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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Uh, what? MXL 990 is a great mic.

    The brass section sounds really fake. Otherwise, it's a great cover. The intro's kind of weird though (the guitar part especially, the squeal is fine but the stuff before it is kinda not needed)

    Thanks on the feed back! was going for the kirby 64 sound :D


    Uh, what? MXL 990 is a great mic.

    Fine its not that crappy, still...

    I used and borrowed a fair amount of capacitor microphones and dynamic microphones in the past for sampling sounds for mini sample packs and recording rap/sing vocals, and I must say the Mxl 990 Has the harshest high ends and and dullest mids from most of what I tried. Not very mix friendly(imo). However (at least for me) it is good with instruments like violins and trumpets (which it was also advertised for), aggressive vocals,or anything other than distorted amps.

    For this song the mic was mid edge of the cone(slightly of axis with 2" distance from cone) for a nice warm rhythm tone. The lead was centered with 1" from the cone.

    I do get good results with miking guitars with this mic, but having to cut all high end at 15khz...

  2. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-hes-a-ninja

    I have a question, how phoney/fake does the bass guitar in this song sound?

    Im deciding to buy a very cheap bass guitar to use with Di (80-$200 range).

    I am in need of a bass guitar so I can make some better/realistic basslines with slides, slaps and all that good stuff.

    But I also need to know how good the 4front bass vst im using sounds like so I can decide how urgent a bass guitar really is on my list of things to buy.

    Im getting a bit tired of hiding the sound of the bass because of how it sounds.

  3. um, yeah... welcome to OCR! seriously, all of those things are unfortunately inherent to the system here. when you're dealing with thousands and thousands of submissions all the damn time, things get clogged up.

    believe me, every single posted remixer has felt the agonizing wait of the judge's panel. look at it this way: once you DO get posted, it will make it all the sweeter for the wait :D

    again, welcome to OCR and good on you for joining the community.

    This pretty much... Although I really only seriously submitted like 2 or 3 mixes...

  4. Alright y'all, sorry to shut you down. It's not a triangle, it's not osc sync, it's not multiple oscs, it's not a filter sweep. It's one saw going through a slightly resonant LPF. That's it. It has a bit of portamento and vibrato on the modwheel of course. But there's no other filter motion.

    Getting that EXACT tone may be tricky since it is highly dependent on the filter, and every synth (ESPECIALLY analog Moog synths) has a different filter. But I would go with a standard 24db/oct LP, a LITTLE resonance and drive, and then put the cutoff at around 1-2 o'clock. You'll have to tweak it to taste, however that will get you in the ballpark. If your filters don't have a drive option you might want a tiny bit of post-saturation to help emulate the raw sound of an analog synth. Your oscillator should just be a simple saw wave.

    Quick mockup:


    Omnisphere preset:

    Remember, try tweaking resonance, gain, cutoff and filter type to get REALLY close. A little post EQ might not hurt either.

    Kinda what I said, but expanded with pictures! lol this^^^^^^^^

  5. I heard if your posted, you can post albums on community. So hear I go :o

    *Album cover picture is in the works*

    * listening in track order recommended*

    1. Air3s - Winter Local On The 8's

    2. Air3s - Chipotle

    3. Air3s - Codge Dharger

    4. Air3s - RocketShip

    5. Air3s - Sunset Ataraxia

    6. Air3s - The Turbo Button

    7. Air3s - At first I was like (Remastered)

    8. Air3s - Spring

    9. Air3s - I OD On Tracks

    10. Air3s - Random Elevator Music

    11. Air3s - Long Walk

    12. Air3s - Crazy Gadget Toaster Thingy

    *Note some tracks are VERY compressed8)*



  6. Nice to see "the other Ice Cap" getting remixed. I must say that it's a rather interesting take on the original.

    There are some glaring issues I find when listening to this song. Primarily the song has too much going on. Between the chimes and the sound effects and the guitars, it just feels way too busy. Someone more qualified should be able to back me up with this. My suggestion would be to diminish the sound effects as more of instruments are introduced, and increase the presence of the sound effects as the instruments fade.

    There are also points where certain sound effects suddenly jump in without any fade-in whatsoever (the most glaring portion being the waterfall at 1:39). That's just screaming bad production quality.

    Other than that you seem to know about the rest of the issues I noticed. Happy remixing!

    Thanks on the feed back!

    Yes, there is a loud locus bug hum in the middle, I forgot to low the vol on that lol(and other things so it sounds surroundy sound comming from the back).

    That waterfall cut is when the song restarts I think, lol I did not notice that til you mentioned it.

    Now I want to go play Sonic Adventure again. :smile:

    Ok, so it was off to a pretty cool start.

    But I feel it started getting too repetitive (as you noted yourself) and I was just hearing the same thing over and over again. I felt that kick and it was sweet (I honestly love it when the kick is big and loud), but I don't recall ever hearing much of a snare, and I was sort of waiting for that, honestly.

    I think that maybe you should somehow combine this with the part where Sonic's on the snowboard. You know, the rock 'n' roll sounding song. Maybe add in the guitar riff in this remix and like do a solo, and just make it more chill?

    I don't know. There were some really interesting things in this remix, I just feel it's too repetitive, and I felt I was skipping through too much of the song, waiting for something to happen.

    Maybe I will do a edit 2, but not very likely

  7. So I figured out that the hum I get whenever I try and record electric guitars comes from my laptop's power cord. Having learned this, I would just record from my battery, but it's so bad that it can only last a few minutes.

    Just wondering if this plagues anyone else and if there's anything you do to get rid of/minimize it. I know there are things you can buy to eliminate it, but they're expensive...

    I mean you could try a ground lift... nahh.

    Sometimes plugging everything to the same surge protected multi power outlet works for me when I get hum

    maybe your gain is high or your recording near a tv

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