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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Although, I do not agree with your critique on the bass being too loud, i suppose i can see where you're coming from(i like to push it to the fine line). ...sorry that you guys dont like the stylistic properties of the track overall, what it seems im understand by the response. im a housey trancey guy, i thought the selection was good for myself, and thats who im producing for.

    No, that's just it - I love house trance style. The mix is great, and I love it. It's just that your remix hasn't found the threshold between house trance and the mood/style of the original source. It's close though. Just needs something to make the balance.

  2. Do use a better service to host your audio, please.

    Tindeck or Dropbox would work.

    Also, OCR has a WiP hosting page, here.

    Overall.. relaxing music, pretty long song for what little melody is actually in there. Ending is not abrupt. I know there's tons who like the pounding bass, but do consider. Mastering is otherwise done nicely, does not sound 'grey' and I did not hear any noticeable sound cracking. Keep up good work!

    I love deep pounding bass, But I have to agree... The bass doesn't feel out of place, but it doesn't match the mood of the source. I'm sure you can re-write that certain part and it will work better.

    I have to say, this is pretty solid as it is. Nintendude will be proud :)

  3. Nice mix.

    I have to agree with The Derrit about the percussion. And the echo.

    I think that part of the percussion issue is the deep reverb. But you do need to add a deeper percussion i.e. mixing it up, changing drums, layering drums. Just anything to give the rhythm a deeper, fuller pulse.

    Also, the reverb needs to be reduced a bit on some instruments. Sorry.

    Like the Chomp and the barks here and there. :)

    I like the mix. Keep it up!


  4. I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event.

    That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR.

    Mind you, if you don't want to go to GameStop, there is this:


    It will give you the pokemon that are being given away this month, right now, without having to leave the house.

    I now officially love this site, but I have a Wifi connection that dislikes the DS in every way. :(

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