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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. But that alone isn't enough if you're not fully commited to the cause, don't have lots of perseverence and are not willing to dedicate a lot of your time learning and knowing your instrument, and are not constantly motivated by your own beliefs and results to work even harder and get further beyond. And, in my case...

    ... were not simply a young boy fascinated by video games music. If I look back, I can clearly see where it all really started for me :)


    As is the case for many people here.

    Welcome to the forums you two!

  2. Thats a great question, had the same thing in mind.

    But I guess nobody likes to post on these forums. looks like im going to buy marakas : /

    Sample crumpled paper. Not kidding.

    You can load this into your daw as a pure wave sample, do a little filter fun, export the modified wave (or waves, as you might have to layer it) and import that into a soundfont or other sample playback method.

    Do not trust this method as it is untested and entirely theorhetical.

  3. Or yellow light reflecting on the monitor that makes the gray look like it has a pink tint.

    Yeah, any light imbalances will make the gray (which I think is between #888888 and #cccccc) appear anything but. If your monitor has more red than anything else, then the color will view as #ddcccc instead of the #cccccc as the webpage html codes for (or whatever the #hexdec value is)

  4. I've been working on my remix of Choco Mountain the past few days. My remix is in the "piano" style.

    Oooh, very nice choice. Can't wait to hear it.

    I MEAN *AHerm* this thread is just for recruitment blahblahblah I won't be a stickler but try not to overdo it before we get an official Darkesword Moderation Visit.

    But seriously, good idea for a good track.

  5. The source is in C++, the only possibilty to recreate that kind of sound, would be to recode the algorithms "by hand" meaning with the same algorithm with your own code. And this code woukd have to be written and adapted for the VST SDK

    I haven't worked with SynthEdit yet, but I don't think it is possible to recreate those sounds in SE

    I dunno, but (as I'm sure you already know) SE allows the importing of C++ modules in the form of .sem and .sep files (renamed .dlls) that were generated in C++ and created using SynthEdit SDK instead of the normal VST SDK.

    Synthedit then exports a finished VST file to a vst .dll in whatever folder it's told to dump finished vsts to.

    tl;dr if you can recreate the audio engine of din using the SE SDK then you might be able to recreate it in SynthEdit.

  6. It has an interesting sound to it, so I looked into the source code for a few minutes. Porting doesn't really seem to be to difficult, but that would only result in a stand-alone .exe file. But integrating it into a VST is more or less impossible, not because of the code, which can be connected with the VST SDK with a lot of work, but because of legal problems. The license for VST development clashes with the GPL.

    BTW, I have only seen Zebra in zircon's tutorials, but can't it do something similar


    could it be recoded into C++?

    hell, if I could code individual parts into C++, I would convert it piece by piece into a form that is Synthedit friendly while remaining VST-friendly and reconstruct it in the synthedit modular environment...

  7. Hey Never Rest, are you still uncertain about what DAW to use and whatnot?

    I want you to check out a product by Acoustica called Mixcraft 5 (with a public beta of Mixcraft 6).

    It's simpler to use than FL, not to mention you are able to open project files even when the trial period ends (14 days for MX5, 30 days for the MX6 beta).

    I won't delve into details here, I suggest you at least check out the first link there for more information about this DAW.

    Also, if you don't have one, get a MIDI keyboard or other MIDI input device. Not needed, but a good hardware device to have. Bonus points if it has MIDI CC controls built in.

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