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  • Real Name
    Cory Axel Jorgensen
  • Location
    Bay Area, California
  • Occupation


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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. So here is some of my original material. I'm going to school for reason now and learning quite a bit. Going to be trying to major in music or sound design or something along those lines. I'm buckling down and getting serious. Please give my material a listen and help me out a bit with some pointers. Hopefully, I'll be adding to this site soon. It helped get me inspired and ready to get deep into music. http://soundcloud.com/viciousrequiem Thank you and enjoy : )
  2. Fantastic. This will be the last song I download from this site. Well Played.
  3. ... wait this seriously shut down remixers. REALLY? someone please tell me that's just a really bad joke. the remixanator is cool and everything but um.... there's nothing to it. Seriously it can make very little music and there's no real personalization. None what-so-ever. The so called "personalization" is just an effect running over what seems to be premade songs. If you guys really cancelled true remixers for something this pathetically small then there's nothing left of this site. I just got here a month ago. I was really looking forward to pursuing my musical ambitions by starting with remixing. That's not even possible now. Why the fuck should I stick around? To listen to the same tracks being mindlessly altered by the same effects? You're killing stylization and artist's ambitions. This is a blatantly stupid mechanism if it's ruling out actual remixers. It's a fun toy, but that's all. IT'S A TOY. I read all this whole thread and got really freaked out thinking "Oh holy shit music will no longer be created by artists in my adulthood. It will be created by sheep with overly powerful toys." Now after seeing how it works and realizing it poses very little threat to the creative aspect of real music all I can think is "why the fuck are the remixers out of the picture." Seriously BAD move. I'm out. You're weeding out raw talent for a toy. Have fun with your sheep.
  4. Hmm. Such sadness enveloped in your sound. Even present in your chiptune sounds. It has this stoic serious feel about it that I really enjoy. "I like to call it post-orchestral electronica with a touch of industrial 8-bit dance ambience, but that's probably wrong." No you pretty much nailed it on the head. It's very nearly verging into IDM with the ambiance and drum structures but lacks the chaos which makes it very easy to listen to. Well that and the Large classical element to it which I loved how you referred to it as Post-Orchestral. Definitely more classically elemented then I'm used to which was a nice change of pace for me. Thanks for the free tunes. I can't wait to listen to them all.
  5. All right. Downloaded this with some iron imp and have been going through it all. Very weird transitions between the two artists but both are good in their own unique ways. As for She since this thread is about his music... I would say it's very clean and uplifting. It has some amazing builds, but I was a bit disappointed to find that it was mostly just that. If there were some solid beat structures brought to the front a little more and kinda glued all the beautiful tones together and extended the songs I would probably regard it as some of my favorite music. It's definitely still pretty captivating. I wanna hear some of his stuff mixed with dubstep... that would be siiiiick.
  6. excellent. I've had almost no formal training (minus the 3 years of french horn I cannot for the life of me recall probably due to the amnesia during the last year) and starting into this whole music world is very intimidating. Especially since I've been trying to learn music theory and Reason on my own with books. Thanks for this thread and some added perspective.
  7. You're pretty far ahead of me.. I was absolutely blown away by the first break down where it went silent and the core of your instrumentation came in. For lack of a better word it was perfect. Hell my girlfriend stopped as she was reading over her financial aid paperwork she'd been quite absorbed with and went "oh wow what's that?". Anyways, it was a very strong spine for your song... Now for the criticism. I would really like to hear this with a completely redone lead synth. the whistling was very detracting from the smooth texture of the background ambiance. I liked the melody for the most part, but that could have been reworked to give it some more intensity. I'd even say throwing in a few effects or maybe another lead to clash or harmonize with a better first lead would make this professional grade material. Very good stuff altogether. I can't wait to hear more!
  8. Not bad sounds like some of my first attempts with reason.... Only better melody structure. XP
  9. AI really like the feeling of this song. It's bright and uplifting and the wind effects gave it a really chill vibe.. I wanted to hear more of that The background piano towards the end was very well put into place. I think it could have used some more build ups and some more variations but overall it was very well put together. Also I'm a hard hitting bass fanatic so I think some rounder more heavy hitting bass might have filled out the sound a little more.
  10. 8bit is such a nostalgically mellowing sound for me... I want to start mixing my own 8 bit styles with maybe some dubstep or hardstyle. I need to learn how to sample 8bit sounds.... or any sounds for that matter. anyways, I'm very impressed with your work. It flows smoothly and gives me a warm feeling of easiness. keep up the excellent tunes.
  11. This was from the middle of the thread, but this sums up my thoughts perfectly and made me lol so.... ^^^What he said. Wait Edit: At least they aren't really going for the remakes... they are raping the hell out of the FF names and everything but they are trying to be innovative and well I'm two sided and flip-floppy. I love FF and will stick by it but yeah. I miss turn based random encounter cut scene battles .... omg if they do remake 7 please say they wont "revamp" the battle system XI, XII, XIII style. I might cry as hard as I did when I heard Keanu Reeves got hell bent to kill my precious cowboy bebop. noooooes.
  12. Quite unfortunately that was the quality/size of the gif at its source and I've already tried to find a program or something to make it better, but I fail at photoshop and the like so it must stay low quality. one day I hope to get a gif of myself repeating that move... so much more to learn with double staff first XD I'll be much more active on this site once I have a job and have moved to concord finally. Back in my mom's house in Napa.... UBERFAIL >.o
  13. I'm a Bay Raver, Massage therapist, Music Fanatic, Hardcore gamer and Newb synther. I have Reason 4.0 (With a comprehensive guide / the idiot's guide to music theory), A MicroKorg Synthesizer/Vocoder, And a brand new Laptop. I'm an avid music collector and a final fantasy fanatic. Seems strange that only now after so many years I would think to look for a combination of the two. Regardless, here I am and I think this is the place I want to begin my musical career. Brief Bio: Been out of high school for three years. Was a mathlete, choir and drama nerd, and played many sports. I got sick of school fast though and started failing out, but managed to get myself through to a diploma. Afterwards I gave the finger to school, got a few jobs here and there, and went raving like a madman. I did, in the midst of this, get certified as a massage therapist and will use that as a crutch for my musical focus. At this point I am finally ready to buckle back down and make life happen. I'm getting back into school (finally because I want to). I'm turning my attention to music in any way possible while maintaining other windows of opportunity and hopefully I'll be able to use remixing as a way to learn how to create my own tunes. I'm here to learn. I'm here to find wonderful music. I'm here to be a part of something. I'm excited to get to know some of you. I already respect the hell out of many of the mixers I've heard so far. Can't wait to see if I can contribute to this great site. PLUR- Darkener
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