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Everything posted by Low Phi (HEDEFECT)

  1. Amen to that, buddy!!
  2. hmmm. . .it's okay, I guess. . .it is one of my personal faves in the RE series. The drum part feels weird tho. . .bu I guess everyone has their own way of re-interpreting VG tunes nowadays. me and my bandmate did a cover of it in one of our sessions 6 years ago but we forgot to press REC. . .we don't like playing the same thing twice (especially in an okay crowd) >sigh!<
  3. I guess you could do a bit of tweaking, but yeah it's sounds well-mixed on its own. Very Daft Punk-ish I might add--which is weird for me because I just got this TRON OST from a record bar I couple of days ago before listening to your song. Keep it up dude!
  4. Hmmm. . . Not bad, not bad at all. I kinda like it. Keep it up, dude!
  5. Alright, I'm almost done. I'm putting some of them out next week. Thanks again for the suggestion, WinZenT! The game itself is interesting--and a bit hard as well!! Hope you em out!! --Low Phi
  6. hehe, Suito Homu. . .I love doing unknown/obscure videogame mixes. . .I haven't played Suito Homu yet; I'll playing it tonight tho. . .I'm digging the themes. . .I'll probably have something out soon. Thanks for suggesting this game; I've been looking for some interesting themes to remix out of. I'm putting it in the "Post You Game Mixes" corner. . .hope you check out soon.
  7. I keep thinking if I should release that 1 Gunstar Heroes track I did years ago. . .I didn't want to release it in the first place because I've heard a lot of awesome mixes much awesome than what I made I dunno. . .maybe I'll pass by this thread again soon. . .just not feeling it for now. . .
  8. tee-hee, I'm liking stage 4 of Metal Slug 1>lightbulb<. . . I wonder if I could uhhh. . .hmmm. . .!!!!!! I check on this later. . .
  9. Alright, I got it done. Finally. It's still a bit crunchy but it does grow on you. check it out here! So, anyway I as I was working on this song--it made feel like working on another Vay mix. I think I'm gonna release it in the Post your Game Mixes thread soon. Be sure to fish over there or just PM me or whatever. Please enjoy the mix.
  10. that is so damn true. . .we [me and my bandmate] tested it again but there were problems with the upload (loud 'clicky' sounds and too fuzzy. . . which annoyed the hell outta me. . .)--we're hoping to release it in a few more hours just hold on.
  11. Just a few hours from now. . .we're still testing the quality.
  12. Alright, we're just polishing it a bit. . .just be sure you guys come back here this Wednesday or Thursday EST (earlier there in US) coz we're still cleaning the Hardcore Battle theme and we have working day jobs but yeah it's pretty much done. . .be on the look out.
  13. I did work of the Hardcore Battle theme of that game 2 months ago but I didn't get to finish it--I ran out of ideas. . .I'll see what I could come up with this game tonight and I'll post it here. . .if I can finish it, that is. . .but yeah, I'll probably think of something--last time I worked on it, it was around 80% done.
  14. If you're willing to push this project through--I got a Chrono Trigger track that me and a bandmate of mine used in couple of shows (funny thing is people don't know they're CT tunes. . .and I don't think they care anyways. . .) We did the theme of Schala--that's about tho. . .BUT we have some of CT work tapes somewhere (tunes that didn't make it. . .we lacked ideas to finish vg mixes at times) Lemme know if you want to check it out. And I guess I could look back at those worktapes and see if I could think of something now.
  15. A LOT of Miscellaneous Funk albums and its sub-genres (Gfunk, punk funk, P-Funk, fusion, funk-metal, disco etc. . .) Funk in general is very sacred in my way of composing music.
  16. Hey, nice take on Peaceful Days dude. I love the arrangements. Keep it up.
  17. I did the boss battle theme a couple of years back but I can't seem to find the mp3 file; I got the cut somewhere in my CDs (I archive old stuff for future preferences). . .I'll ring you when I find it . . .
  18. Hmmm. . .is this still on? Me and my bandmate are currently doin' our take of Don't Be Afraid (still working on it though) for our independent release and if you guys won't mind we'd also like to put it in this album as well--if this still one that is. . .
  19. yup, most of the instruments are MIDI controlled--since we play mostly MIDI controlled instruments. Since the original was arranged in orchestra, there's are only a few live instruments used (well, I guess, it's just the guitar this time:mrgreen:) The drums are indeed loops but in different sets of patterns. We're fascinated by the jungle genre when we were making this one. . .so many juggles, pattern tones and variations from one famous loop so we figured let's give it a go? The variations were sort of like bet between me and my bandmate. . .we experimented on how much drum variations can we manage to squeeze out of one drum-loop and still stay in-tune.
  20. hehe. . .thanks! actually me and my bandmate had some PSX stuff hooked up when we made these songs--we found out a clever way to use to a PSX controller and turned it into MIDI. Live instruments we used were the guitars, bass--resampled by us (a weird way of putting things). . .the drum parts were sequenced but we managed to record live drum tones and AGAIN we resampled it. So basically there's much sampling going on--BUT it's basically our own samples we're using. . . And everything else was MIDI controlled. . .from the orchestrations and rearrangements--reading Uematsu sheet music is really complicated at times--especially the ones that we try reinventing. Thanks again! Hope you stay tuned because we're in the middle of finishing the rest of this EP (you may have noticed the note when you got the RAR copy--says "part1") We'll be posting the last part soon.
  21. Does anyone remember playing Suikoden 2? Or does anyone remember who Luca Blight was?? Let us refresh your memory: It's our version of Miki Higashino's The Chase from Suikoden 2. The process of rearranging and pretty much revamping the whole song was a "pain-in-the-butt" process. . .and that's just rearranging and/or recomposing it from scratch (i.e the second movement) and it completely drained us for a month (for just one song). The percussive parts were redone 3 times--coz we wanted that "dnb" feel--something we rarely do in our mixes. But I guess it worked out fine for us. . . As for the "music video". . .it's crap really. . .we were focusing more of the "music" aspect than the visualization. . .hehehe, but it's alright. And uhh, it's kinda sounds different when uploaded in youtube. . .it sounds filtered. . .which wasn't like that at all. . .we still have the mp3 copy of it. Lemme know if anyone wants to check it out and lemme know what you guys think about it. Be honest, we can take criticisms very well.
  22. http://www.4shared.com/file/204980120/2ad7be39/HEDEFECT_-_Reinventing_FINAL_F.html HEDEFECT - Reinventing FINAL FANTASY EP (part I) 2010 This is a collection of of Mixes of classic Nobuo Uematsu pieces. If you really want to know why the EP is called reinventing Final Fantasy. . .well you'll just have to get a copy to really find out. I just wanted you guys to have a copy and check it out. Please enjoy!! Here's a demo:
  23. Hi, I'm Low Phi (pronounced lofi) and I work in an underground electronic group from where I live (Phils.) and I represent our group in this forum. So, you'll probably hear some work from my group and also my personal mixes. To know more about our music, just check our myspace and youtube sites sometime: http://www.myspace.com/hedefectnow http://www.youtube.com/user/Rol110587 I specialize in game remixes and mashups (combination of two or more songs into one) and doing remakes of classic games as well. I do well on certain game developers--preferrably in the RPG or 2D Fighting genre. Hope to work and spend a great time in this place!! :mrgreen:
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