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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. If someone were to ask you what you would want in your own "perfect" VST, what would it be?

    I'm asking because I saw a thread over in KVR about doing this with SynthEdit and I want to at least see what your ideas are for such an instrument.

    So, what would you have in it?

    EDIT: And whatever it is, it has to be possible in SynthEdit.

    Current idea list

    Advanced Envelopes - GeckoYamori

    plenty of LFOs - GeckoYamori

    Delay wheel - yet again, GeckoYamori

    Simplicity - PrototypeRaptor

    What I would like to know is how many/what kind of oscillators

  2. Nice. I like it so far, and I am only :32 into it. However, I do think that the opening rhythm is too overbearing.

    However, I am listening to this on my speakers while eating lunch, so I haven't really payed attention to the finer details.

    Overall a good mix. However, I think it needed one or two pads that weren't saws or ramps or pulses. A triangle-pulse pad would work to create a more, say, "etherial" tone to this.

    BTW, what is the source for this? I am unfamiliar with it

  3. I got the keyboard. It is a Yamaha PSR 3 but it’s pretty old. Does anyone know how to connect it to a computer? It has two plugs on the back, headphones/aux out and dc in. Is this keyboard good enough to use with a DAW?

    I sat down with the keyboard and came up with a short song. Here is the video.


    I’ve also been looking at keyboards on craigslist in my area just in case that keyboard that I have can’t be used. My price range is about $100.

    Here is a few that I found.



    But I really don’t even know what I’m looking for. I don’t know what’s good or bad or even what I need.

    I downloaded the trial version of Reaper. But I really don’t know how to use it yet. I’m currently watching tutorials on youtube to help me familiarize myself with it. The full version is also in my price range $40 is something that I can afford.

    Also I’m reading the guide that Rozovian wrote and plan on reading it all the way though.

    So anyway, that’s where I’m at. Thanks for the comments guys. I’m trying.

    How long does the free trial of Reaper last? I know there are some programs that will shut themselves down in 20 minutes if it is a demo.

    Relax, we're all trying. In fact, I'm still trying to make a somewhat decent remix. Yeah, Rozo's guide helps, but I can't wait for it to be in a .pdf (but that's for another thread).

    Just don't give up hope.

    Ont thing you might want to do is grab a few free synths to work with. Depending on what OS you're using, you can use VST (.dll) or a Mac-only synth (not sure what the file extension is...). When you have a small arsenal of instruments, you can then play around with voice layering and automation.

    Not that I could help you with that- I use Mixcraft, and have never touched Reaper.

  4. Use map edit to destroy his home, and put him in cube of adminium, with lava pouring in, and set that as his spawn.

    Well, this idea will have to go to an op (level99 or Brush). However, TNT can be used to clear out Damned's doorway, i think...

    However if it's password protected, LWC might prevent even explosions from destroying furnaces...

  5. Well I was going to give all my diamond, gold, iron, lapis and tools to anyone that was online, but gilliam decided to be an asshole and has them all now. I even gave him one of the diamond armor sets as a gift, and he still had to be an asshole.

    He put passworded furnaces in my doorway so I can't get in or out. He put trees in front of everything. He took the lava out of my furnace, flooded my house with water from the upstairs multiple times, moved shit around, and didn't stop any of it when I asked him to.

    He constantly fucked with my house, even after I told him to stop it EIGHT TIMES, and then when I hit him to make him back off, he died, came back, and killed me. I had all the good stuff on me at the time, so he has it all now. And he still hasn't removed the furnaces.

    Awesome Gilliam. Just fucking awesome.

    I has TNT. Will that work?

  6. In case you missed it, Steve rolled back the to replace the damage that some Gnome guy did.

    The peace has returned to the land. The calm has reached us all.

    Do you know his EXACT username?

    Was it Gnomeo76?

    Personal question really.

  7. I have no clue actually, it was out of the blue and didn't even make sense. Its in this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31614&page=233

    Now hes done it again, and taking a gigantic manbaby sized tantrum over a simple ban from a place he never goes into . Didn't even msg me in IRC or PM me on the forums, could of been a joke, he decided to be a big man and call her names again.

    And so now I'm expected to apologize to someone thats called her that twice? I'm usually a pretty easy going guy but even thats a little bit hard for me to do.

    Even with a whitelist, and a vouch system, we've had theft and other issues. Good luck with letting the barn door open to anybody

    I'm tempted to say "let them fight it out", but I don't think that will work, considering the debris of bitterness littering the last page or so

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