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Everything posted by bloodeyezack

  1. well the party is next week so ill try to make a cake on xbox live.
  2. bump for the party!
  3. Awesome! If you plan on getting it soon I'm on Xbox Live periodically during the day so hit me up and we will have some fun.
  4. those where some awesome match's we played Hum4n After All, it was way too much lag in the beginning, but in the later match's we dominated the field. I'll see what I can do about those games Geeky Stoner. If anyone wants to rent a game too just put up what you plan on renting.
  5. they are nice! :P around 2:03 on dire dire straits is a little bit confusing for me but I really like how the rest of the song flow together. I never played dragon warrior before but I love how it sounds. and super metroids Red soil swamp was awesome I like this mix a lot.

    well once I get a lot better at understanding how things work on FL studio, I plan on going more trance and some techno, I'm not to close to making music yet but I'll keep at it.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB2Fns6Y9vg&feature=related I would really like to see what could be done with this song.
  7. bump lol seems not many people want to join... well if anyone wants to add my GT anyways you all can. I also was wondering if anyone knows if we can do a party movie or something as well?
  8. This is when I wish I had my own gaming computer. I have the Xbox version and I love the online play. I hope you enjoy it.
  9. Awesome! 5 people so far. The games with that people most have so far is castle crashers and TMNT. We should set up times for each game. but we still have a couple weeks to go, so we can plan that for next week.
  10. well I was just wandering, cause I have a a gaming party planned for the 29th,


  11. I'll see what I can do about the games you guys put up. Besides uno, cant stand that game. I updated my list, so if more people have the same game I'll make sure I rent it.
  12. oh I see. well its working for me so far. so what type music do you make?

  13. sadly I don't have rock band. but you can still join the party, I hear that Game Room is free to download for anyone. If you have other games maybe I can find games to rent to make more options. anyone have suggestions?
  14. Arek would you like to join my 360 party sometime?

  15. I have been thinking about what I could do for my birthday. So yeah I decided to try and make a gaming party for it, if anyone has the multiplayer games I have. List of games I have: Battlefield: Bad company 2 Battlefield 1943 Resident Evil 5 Castle Crashers (I don't play much) Worms Armageddon 2 Small Arms Teenage Ninja Turtles arcade. I have a few Indie games too but I don't remember the names of them. Possible games, I can rent or buy: Soul Calibur 4 (rent) street fighter 4 (rent) Perfect Dark (buy) Street fighter 2 turbo HD (buy) Day and time: 29th of April. 5:00 (PST) Gamertags: (this will be updated) zeka991 (bloodeyezack) David Hubbard (Brushfire) games: BF:BC2 Geeky Stoner (as his self) games:castle crashers,small arms, and TMNT arcade. Hum4n After All (as his self) games: BF:BC2 ArekTheAbsolute (Arek the Absolute) games: TMNT Arcade pufreakneo (pu_freak) games: castle crashers and BF 1943 If there is any questions or requests PM me.
  16. lol my birthdays on the 29th XD

  17. Yeah I always liked the music from Jet Force Gemini. I haven't played the game years... can't even remember a single song but I just know it was good. :/
  18. my download didn't come with a read me. but I figured out how to get to work though. so its a modified version of the demo?

  19. :D thanks a lot man!
  20. where you talking to me when you were messaging me?

  21. oh I just noticed your birthday was on the 3rd of this month. happy late birthday :P

  22. I'm sure I should wait till I have the real version to start saving and recording right? I have be getting some nice beats going, putting things together to make nice drawn out lines with the piano. Its hard to make the instrument notes sound realistic though.
  23. I saw that you visited my user page.

  24. I'm in the same boat as you. I just can't find the right way to ask for help. so far I have just been using wiki, the users manual, and just messing around with demos. Its hard to get a grasp of making the music flow togerther for me but I'll figure it out.
  25. thanks loomcore. I'll start looking into these. I have been experimenting with FL studio and its been a challenge trying to get everything to flow together. I'm still reading the manual bit by bit. (collage is taking up most my time.)
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