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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Dyne, I've sent my song in both .wav and .mp3 to both your PM Inbox and Gmail.

    Please give me a sign of life x)

    I'm not sure if it comes through if, for instance, you inbox is full.

    This may be off-topic a bit, and for this I apologize, but doesn't Gmail have a virtually infinite inbox?

  2. I'd like some constructive criticism, please!

    Will do :P

    The clicking at 0:41 seems off, and it is distracting me. I don't know if the off-beat rhythm was intentional , but it detracts from the content a bit.

    I do enjoy 2:09 to 2:31, and then the synth beat after that, but the tick is back :-|

    I would write more, but I don't have time right now.

  3. See first post) it says that they use Windows XP.

    If she opened it in the temp folder, and she is the administrator, ctrl+s would have saved the changes into the temp folder.

    If she wasn't, then it would have carried the changes into the Documents folder instead.

    EDIT: Temp folder is usually in an hidden Program Data or Application file. The best way to find it is to re-open the document from the email, then at the download screen, once the document finishes downloading, click on "Open in Folder". It may not be in that exact folder, but one of the folders in the directory above it.

  4. It's obvious the :19-:32 is supposed to be a buildup, but I can't give you any idea of what to do next.

    (basically, I don't know what you're shooting for, so I can't be much help.)

    Maybe you should fool around and put an arp bassline with whatever's next. you just might get an idea out of that.

    I usually do, but, being me, I lose that idea within a day or so.

  5. According to the Dec. 7 page:

    We have tried giving away our Freebies from 2009. We have tried stealing your friends on Facebook. We have tried convincing you a Crowbar is a musical instrument.

    Well … Its Time To Wipe The Slate Clean.

    From today till 11th of December 2010 – your dreams can come true. The only thing we ask of you is to post your idea for our next sample library in the comment field below. The more suggestions the better and don't be afraid of going crazy or conventional. We want to learn from you and we want to push the bar of what possible to do in the realm of sampling. So whether its us going back and deep sampling the hell out of something conventional, have us design a custom instrument from scratch or do a 30GB library of train sounds – we are open to all of it. Tonehammer will pick the winner(s)* and announce them on December 11th – depending on what we feel motivated and excited by.

    So the next logical question is … what is in it for you? The answer is simply: "You get the library for free sometime spring 2011"

    Post your links below and lets get this baby rollin'

    Also, this has nothing to do with the Rise from yesterday.

    WhY aRe ThEy So VaGuE!

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