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  1. Sounds great, but from what I've seen the judges are going to say it's too close the source and needs more variation.
  2. I fucking _LOVE_ it! Reminds me almost of something that would be in the menu music of Gran Turismo 5, lol.
  3. This song for some reason makes me think a lot of Barrel Volcano
  4. I love the addition of the extra NES hardware. Only if other games actually used it on a normal basis.
  5. You had mad skillz and you keep proving it over and over.
  6. Love it, especially the extra parts to what was once there.
  7. I love it, another song that would fit amazingly well into this is Silver Surfers 2nd level music since it gets no love and my skills of a musician = suck. Oh yeah my fav part is Contra Boss at 3:21 on mark.
  8. I feel like I should be playing Re-Armed now.
  9. It makes me thing of the old mods Jazz Jackrabbit used but lacks that something that has you hooked to the original tune. I think it's the lead synth.
  10. I don't have words for how fucking awesome this is. As far as direction goes... uhm keep up with the awesomeness I have no idea, I wish I was better with music.
  11. Fuckin Epic man, I love it.
  12. Original idea, I like it. It's based off the movie of the same name, the arcade version is much better and more of a beat-em-up.
  13. Wow this is pretty awesome. Fester's Quest, though never beaten, was a childhood favorite.
  14. I had to go figure out my password so I could comment on how fucking awesome this is. I love the mix of the two songs. Silver Surfer IMO had the best quality music for the NES.
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