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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Fortytwo!

    Sorry. *clearsthroat*

    Anyway, having a DAW makes it easier to view files and to share WiPs because they are in their native format and don't need to be rendered.

    And it would make it a hell of a lot easier for me to share the file with you instead of bypassing all of the end-of-trial bullsh*t that Mixcraft has.

    On a side note, do you think that I should get rid of the organ bit? What about the saxophone part? I know it sounds out of place, but...

  2. Well, I'm not clued up on lingo of recording... so DAW is a bit weird.

    I record with a Line 6 UX2. I still use Audacity (Like a pro).

    Linkin Park style? I'm in. I'm no rapper, so might need help there... But I love early Linkin Park.

    I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll do my best to try and meld my style to a more Nu-Metal one.


    DAW Digital Audio Workstation

    like, say, Mixcraft 5, for example (what I use)

    Well, I'm not clued up on lingo of recording... so DAW is a bit weird.

    I record with a Line 6 UX2. I still use Audacity (Like a pro).

    Linkin Park style? I'm in. I'm no rapper, so might need help there... But I love early Linkin Park.

    I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll do my best to try and meld my style to a more Nu-Metal one.


    You won't have to rap, I hope... :-P

    I sure won't, so that won't really be a problem.

    Has the file worked yet?

  3. @Gario: By OLR, did you mean the Old Lady of the Rose? Are you sure they'd want to hear a secular video game song? Is this about what happened on the other forum? :P

    OverLooked ReMix


    definitely olr material.

    I like this. I'm glad I speak fast so I could almost understand the little talking part with the snowman- and the blue shell part. haha!

    You might want to adjust the volume on the lyrics, because when you sing the lower notes, your voice sort of fades away and I can't hear it.

    Everything is ice Everything is ice

    However! Again, the backing was too static. You need to add a little... creative flair to the background track(s) because they get boring after the umpteenth time you hear it.

  4. Actually, yeah I would be really rad!

    I'm keen for any collabs. I would love to do YOU MUST LIVE anyway.

    Vocal/Rock Mix.

    I'm down. Give us a fancy honeymoon and I'll marry that in a second!

    Okay, well, I think I will have to give details via PM.

    So far, what I have is a minute or so of... something, but I will have to rewrite it a little bit.

    It's amazing what you can do with a high-quality free guitar synth (which DOES exist) and a high-quality amp simulator...

    I would be working on it, but I am at a Photoshop Digital Animation camp until 5 today (10pm GMT?), But I will work on it when I get home

  5. Dammit!

    My creativity has gone up and died, and I've been temporarily "sterilized" when it comes to a way to remix these tracks... I will have to pull out of the project.

    No Homo

    EDIT: Well, I hope Tuber can help me correct/redo a guitar/bass part, because I think I just came up with a rock version of You Must Live!

    Sure it'll need lyrics, but right now it needs a main structure...

    If I can, I will put up a WiP here publicly for you guys. (until the WiP is up, don't mark me down for it Brian)

  6. aaand on the subject of the signatures, I have updated the pictures to fit the height limit. The image urls should still be the same.

    Hmm... Just noticed the filesize could be smaller, but that might be due to the fact that I used uncompressed files that were fully editable within my imaging program Macromedia Fireworks, now owned by Adobe

    Is this a problem for anyone else, such as DSL or DialUp users?

  7. Tuber, I have a Katt sig for you,

    and a Ryu sig for Shinny.

    They're basically renditions of characters found on google search and the Project image that's in Mr. Metal's sig.

    Katt sig:

    [ URL="http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=784626"][ IMG]http://db.tt/KQuVNHr[/IMG][/URL]

    Ryu sig:

    [ URL="http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=784626"][ IMG]http://db.tt/mIDVvCP[/IMG][/URL]

    Both contain the link to this thread. Please remove the spaces in the [ url] and [ img] or they won't work

  8. So... do we understand that this was made on FL and therefore I couldn't really get any good guitar-like sounds because of this? I'm sorry' date=' dude, I really am.

    As long as you know how the main riff is going and as long as you have good enough ideas on how to make this sound like an actual song, then you're all set. That is, if you're a guitar player...

    Oh, and btw, the quality was not originally like this. When I saved it I had the quality set at 16000 (it might be called "sample" or "frequency" too... Idk, hopefully, that's a good enough clue as to what I mean) and yes, that's way too low, I would've wanted to increase that a little... but, I still wanted to keep the quality quite low.

    And just for clarification: what is lo-fi? I don't wanna be throwing that term around just in case I'm wrong... :([/quote']

    Lo-fi (from the term "Low fidelity") is a term used to describe music in which the sound is of a lower quality than the usual standard. The qualities of lo-fi are usually achieved by either degrading the quality of the recorded audio, or using certain equipment. Recent uses of the phrase have led to it becoming a genre, although it still remains as an aesthetic in music recording practice. Many lo-fi artists use inexpensive cassette tape recorders.

    No, what I'm saying is that I can't really find the tune because of the dissonance.

    I would clear up the guitar part first, then build around that

  9. Okay, well, for one thing I can't really find the melody in this song anywhere...

    All I hear is adjacent keys being played all at once, then changing pitch somewhat.

    It's not a lo-fi sound I hear, it's the playing of several notes that overlap in frequency without any balance. In fact, sound quality is being depleted only because of the guitar.

    If you were to maybe play only the melody notes, and maybe add a fifth in there, then it would be easier to distinguish (and maybe sound quality would improve?)

    EDIT: Scratch that. I now here a small chord in there, but you played it so close together (and probably used a bitcrusher?) that it's hard to catch the melody.

  10. So I picked up Katamari Forever the other day, and fell in love with the village music.

    Throughout the song, there's a harpsichord-sounding instrument that plays a few chords, sustains the last one, then it sounds like the sequence is played in reverse to get a cool, melodic swoopy effect. You'll notice it right away.

    How is this done? My only guess is they made an audio clip and reversed it and overlaid the original and the reversal 'til it sounded right, kind of like how reverse cymbals can be done.

    Is there a way to do this in a more streamlined, sequencer-only (i.e. no audio clips) manner? Other ways to do it?

    One idea is that they used DBlue Glitch. Other than that I have no idea.

  11. Wikipedia's definition of the vuvuzela

    Yeah, I read the wikipedia page on it minutes after I posted about this. If you didn't notice, I edited my post.

    EDIT: yeah, I know. the post didn't update obviously, so I re-edited (?) it.

    Advanced and flexible envelope controls, with a visual interface where you can "draw" the lines like in the FL automation clips.

    Do you mean controls similar to that of the NI Massive envelope editor?

    Plenty of LFOs, with a delay wheel, which you can tie to any other function.

    Hmm... Would you be able to work with a data matrix with this?

    Also, I would like to have a little bit more information on what you mean by delay wheel.

  12. I don't think anyone has actually answered the question...

    He said VST, not sample library...

    ^This. Very much this^

    I'm basically asking you what you would want in a VSTi. I'm not asking for sample libraries. I'm asking what features you would like to have control of in a virtual instrument.

    An off-the-bat example would be 43 oscillators. In no way would anyone want to do that, but that's an example for you guys of what I'm asking for

  13. Tough to say, because there are a lot of things that you want in a VST, but the closer you get to getting everything, the closer you get to the one thing that everyone hates - extreme lag. There's a lot you could want, so a "perfect" vst instrument doesn't really cut it for me.

    "Perfect" as in perfect for you. I want to see people's ideas of what they want to see in a VST.

    (Personally, I would like to see a synth with a lot of power under the hood, but a oh-so-simple GUI to go with it)

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