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Deryck Khusial

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Everything posted by Deryck Khusial

  1. this owns, pretzel. probably OC's most rhythmic work, it makes me wanna move in all directions simultaneously. but i guess only Dhalsim himself can do that, eh
  2. eat your heart out celine dion. now This is the ultimate love(/dance) song. excellent midbreak
  3. street beat. turn it up cause you need that bass. every time i hear this i drown in r&b goodness. there's a small section around 2:11 that Defines ecstasy. good call on looping it as the fade-out of the song, McV
  4. “psyche, psyche, psyche. signed, Super-Psyche.” an OC-must, none other can rival the amount of energy featured here. you da man Rayza, just wish you'd make more oldschool dance like this. your (original) progressive techno and melodic trancers are great, but daaamn..don’t ya Feel this bassline?
  5. this is superior to the original by far. from fluid and smooth to light and airy, the tempo changes dominate this mix. also liked the use of the animal sounds. if you look hard enough, you can just see yourself in the jungle treetops, lounging around
  6. me fanboy, you Starla <3 <3 <3 but seriously, this mix holds personal significance for me. Starla, were you aware of a song -- Journey’s Faithfully -- when you made this? Circuit Breaker has the exact same lead as that song. it’s uncanny hearing it used in two distinct genres, and yet they Both evoke a feeling of haunt. you have my applause
  7. in 100% agreement. what’s interesting is that recently a Sylver Remix was released for Eva Luna's Tell Me Lies, and the lead for it has a very similar structure to the aforementioned part. it’s cool hearing it used in both the Belgian House and mid-90s Eurodance genres
  8. fact: remixes come and go on this site, but this will Remain my favorite OCR perpetually major props to jivemaster. just about broke down when i'd first gotten this. the way the original Rusty Ruin Zone (crap) got turned into an artistic masterpiece is amazing. could picture myself sinking deeper and deeper into an abyss on every listen. it’s a soothing, melancholic, and uplifting mix all in one, and dammit, it strikes a chord in me whenever i hear it
  9. one of the first OCRs i d/led, this has aged well with time. it’s a good step-up from the original. the cave was one level i hated playing (traps), and the music messed with my mind. Malcos maintains the same cautious air with that sweeping synth present throughout the entire mix, and also turns it into one addictive groove. dig that circus bass
  10. groovilicious. you might as well get Malcos’ Earthworm Jim - Underground mix. it’s strange, but playing these two together just seem Right. they're equivalents. while the Mine steadily progresses, Underground steadily degresses, and it makes for an awesome effect on the ears if you're playing 'em at the same time
  11. a simple dance mix, like much of ffmusicdj's music before his original Winter to Spring track, but every bit as memorable as his newer works. just listen to that Fine bassline throughout the first half of the mix, and let the rhythm take control of you his Final Fantasy VI - Airship mix also makes good use of his old style
  12. standing high atop the embankment, he stares down at the all-encompassing world below him..and changes his mind. the title says it all, this is one Inspirational piece of music
  13. i remember being in a funk one day and playing this for two hours straight. don’t remember why. since then, i’ve used this mix for any day when i feel fucked (a frequent occurrence). i s’pose the reason i can listen to it so often is because its optimism sharply contrasts my bad disposition..
  14. It's a peaceful, relaxing melody, and I listen to both BoF mixes from this site just for contrast. They're equally good.
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