you also need more specific music theory advice I can also give you some basic pointers
  18. I originally relied solely on midis, but now I use mp3s mostly. If I'm really desperate I'll slow down the file and play along with it.
  19. I am more or less just practicing the basics of both composition, daw usage, and attempting to mix. Despite 2 years of, uh experience, I'm still a noob and stuff. I attempted to orchestrate this theme, but I need feedback on how I could compose, and especially mix it better. If you have any links or books related to midi orchestration that'd help. Original source : Cover: http://tindeck.com/listen/qogg
  20. Thanks man!

  21. This totally sounded like a fan name game before I clicked the topic... you think they're just doing this so that they can have two "middle" versions rather than one both very similar to each other?
  22. Apparently you can't use it to produce soundtracks? supposedly?
  23. I would be totally in but I'm still training my skills... give me 5 years and I might finally do that Alter Emerald and final boss theme from sonic advanced 3 >_<
  24. DAMNIT Reapers + Nobodies would have been awesome
  25. Yeah this is basically what I was going to do. I hear though you can control the amount of CPU you give to FL though so I might check it out.
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